Was at the Martinez harbor yesterday and a lot of the debris from the fire floated there. Ashes to large pieces of wood.
April 11, 2022 - 10:43 AM 10:43 AM
LoL. Please make the idiocy stop. Pay attention who is covering for the biden administration failures. Any excuse to push the agenda and cover. These are the democrat minions we are looking to point out…then throw out.
I would not be even slightly surprised to see a late afternoon briefing from the White House saying this fire is yet more evidence that strict gun legislation is needed, especially on ghost guns. Biden thinks the Ukraine is why we need open borders here and windmills off the California coast to save polar bears.
Agreed, Sam! Throw everything into the ‘dumpster fire’ that is our inflation created by this administration. No pun intended…
Original G
April 11, 2022 - 11:19 AM 11:19 AM
CA is a “fuel island”.
“… a location that does not receive any fuel through interstate pipelines, according to Kevin Slagle, vice president of strategic communications at the Western States Petroleum Association. The state’s fuel supplies are either produced in-state or shipped by ship or truck, costlier methods that are passed onto consumers.
In-state production covers about 30 percent of the state’s fuel needs, Slagle said. “The other 70 percent or so is imported from around the world, some from Alaska, but really mostly from the Middle East, Ecuador, countries like that…”
ktla https://tinyurl.com/2s3bv89f
Hmm, . . . you were already paying your hard earned dollars so CA can import crude oil by rail and on ships instead of getting it cheaply using pipelines like other states.
‘California Transportation of Petroleum’ (This is GOOD ! look at page 30)
California Energy Commission 2015 https://tinyurl.com/ad7ts7sj
There are pipelines carrying finished petroleum products to other states.
Additional, petroleum coke used to be used in five bay area Peaker Power Plants which were used during summer peak demand periods to prevent brown outs.
” CPC affiliate GWF Power Systems Co. Inc, Walnut Creek, Calif., owns and operates the five Contra Costa County, Calif., independent power plants that will produce a combined 98,500 kw of power.
Of that, net electricity produced for sale to Pacific Gas & Electric Co. will total about 89,000 kw.
The five are within a 7 mile radius of one another. They burn petroleum coke that’s supplied by Exxon Corp.’s 128,000 b/d Benecia, Calif., refinery, and Tosco Corp.’s 126,000 b/d Martinez, Calif., refinery.” https://tinyurl.com/442nk57s
“Pacific Gas & Electric wants to close five older, higher-polluting power plants in East Contra Costa as part of a statewide public utilities drive to make the power grid cleaner.
Two of the plants are in Pittsburg, two are in Antioch and one is in Bay Point. The plants are, on average, about 20 years old and operate by burning petroleum coke, a byproduct of oil refining.” …
“An environmental activist who follows the power industry said he supports retiring the coke-fired plants but still thinks that PG&E has more than enough fossil-fuel capacity in the Bay Area.
“PG&E needs to get rid of these old stinkers and nuclear power,” said Michael Boyd, president of Californians For Renewable Energy, which is based in Soquel. “We can increase capacity by requiring PG&E to buy solar and other renewable energy from small producers, not just from plants with 20 megawatts and above.” ”
ebtimes https://tinyurl.com/mrx7b9ad
April 11, 2022 - 12:08 PM 12:08 PM
NON of the power plants in California burn Pet Coke! They have not for years. All Pet Coke generated by Bay Area refineries is exported to Asia to produce steel and power.
Almost like a certain deep state has been making deals against our best interests for decades. We are literally working to industrialize china. And paying out the other end to de-industrialize the US. Hope your new iphone and walmart was worth it. But don’t worry, we have green bike lanes all over california. Or buy an electric car and pay the toll roads… You voted for this agenda, not me 🤣🤣🤣😢
RoseLane is correct. my good buddie used to haul Pet Coke in a set of bottom dumps every night from Hercules to the ship yard in Pittsburg where it was dumped into a hole in the ground with a huge conveyor belt that moved it uphill to be dumped into the enormous ships that were docked there that then took the coke to Japan for their steel mills.
I rode with him many times and it was very interesting! That Pet Coke is some dirty stuff!
You are correct Peaker Plants are gone. Eliminated without dependable equivalent replacement generation capacity, being built. Yet peak demand period 4 – 9 pm continues to grow at time of day when solar dwindles off to zero. Short term knee jerk fix is to allow electricity used from 4 – 9 pm to be billed at higher rates, further gouging Californians.
April 11, 2022 - 4:27 PM 4:27 PM
Fossil fuel is a LIE. Oil is produced by the Earth. Nothing to do with “dinosaurs”.
This is the Abiotic oil theory,
Within the mantle of Earth, carbon has the potential of existing as hydrocarbons. It is usually found as methane, but CO2, elemental carbon, or carbonates are also possible. Within the abiotic oil theory, it is suggested that petroleum can be generated within the mantle based on abiogenic processes that incorporate this carbon.
Was at the Martinez harbor yesterday and a lot of the debris from the fire floated there. Ashes to large pieces of wood.
