Home » California Unveils Proposed Measure To Ban New Gasoline-Fueled Cars

California Unveils Proposed Measure To Ban New Gasoline-Fueled Cars


If enacted this summer, California’s mandate — the first in the world — would increase sales of electric or other zero-emission cars to 35% in 2026, and prohibit new gasoline or diesel cars by 2035.

By Rachel Becker – CalMatters

California’s clean-air regulators on Tuesday unveiled a far-reaching proposal requiring a ramp-up in sales of zero-emission cars, culminating in a ban on new gasoline-powered cars by 2035.

The rules to force Californians to end their dependence on conventional cars are a critical component to California’s goals to tackle climate change and poor air quality.


If adopted by the California Air Resources Board this summer, the regulations would be the first in the world and could pave the way for nationwide standards. At least 15 other states pledged to follow California’s lead on car standards on previous clean-car rules, and the federal government usually follows.

Carrying out a Gov. Gavin Newsom 2020 executive order ordering the board to end the sale of gas-powered cars in California by 2035, the new proposal sets in motion the public regulatory process. Public comments will be collected for 45 days, then a hearing will be held on June 9 and the board is expected to vote in August.

Automakers did not immediately respond to requests for comment about the draft rules. But many major manufacturers, including General Motors, have already announced goals to ramp up clean-car models on a similar timeframe.

“This is a hugely important inflection point. This rule finally, definitively puts us on the path to 100 percent zero-emission vehicles,” said Daniel Sperling, a member of the Air Resources Board and founding director of the University of California, Davis Institute of Transportation Studies.


Vehicles that run on gasoline or diesel fuel are the state’s biggest sources of planet-warming greenhouse gases, smog and dangerous particles. Under the rule proposed today, about 384 million fewer metric tons of greenhouse gases will be emitted between 2026 and 2040, according to air board staff — more than the total amount that the state emitted in 2019 across its economy.

Under the new proposed mandate, 35 percent of new cars, SUVs and small pickups sold in the state will need to be zero-emission starting in 2026, increasing to 68 percent in 2030 and 100 percent in 2035. Of those, 20 percent can be plug-in hybrids.

The rule does not apply to sales of pre-owned cars, and it wouldn’t do anything to force the millions of existing gasoline-powered cars off roads. Only about 2 percent of cars on California’s roads were zero emissions in 2020.

California has already enacted standards that will require roughly 8 percent of new cars sold in the state to be zero emission in 2025, according to air board staff. That goal already has been exceeded: About 12 percent of California’s 2021 new vehicle sales were clean cars, according to state data. But the pace would have to triple in just five years to reach the new target.


One of the biggest roadblocks could be the lack of charging stations for electric cars. Nearly 1.2 million chargers will be needed for the 8 million zero-emission vehicles expected in California by 2030, according to a state report. Right now, there are only about 70,000 with another 123,000 on the way, falling far short.

Another obstacle is the cost of the vehicles. “The cost to manufacturers will be high per vehicle in the early years, but significantly decrease over time by 2035,” the air board’s staff report says.

The economic benefits of the mandate are expected to exceed the costs: The costs could run $289 billion over the lifetime of the rule while the economic benefits could reach at least $338 billion — a net benefit of $48 billion, according to air board staff.

Electric cars now cost more to purchase, but price drops plus savings on gas and maintenance would add up, saving consumers an estimated $3,200 over ten years for a 2026 car and $7,500 for a 2035 car, the air board calculated.


In an effort to address consumer reluctance, manufacturers would be required to meet minimum performance, durability and warranty requirements for zero-emission vehicles. Cars must be able to drive at least 150 miles on a single charge, up from the current 50-mile mandate, and batteries will need to last longer and carry a manufacturer’s warranty.

The goal is to ensure that new and used zero-emission vehicles “can serve as full replacement vehicles for conventional vehicles in every household in California,” the air board says.

Environmental advocates had raised concerns about previous drafts, saying they ramped up too slowly, allowing millions of cars powered by fossil fuels to remain on the roads since the average car is driven for 12 years.

Starting at a sales requirement of 35 percent is “a marked improvement,” said Don Anair, research and deputy director of the Union of Concerned Scientists’ clean transportation program. Still, he said, “It’s kind of the bare minimum. So we really see that as a floor, not a ceiling, to get started.”

