Home » Contra Costa Supervisors To Hear Appeal Of Large Development Near Martinez

Contra Costa Supervisors To Hear Appeal Of Large Development Near Martinez


The Contra Costa Board of Supervisors will hear an appeal of the county planning commission’s approval of a 144-unit residential subdivision, on 78.2 acres just outside Martinez, east of Interstate 680 in the Vine Hill area.

The Bayview Estates Residential Project would consist of detached single-family homes and associated roads on 31.8 acres of the site. It would also include approximately 42 acres of open space, marshes, and undeveloped land, including 20.1 acres of the upper hill area. There would also be a 4.5-acre private neighborhood park.

Central Avenue would be the subdivision’s main access road, though it could also be reached by Palms Drive.

The Contra Costa Board of Supervisors meets at 9 a.m. Tuesday at the board chambers, in the county administration building, 1025 Escobar Street in Martinez.


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Not until the brain trust in Sacramento does something about water storage.

Well……this ought to solve that housing shortage?

Close to the gun club, how long will it be before it’s shut down because of complaints. Personally I’m not interested in living that close to a refinery and freeway, especially for the half million plus they will want.

Nothing is selling for close to half a million around here anymore. $800k and up, up, up.

Bayview Estates doesn’t have enough $$$ to sway the Board.

Besides, once paid, it’s risky for the board to change its collective agreement.

People get suicided doing that.

And the water for all these new homes and residents will come from where, exactly?

Seriously, it’s as if there’s a monkey at the helm!

where is the water coming from for these houses??
how about power?

We have literally millions of illegal aliens poring across the Southern border in the last year thanks to Biden and some here are worried about providing water and power to 144 tax-paying households? lol

Who says that is also not of concern???? It’s a different fight, though.

More traffic for the one way in/out neighborhood.
Will it be HOA? If it was city of Martinez it would be as they haven’t had any new non-HOA construction in 25 years……..yet you still pay the same taxes to the city minus the benefits. Not sure about county though.

After the new residents get the gun club shut down, they’ll begin complaining about the train………..and also the train has to blow horn at the private crossing.

Hey folks, is this going to be near the dump? Wouldn’t want to live there with all the flying rats (seagulls) swooping around.

Will this be a new part of Garbage Gardens?

Co. Co. Supervisors has it occurred to anybody exactly what is the meaning of Quiet Enjoyment ? A fundamental right of each and every resident and citizen in this community. WE expect a prompt response and not an obfuscated residual. I mean come on please !!!! Do yours jobs and not the bidding of elitists.



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