LoL. Please make the idiocy stop. Pay attention who is covering for the biden administration failures. Any excuse to push the agenda and cover. These are the democrat minions we are looking to point out…then throw out.
I would not be even slightly surprised to see a late afternoon briefing from the White House saying this fire is yet more evidence that strict gun legislation is needed, especially on ghost guns. Biden thinks the Ukraine is why we need open borders here and windmills off the California coast to save polar bears.
Agreed, Sam! Throw everything into the ‘dumpster fire’ that is our inflation created by this administration. No pun intended…
CA is a “fuel island”.
“… a location that does not receive any fuel through interstate pipelines, according to Kevin Slagle, vice president of strategic communications at the Western States Petroleum Association. The state’s fuel supplies are either produced in-state or shipped by ship or truck, costlier methods that are passed onto consumers.
In-state production covers about 30 percent of the state’s fuel needs, Slagle said. “The other 70 percent or so is imported from around the world, some from Alaska, but really mostly from the Middle East, Ecuador, countries like that…”
ktla https://tinyurl.com/2s3bv89f
‘Foreign Sources of Crude Oil Imports to California 2020″
energy dot ca dot gov https://tinyurl.com/mv7jhras
California ‘Crude Oil Imports By Rail 2021’
energy dot ca dot gov https://tinyurl.com/48ch4xu3
Hmm, . . . you were already paying your hard earned dollars so CA can import crude oil by rail and on ships instead of getting it cheaply using pipelines like other states.
‘California Transportation of Petroleum’ (This is GOOD ! look at page 30)
California Energy Commission 2015 https://tinyurl.com/ad7ts7sj
There are pipelines carrying finished petroleum products to other states.
There are NO crude oil pipelines into California
Additional, petroleum coke used to be used in five bay area Peaker Power Plants which were used during summer peak demand periods to prevent brown outs.
” CPC affiliate GWF Power Systems Co. Inc, Walnut Creek, Calif., owns and operates the five Contra Costa County, Calif., independent power plants that will produce a combined 98,500 kw of power.
Of that, net electricity produced for sale to Pacific Gas & Electric Co. will total about 89,000 kw.
The five are within a 7 mile radius of one another. They burn petroleum coke that’s supplied by Exxon Corp.’s 128,000 b/d Benecia, Calif., refinery, and Tosco Corp.’s 126,000 b/d Martinez, Calif., refinery.”
“Pacific Gas & Electric wants to close five older, higher-polluting power plants in East Contra Costa as part of a statewide public utilities drive to make the power grid cleaner.
Two of the plants are in Pittsburg, two are in Antioch and one is in Bay Point. The plants are, on average, about 20 years old and operate by burning petroleum coke, a byproduct of oil refining.” …
“An environmental activist who follows the power industry said he supports retiring the coke-fired plants but still thinks that PG&E has more than enough fossil-fuel capacity in the Bay Area.
“PG&E needs to get rid of these old stinkers and nuclear power,” said Michael Boyd, president of Californians For Renewable Energy, which is based in Soquel. “We can increase capacity by requiring PG&E to buy solar and other renewable energy from small producers, not just from plants with 20 megawatts and above.” ”
ebtimes https://tinyurl.com/mrx7b9ad
NON of the power plants in California burn Pet Coke! They have not for years. All Pet Coke generated by Bay Area refineries is exported to Asia to produce steel and power.
THIS 100%
Almost like a certain deep state has been making deals against our best interests for decades. We are literally working to industrialize china. And paying out the other end to de-industrialize the US. Hope your new iphone and walmart was worth it. But don’t worry, we have green bike lanes all over california. Or buy an electric car and pay the toll roads… You voted for this agenda, not me 🤣🤣🤣😢
RoseLane is correct. my good buddie used to haul Pet Coke in a set of bottom dumps every night from Hercules to the ship yard in Pittsburg where it was dumped into a hole in the ground with a huge conveyor belt that moved it uphill to be dumped into the enormous ships that were docked there that then took the coke to Japan for their steel mills.
I rode with him many times and it was very interesting! That Pet Coke is some dirty stuff!
You are correct Peaker Plants are gone. Eliminated without dependable equivalent replacement generation capacity, being built. Yet peak demand period 4 – 9 pm continues to grow at time of day when solar dwindles off to zero. Short term knee jerk fix is to allow electricity used from 4 – 9 pm to be billed at higher rates, further gouging Californians.
Fossil fuel is a LIE. Oil is produced by the Earth. Nothing to do with “dinosaurs”.
This is the Abiotic oil theory,
Within the mantle of Earth, carbon has the potential of existing as hydrocarbons. It is usually found as methane, but CO2, elemental carbon, or carbonates are also possible. Within the abiotic oil theory, it is suggested that petroleum can be generated within the mantle based on abiogenic processes that incorporate this carbon.
Definitely not dead dinosaurs. What a stupid narrative they used on us about oil. Just like most of the narratives about history.
Next we will discover the earth is flat and that dinosaurs and space was made up to discredit God.
I would be very surprised if this re-build does not take 10+ years, if at all, it takes 3-5 years for the permitting process to put in one piling