Car manufacturers may meet a small portion of the sales targets through 2031 with credits aimed at helping low-income residents who are disproportionately harmed by pollution. For instance, they could earn credits for selling less-expensive new zero-emission cars costing less than $20,000 or ensure that vehicles are offered up for resale in the state.

Last year Newsom approved a $3.9 zero-emission vehicle budget that included about $1.2 billion to bolster rebates and other clean-car incentives, particularly for low-income and disadvantaged communities. Another $300 million will go toward building charging and fueling infrastructure. This year Newsom proposed another $10 billion zero-emission funding package in his January budget blueprint.

The state auditor has warned the Air Resources Board, however, that it “has generally not determined the effects its incentive programs have on consumers’ behavior and thus, has overstated (greenhouse gas) emissions reductions its incentive programs achieve.”

While battery-powered cars emit no pollutants, the generation of the power that runs them does. However, air-quality regulators say emissions from electricity generation are far lower than from vehicles. Much of California’s electricity comes from natural gas, solar, wind and hydropower.

Other nations are on similar paths toward phasing out fossil fuel-powered vehicles, but no state or nation has adopted a rule that bans them. However, the European Union is considering a large package of climate change laws that would, in effect, prohibit fossil fuel cars by requiring a 100 percent cut in all carbon dioxide emissions by 2035.

Washington state’s Legislature also recently passed a transportation bill that set a goal that all cars sold, purchased or registered in the state by 2030 be electric vehicles. But it’s not an enforceable regulation like California’s would be if enacted this summer.

California’s proposal comes as gas prices soar to more than $5 per gallon in the state. Critics say the Newsom administration is sending mixed messages about gasoline-powered cars by proposing rebates for car owners.

The zero-emission vehicle proposal will require approval of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for implementation. Since the 1960s, the state has led the country in cleaning up the exhaust that creates California’s choking smog. The federal Clean Air Act gave California authority to set its own tailpipe emissions standards.

The Trump administration acted to eliminate that authority but President Joe Biden’s EPA overturned the decision in March. Newsom called it “a major victory for the environment, our economy, and the health of families across the country” and said the state “looks forward to partnering with the Biden Administration to make a zero-emission future a reality for all Americans.”

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It would be a major victory for China, the main supplier of the precious metals used in the batteries.

In reality the main component of new batteries is lithium. A battery in Tesla model S has something like 150 pounds of it. And although China has lithium mines, it is currently experiencing a lithium deficit (being the largest producer of Li batteries), so it is currently importing a lot of lithium.
There are plans to open new lithium mines in NV, CA, AR and NC. But for one reason or another, environmentalists are fighting all of them. So we’ll continue to get most of our lithium from South America and Australia. Not China.

Last year Newsom approved a $3.9 zero-emission vehicle budget that included about $1.2 billion to bolster rebates and other clean-car incentives, particularly for low-income and disadvantaged communities. — Sure that will do it, cause poor people are always buying new cars.

…”saving consumers an estimated $3,200 over ten years for a 2026 car and $7,500 for a 2035 car, the air board calculated. — obvious the air board doesn’t do math/logic well. Wow, $320 a year in savings, with that logic we would all be buying new gas cars with better MPG, has that happened??? No. Duh

In one word: Stupid!

It looks like it’s time to leave California for a place where sanity prevails.

Yes. They still blow gas into your home with leafblowing, but want electric cars. Raising gas prices to frustrate and anger people into buying electric cars.
Gavin thinks his big limo doen’t pollute the air?.

I am waiting for our state to do one thing correctly. If they are not wasting money they are putting the cart in front of the horse. Why not try to get enough reliable power before you create the need.

Please vote for Michael Shellenberger this november.


While better than Newsom he has a few strange ideas. However in California nothing better would get elected. To me he would be like electing Adams in New York City. Not quite there yet.

The idiots running this state are so out of touch with reality. Where’s all the replacement energy going to come from? This state produced less renewable energy last year than the previous year. Hybrid cars are the next step.

Electric cars are horrible for the environment. Stop buying the lie.

PG&E shuts off power when too many people use their air conditioners and they expect to have everyone switch to electric cars?
There’s a whole bunch of career politicians that need to be un-elected pronto.

Never vote for an incumbent.

So, California is going to save the World from “planet-warming greenhouse gases’? While India, China, and Russia do…..what? Sounds pointless and going to cause hard ship to many people.



