The Antioch City Council on Tuesday will decide whether to delay implementing new restrictions on flavored cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, cigars, and “little” cigars.
Since passing the ordinance last month, the city has heard from retailers asking for a grace period to at least sell out the remainder of their stock, according to a staff report for Tuesday’s meeting. “The city council could institute such a grace period by directing staff to draft an amendment to the ordinance that inserts a grace period prior to the commencement of enforcement activities,” the report says. “The grace period would enable tobacco retailers and businesses to sell their existing inventory and prepare to come into compliance with the new ordinance.
“During the period prior to the passage of the new ordinance, Council can also direct staff to focus on educating the community about the new ordinance, rather than engaging in immediate enforcement.”
The Antioch City Council meets at 7 p.m. at the city council chamber, at 200 H Street in Antioch. The meeting can also be seen at
Smoke’m if ya’ got’em
“Smoke um if you’ve got um!”
Antioch City Council meetings and proposed restrictions that they may vote on are announced well in advance. Smoke shops in the area were quite likely to be well aware that a ban was proposed and likely were watching and perhaps even participating in the meetings where the restrictions were discussed, voted on, and passed.
Smoke shops had plenty of warning to prepare for this event. They don’t need a grace period to continue an activity that the city has outlawed.
You have to be 21 to buy any of these products. Why is the city involving itself in adults conducting commerce?
I’d stay off Highway 4 for a while. You never know how people will react when they can’t get their Newports and Backwoods.
Restricting ecigarettes is unfathomably stupid.
Just anecdotally, and this is the truth, all but one person I’ve known personally who has switched from smoking to vaping nicotine ultimately quit. That one person still vapes nicotine, but doesn’t smoke. We’re talking about 10 people, close friends and family, who smoked cigarettes for many years before making the switch and then ultimately quitting.
The underground black market is so excited more money more money more money. Why are the people who represent us so stupid.