Home » The Water Cooler – One Place You Want To Visit That You’ll Probably Never Visit

The Water Cooler – One Place You Want To Visit That You’ll Probably Never Visit


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


What is one place in the World you’d love to visit that you’ll probably never visit because it’s too dangerous or heavily guarded?

Talk about it….

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Fort Knox…..it would be neat to see all that gold.

Space. I’ve always wanted to be an astronaut.

Jack Benny’s Vault

I think it would be quite an experience to visit McMurdo
station in Antarctica to see what it’s like to be someplace so uninhabited.
Obviously I won’t be going.

The Clinton Foundation Headquarters…

The French Laundry during a pandemic.

I lived in Iran in the 70’s and Im glad we toured the country extensively cause theres no going back .

Id love to travel thru the Afghan Kush mountain Khandahar region but that also will accept no outsider.

I spent 4 weeks in Iran in 1995. Probably more tourist friendly now than then.

I grew up in Iran in the 70’s and am glad we toured the country extensively as theres no going back.

I’d love to travel through the Afghan Kush Kandahar region

Area 51, I want to know what the secrecy is all about.

Playboy Mansion.

LOL I am with you on that. I want to go to the playboy mansion LOL

Neverland ranch

The one in Santa Barbara or the one in Washington D. C.?


Egypt; the pyramids, museums and sphinx.

Heaven …lol

All of Area 51 & Area 52 …… and Mars on a dirt bike 🙂

The White House’s situation room

Africa! Would love to go visit a safari park and go on a safari ride, however I hear you need a lot of shots to go there. I’m not an anti vaccine girl but not interested in getting all those shots right now. Maybe when I’m older. For now, the closest to a safari park is the safari park in Santa Rosa.

Have you visited the Wildlife park in Santa Rosa? I hear is fantastic.


Area 51

Mt. Everest, coming from a mostly flat country l have always been fascinated by mountain. Everest is the mother of all mountains. I have been through the Swiss Alps, seen Mt. Shasta and also Chamonix, breath taking, so l can just imagine how awe
inspiring Everest would be. Due to my age and the cost of getting there l won’t ever go.

The hidden world beneath Kelly Reilly’s panties!

I thought this was a family friendly forum.

It’s OK… I’m a Doctor!

Sam’s war room


One of the Poles, north or south.

I’m getting a little long in the tooth for such a trip.

But it would be nice to stand on one of the magnetic poles.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the North and South Poles are not the same as the magnetic poles.

But it would be cool to go to either.

very good topic I love it because I enjoy traeling.

I like to go to countries that dose not requires much restriction entry for example. visas, documents and shots.

North Korea for sure I will never go there.

I would like to visit the middle eastern countries. I would love to visit but wil probably never get to go are Dubai, Doha, Qatar India, Pakistan, Indonesia, South Africa. Papa new Guinea (My dad been to PNG) I will Eschew Russia, Ukraine I would Like to visit to support the Ukarine. All Over Europe, All over Asia, All over South America. I defintively want to go to Greenland, Ice land, Norway and Finland. More if I can remember

My desire to Couchsurf, Airbnb and Hostelling all over the world.

Prehistory places in South America and Egypt.

I believe the time to visit New York City has passed me by, but that is one place I’ve always wanted to go. I would have been the ultimate tourist.

Concordjet, Hope Claycord won’t publish my earlier post, hit send button too soon. I lived in Iceland, it is beautiful and exciting, getting there from the US is not that hard, it’s a fairly small island, you can see a lot on a 8 to 10 day trip.


Traveling Siberia by train. That probably ain’t happening.

The northern mountains of Iran … that is my family’s ancestral land … Magyari nomads of Asia … and I bet they have no CV nonsense there … And I bet the food is not GMO … and I bet there is no cancer, diabetes, HBP … and I bet the cannabis flowers are to die for … and I bet they have no need for guns … and I bet the women love men … and I bet kids love to play outside …and I bet the food is actually healthy … etc, etc, etc … I think I have made my point. Sigh

Camp David.

I want to see what the government does in their free time while their not plotting money making schemes and dictating foreign countries actions.

Wasn’t sure my answer and then saw someone else say it and now I know: North Korea. Has to be one of the most bizarre experiences in the world and one that you’d only get under this circumstance.

The Moon.

Rio De Jeneiro, Brazil (I missed my chance when I was young and single).


Mount Fuji

The pyramids in Egypt.

A national forest. Mendecino, Trinity, Sierra, Eldorado, Stanislaus, any of them. Never started a fire and left it cleaner than when we arrived. It’s not safe now. Pot growers, meth heads, private property inheritors. All territorial and dangerous. Our national forests are no longer safe from human preditors.

Snake island, Philippines. I have seen videos and it looks amazing. It is this white sand path, which is shape like a snake. It goes in between the crystal clear water. You can walk from one end to the other.

New Zealand, Paris, Tuscany all seem like romantic places I’ve yet to see.
Now have to live vicariously through my oldest son and his wife who are gad abouts. They facetime me from the places they visit. They are currently doing a self walking tour of Paris.

TPC….Have been to stonehenge. The trip in the countryside and seeing the Bathe region was better than actually seeing a bunch of rocks at the site. It was rainy that day…blowing sideways….I literally ran around stonehenge with rhe video camera going so I could show the rest of our group who scurried back to tour bus to keep from drowning. Was wet, cold and miserable.
Have never looked at that video. Check weather forecast before planning any trip to England.


Lived there as well, do try to go there. I’m sure it has changed a lot since I lived there in the mid sixties. Now you can get into the Old City of Jerusalem, back then you couldn’t. However, I think it was a more rural country then and had not been in existence for even 20 years.

Texas. Scary place to most civilized people



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