NEVER put all your eggs into one basket.

When will people learn?


where is the electricity going to come from?


what are they going to do with all those batteries that can’t be recycled?

Same old saloney.

Shortsighted as usual. I highly suspect they never discussed the cons of this. They’re pretty much air-heads and alarmist.

Now I see I may have to find gas stations selling gas with 10% or less of ethanol or they’ll be ruining my 24 year old Subaru’s engine. The only zero emission vehicles would be human legs however they want us to run on vegetable protein sources and beans might be a problem. 😄

Why don’t they tell us how much air pollution this is supposed to save compared to the massive number of new coal fired power plants being built both in China and by China in other countries? I think I know the answer but it would be fun to know.

Meanwhile I have $3.50/gal gas (and people here complain because it costs too much).

If Gavin announces a 5-Year Plan for the California economy, be very scared!

You have to love these idiots, the same time there forcing you to go electric they are forcing pg&e to shut down Diablo canyon. According to pg&es website it provides 44% of there power. I have heard nothing about how they expect to replace that 44%.

The plant has two Westinghouse-designed 4-loop pressurized-water nuclear reactors operated by Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E). Together, the twin 1100 MWe reactors produce about 18,000 GW·h of electricity annually (8.6% of total California generation and 23% of carbon-free generation.

I think every house will have a windmill, solar panels, and a huge battery. These are the most rudderless times in US History. I find it hard to believe we have gotten this dumb. It is like Never Never Land.

Heck NOOOO, It used to be the United States Of America, as an American I should have the freedom of choice,

The idiots in California running the woke greenie state and the fools in DC better wake up. They have no solutions to transition. What happens when the grid goes down for electricity, there is a drought no water-hyro electricity.

Get your horses and wagons saddled up folks.

I want my concealed carry approved and I want my freedoms back. I have common sense and am sick and tired of being told what to do. I want my life to have some sembleance of normalcy and I do not want my hard earned money being redistributed to the lazy people who do not want to work and come to this country and suck off of the rest of us.

Is that clear enough!

Come on man!
You think things are expensive know just wait.
You will need more than a few D size batteries to power your
EV which requires a much larger battery.
Just wait till we are mandated to have only solar power for our
Come on man !

Once again Mark Twain nailed it with this quote: “Politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed often, and for the same reasons.” At this point in time, I think California should just become an Alice in Wonderland theme park,

+1 love it ….. I think the time is getting close to bail on this state.. it’s beyond ridiculous now..

Totally agree about the needed diaper change quote! We aleady have the Mad Hatter in charge, anyway.

Love the Twain quote, very true! It is definitely time to vacate this cesspool of a State. Too bad, it was a decent place years ago, but that ship has sailed…

Hey we may not like this. But the possibility of cleaner air is real. Another thing to consider, current oil reserves are estimated to run out by 2050. There will be no more internal combustion engines, in our children’s lifetime. Yes the power grid isn’t ready but it’s going to have to be, and soon. Embrace the future. Adapt, or perish.

In 1972 a group of experts called the Club of Rome predicted the world would run out of oil by 1990.

@4Cs: I’ve read a couple of articles that estimated that there’s enough oil and gas under the United States to last 300 more years. That 2050 estimates is BS just like Al Gore’s estimates of when the Polar Ice Caps would disappear! Climate change has been going on for Millions/Billions of years and we can’t shouldn’t try to change it.

The people in power want us to be 100% dependent on them for everything in our lives. Having gas-powered vehicles takes away their ability to control our travel. They want us stuck in “smart cities,” (aka under 24/7 surveillance) unable to leave. It sounds tinfoil hat, but look up Klaus Schwab’s The Great Reset.

Any proposal from the government ends up:
-costs way more than expected
-doesn’t complete the project on time
-doesn’t do what it was intended to do.

Spoken like someone with common sense .

FOREST FIRES, “the state’s biggest sources of planet-warming greenhouse gases, smog and dangerous particles.”

Just remember to power down between 4 and 9 PM

This is just pure stupidity. What about the people who own or will own campers they have to tow. I doubt they will have a tow vehicle that will be able to handle towing a camper any distance at all. But I bet PG&E is pushing hard for this. More money in there already deep pockets.

