Home » The Water Cooler – Your Favorite & Least Favorite Vegetable

The Water Cooler – Your Favorite & Least Favorite Vegetable


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


We all have one that we love, and one that we can’t stand. What’s your favorite and least favorite vegetable?

Talk about it….

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Favorite is creamed spinach. Least favorite, all the rest, but I eat them anyway.

Eggplant (“aubergine”) is my favorite. Best when it is oven-roasted along with sliced red onions, bell peppers, zucchini, and sun-dried tomatoes drizzled in olive oil. Least favorite? Alfalfa sprouts.

@Stealthy Mama
That egg plant sounds delish, how is it prepared.

Onions and peppers are good…..the rest you can serve to someone else.

I can’t think of one I don’t like ,that I’ve tried so far. All are great with as a side for a good steak.

My girlfriend name onion she makes me cry!!

Brussels sprouts and cauliflower tie for my least fave. You can point a gun to my head and threaten to shoot me, and I still won’t eat them. The same goes for any canned veggie…YUCK!
I don’t have a fave, but I like corn and artichokes a lot.
It seems this question has been asked before, what happened to all the suggestions that everybody posted for the Water Cooler question? Surly, there must be a few that are worth using.

…same here Dawg for my least 2 favorites… like onion, peppers, corn, and green beans

I, too, had a dislike for Brussels sprouts, until I tried roasting them, which turned them into something entirely delicious. Try roasting in your oven, giving a light coating of olive oil, some salt and pepper, maybe 15 minutes at 300º, giving them a good char, and a creamy center. They may look burned, but the taste is really great. Most restaurants serving “roasted” sprouts don’t roast them enough to enhance the flavor sufficiently, probably to avoid the “burned” look, so the at home method is what works best for me. Damn, I even convinced myself, so off to Safeway for some sprouts.

Thanks for the tip, Old Goat. My daughter tried to convince me that I would like them they way she roasts them. I said to her, “Do you know who Ann Richards is?” She was the governor of Texas in 1992, and her famous quote was, “you can put lipstick on a hog and call it Monique, but it’s still a pig.” Well, that’s how I feel about Brussels sprouts, no matter how they are prepared, they’re still Brussels sprouts.
-Have a happy Easter, Old Goat.

Dawg, Agree with you about canned vegetable, although canned corn eatable, the rest not so much. In fact because my dad was a gardner, I didn’t taste frozen vegetables until I was in my teens. I still cook fresh vegetable with almost every meal, and love to get them from the Farmer’s market.

Favorite: Brussels Sprouts
Least Favorite: Bitter Melon

OOoooo Tough one….

Favorite: Collards

Least: Acorn Squash

I reserve the right to change my answers…..


For your acorn squash, try roasting it with some butter and cinnamon. Really improves the flavor. If cinnamon isn’t your thing, try all spice.

Just can’t get it past my palate, O G

Butter, cinnamon (don’t like allspice), brown sugar, other ways….

If this was a Pick One:

I’d go for “C” Yuck.

Yes to Asparagus and then Green Beans are a close runner up.
No to Red Beets, no matter which way cooked.

Will be feasting on our home grown Favas soon,… YUM!

My wife loves to grill the Asparagus on the BBQ and Green Beans cooked in Bacon grease Roz. I too can’t stand Beets. Oh…and Egg Plant. Yuck!

Oh yeah…. Bacon grease on the green beans was a stable growing up… Still my go to today……..

Yeah…Egg Plant doesn’t sit well with us either.

Well, if I count corn as a grain (so that I can pick something else too), then my favorite would be brussel sprouts (if the gut can take it), and least favorite would be okra, but in general, I love all veggies, always have.

Yellow squash sautéed in butter w/salt and pepper
Roasted broccoli
Roasted brussel sprouts w/olive oil, salt, and pepper
Roasted eggplant w/olive oil, salt, and pepper
Zucchini sautéed in butter w/salt and pepper
Green beans raw
Sugar snap peas raw
Beets, either dehydrated or raw w/thousand island dressing
Corn on the cob, grilled

I really hate Lima Beans.

Tomatoes are probably my favorite.

I like veggies.

Man-O-Man Luv the Lima’s; I know them better as Butter Beans….

Simmered with a ham hawk or made into succotash… I would put them second only to Black Eyes…

I’m glad I kept the right above to change my mind…..

And… I’ll be making up a batch this coming week with the Ham Bone from this Sundays Supper……….


I love tomatoes, and I’m smart enough to know they’re actually fruit, but smart enough to leave them out of fruit salad, and curious enough to find out if a bloody Mary counts as a Fruit Smoothie.

And I hate Brussell’s Sprouts. There is no right way to fix them, so don’t bother wasting time trying to explain it to me.

Jelly Beans with a bottle of Guiness to wash it down….. and I hate okra.

Favorites would be asparagus and artichokes
Least favorite peas and I won’t even consider okra.

I can’t think of a vegetable l don’t like. Is olives considered a vegetable, if so don’t like them. Since my dad was a Gardner and he grew many different vegetables, growing up everything was fresh. My favorite would be the first spring crop of potatoes, they were tiny, firm and melted in your mouth like butter. Tasted devine served with fresh peas, tossed with butter and fresh parsley or dill. Also white asparagus but didn’t like until l got older, they are more bitter than green asparagus. Very hard to grow you have to cover them with earth as they grow so they don’t get exposed to sunlight.

I agree with putting dill weed with steamed vegetables. Especially green beans just lightly steamed with a little butter, dill and a squeeze of lemon….yum. I also like fresh spinach sautéed with a bit of onion and either made into a spinach and goat cheese omelette or made into a spinach sandwich. Its a leftover memory from childhood.
My least favorite is corn unless on the Cobb and any canned vegetables. Especially creamed corn…thats just wrong…..

Hanne, Anything with seeds is a fruit. Olives, eggplant, tomatoes, squash, avocado, cucumbers, berries, etc. are all fruit. Some fruits, like bananas and certain grapes, don’t have seeds because they have been modified.


With those Dilled Green Beans, try browning the butter with sliced almonds in it in a large skillet or even a wok. Then toss your dilled beans with lemon in it….

My mouth is watering just thinking about it…..

Oof… that’s tough. Trying to decide between broccoli and potatoes, for my favourite. I like just about all of the veggibles.

Least favourite? Easy. Sweet potatoes are just awful.



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