I’ve typically voted for the democratic party but its becoming quite hard nowadays! I’m all for electric but is the electricity gonna come from thin air? We already have rolling blackouts during the summer but I’m sure Mr. Newsom’s neighborhood doesn’t get affected by that! All I’m saying is have the supply before creating the demand! At this rate we will have both high electricity and gas prices from all the refineries that would exit the state.

With all the new high-rise buildings going up in various cities, how many are mandated to have an electric charging station for each parking spot? What about all the apartment buildings around, this is where many of the disadvantage live. Shouldn’t the state start mandating that all these owners install charging stations for each parking spot? If the tenants own a EV, how are they going to get it charged?
I think they should move up the deadline because 2035 is too late. Everything should be done in the next two years so Newsom can take credit. Let’s get this ball rolling!!!

I would never buy an electric car. No matter if people paid me to do to. I am happy with my suv . Nobody can force us to do it. That are not our parents nor the governor of the state can tell us what to do

In short. It will never happen Period

California wants all of us to get electric vehicles that we must charge up to drive them. Then they want us to get rid of all our natural gas appliances. Things like water heaters, clothes dryers, gas ranges, HVAC systems and they want them all to run on electricity or rainbows & unicorns or something.
Putting the cart before the horse is nothing new to the people that run this state. Don’t think for a minute that this will save us money.
Also wait until you have to replace the battery in the glorified golf cart. It will cost about 1/2 the price of a new car. Used electric vehicles will not hold their value like gasoline powered vehicles.

How do we do this and power down between 4 and 9 PM

If petroleum powered cars go bye-bye, as the Dumbocrat liberals want, we could all just ride unicorns.

In the past year our Government has artificially restricted US oil and gas production approximately 40%. At the same time it has increased our purchasing of Russian oil by 40%…yeah, I know, doesn’t seem to make any sense. Two years ago the US was petroleum independent for the first time in decades. Yes, the goal of 100% “clean energy” is noble, but it has to be balanced with economic reality and US security.

The below article, with 2021 update by the USGS at the end, should give Americans a sense of comfort, but only if there is a correction to the Government’s current energy policies.
About 6 months ago, there was a news program on oil and one of The Forbes Bros. was the guest. The host said to Forbes, “I am going to ask you a direct question and I would like a direct answer; how much oil does the U.S. Have in the ground?” Forbes did not miss a beat, he said, “More than all the Middle East put Together.”

The U.S. Geological Service issued a report in April 2008 that only Scientists and oil men knew was coming, but man was it big. It was a revised report (hadn’t been updated since 1995) on how much oil was in this area of the western 2/3 of North Dakota, western South Dakota, and Extreme eastern Montana.

Check THIS out:

The Bakken is the largest domestic oil discovery since Alaska’s Prudhoe Bay and has the potential to eliminate all American dependence on foreign oil. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at 503 billion barrels. Even if just 10% of the oil is recoverable (5 Billion barrels), at $107 a barrel, we’re looking at a resource base worth more than $5.3 trillion. “When I first briefed legislators on this, you could practically see their Jaws hit the floor.

They had no idea.” says Terry Johnson, the Montana Legislature’s financial analyzer. “This sizable find is now the highest-producing onshore oil field found in the past 56 years,” reports The Pittsburgh Post Gazette.

It’s a formation known as the Williston Basin but is more commonly referred to as the ‘Bakken.’ It stretches from Northern Montana, through North Dakota and into Canada. For years, U.S. Oil exploration has been considered a dead end. Even the ‘Big Oil’ companies gave up searching for major oil wells decades ago.

However, a recent technological breakthrough has opened up the Bakken’s Massive reserves, And, we now have access of up to 500 billion barrels. And because this is Light, sweet oil, those billions of barrels will cost Americans just $16 PER BARREL!!!!! That’s enough crude to fully fuel the American economy for 2041 years Straight. And if THAT didn’t throw you on the floor, then this next one should – Because it’s from 2006 !!!!!!

U.S. Oil Discovery – Largest Reserve in the World Stansberry Report Online – 4/20/2006. Hidden 1,000 feet beneath the surface of the Rocky Mountains lies the Largest untapped oil reserve in the world. It is more than 2 TRILLION barrels. On August 8, 2005 President Bush Mandated its extraction. In many recent years of high oil prices none has been extracted. With this mother lode of oil why are we still fighting over off-shore Drilling?

They reported this stunning news: We have more oil inside our borders, than all the other proven reserves on Earth.

Here are the official estimates:

8 times as much oil as Saudi Arabia

18 times as much oil as Iraq

21 times as much oil as Kuwait

22 times as much oil as Iran

500 times as much oil as Yemen

And it’s all right here in the Western United States !!!!!!

HOW can this BE? HOW can we NOT BE extracting this? Because the Environmentalists and others have blocked all efforts to help America become Independent of foreign oil! Again, we are letting a small group of people Dictate our lives and our economy. WHY?

James Bartis, lead researcher with the study says we’ve got more oil in this very compact area than the entire Middle East, more than 2 TRILLION barrels Untapped. That’s more than all the proven oil reserves of crude oil in the World today, reports The Denver Post.

Don’t think ‘OPEC’ will drop its price even with this find? Think again! It’s all about the competitive marketplace, it has to. Think OPEC just might be funding the environmentalists?

Got your attention yet? Now, while you’re thinking about it, do this:

Pass this along. If you don’t take a little time to do this, then you should stifle yourself the next time you complain about gas prices, by doing NOTHING, you forfeit your right to complain.

Now I just wonder what would happen in this country if every one of you sent this to everyone in your address book.

By the way, this can be verified. Check it out at the link below !!!!!!

USGS Releases Oil and Gas Assessment for the Bakken and Three Forks Formations of Montana and North Dakota | U.S. Geological Survey [usgs.gov]

@Pappy: +1000!! I told you so! Let’s hope all the folks that read your post will copy it and send it around to all their email buddies and any “greenies” they know. I know I will !!

Another push to get people to leave the state.
If you drive folks out more whose going to support, pay taxes? The homeless? The illegals,… er, the irregulars I mean….
Bobsledding California to nothing…
Hope he has electric tractors and such for his vineyards… oh, there is an exception for that maybe?

Uh … Hello … 1960 is on the phone … Says it wants it’s idea back … !!!

We’ve had about a 40 year reserve for abut the last 100 years. As technology improves, we are able to discover more oil and we can access oil that we couldn’t before due to improved methods.

We need more engineers and scientists in government and fewer lawyers.

This is such a flawed concept. Just last summer, the Governor asked electric car owners not to charge them on certain days due to the heat causing a stress on the state’s electric grid due to all of the air conditioners running. How does he expect us to make it when even more electric vehicles are needing to be charged?

Same old Newsom, “We here in California are once again leading the nation in blah blah blah blah”. Whatever Gav……….

To quote Kevin Kiley:
“California is not a model for the nation, it’s a warning to the nation”.

In this proposal the cart isn’t just ahead of the horse, it’s hundreds of miles ahead. In fact the horse will have long died before it catches the cart, which will have stopped due to lack of electricity………

Meanwhile Newsom spends money on his Merced to Bakersfield Diesel Train which last I checked is fossil fueled. Let’s face it, the guy is delusional.

Which is your choice? Why?
Wind farms vs. oil powered –

So hollow- ill just buy a brand new truck in 2034 either in CA or in different state. By then Ill be nearly 70 so that should be enough to get me thru last 25 yrs of driving.

Providing I even stay in this state.

By then there might be only a few gas stations authorized by the government so hopefully your closest station is not in Sacramento. In Oregon you are not even “allowed” to pump your own gas.

Bottom line they are trying to destroy the world we live in. anybody with common sense knows none of this will work at this time in our world. idiots abound everywhere. just keep sticking your heads in the sand Dumb Fs. who vote for D.F. party !

Unicorns were selectively bred to reduce & eventually eliminate the single horn on the head because whenever they bucked and threw their heads back they would impale the rider.
This talk of riding unicorns is impractical & dangerous.
It is not a solution.
Riding cheetahs (like they did in Harold & Kumar go to White Castle) would be much more practical & faster.

They should be making watered powered cars. That electric junk is a century old. It’s all about the money!!!

At this point, the old “We have met the enemy, and it is us.” truism comes into clear focus. Why blame the politicians, when they were voted into office by their victims, er I mean constituents?

When your EV battery runs out of juice, how far are you prepared to walk to get that bucket of electricity?

Mandates by stupid f***ing politicians elected by stupid f***ing democrats.

Obviously democrats have no idea about financial accountability – or ethics, for that matter.



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