Home » CPUC Expands Efforts To Diversify Utility Suppliers, Sets Goals For LGBTQ Business Procurement

CPUC Expands Efforts To Diversify Utility Suppliers, Sets Goals For LGBTQ Business Procurement


The state’s public utility regulator announced Thursday that it expanded efforts to diversify its energy, telephone and water suppliers, adding businesses owned by disabled people and setting goals for suppliers owned by LGBTQ people.

The California Public Utility Commission’s Supplier Diversity Program has led to the agency procuring more than 30 percent of its utility supply from businesses owned by women, people of color, veterans and LGBTQ people.

The commission voted unanimously Thursday to add businesses owned by people with disabilities to the program as well as public sector utility providers and electric service providers.

The commission also voted to set specific goals of LGBTQ-owned businesses, increasing from 0.5 percent of procurement this year to 1.5 percent by 2024.


CPUC staff plan to conduct outreach in the coming months to utility-providing businesses owned by LGBTQ people to encourage their participation in the Supplier Diversity Program.

“The revisions to our Supplier Diversity Program reflect the ongoing changes to the electric retail provider landscape to ensure that we evolve with the changes to California’s utility sector and a clean energy future,” CPUC President Alice Busching Reynolds said in a statement.

Utilities and other businesses included in the program will also be required to report on the diversity of their workforces and governing boards, according to the CPUC.

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What the actual (your choice) did I just read?

The CPUC will prioritize sexual orientation over quality of service when selecting its suppliers.

Since the taxpayer is the ultimate customer, we pay for it in more ways than one.

It would be impossible for the CPUC to sacrifice ‘quality of service’, because they have never provided any, in the first place.

And this is going to bring us more dependable electricity?
Oh I tell you, we’ve got to vote out of all the Democrats. They’ve gone crazy!
Things are crumbling at home and in the world and this is all they’re worried about.

When I saw the headline, I thought it meant getting more suppliers for utilities, not finding suppliers who are LGBTQ, women owned, different colored, etc. Because we surely need more suppliers. Maybe if we had more suppliers for electricity, we wouldn’t be having blackouts, and maybe the prices would go down. I’m was sadly incorrect.

@Yves Harlowe….”…we wouldn’t be having blackouts…”…How systemically racist is that? geez

Evidence that the clowns are running the circus.

All government is theft.

Woke yet?

Corrupt People for Unbalanced California (CPUC) pushing their inane policies. California is self destructing day by day!

I dont care who makes what or owns what i just want the best for my buck anmd when I goto the dentist I want the best dentist and when I goto the hospital I want the best doctor. I dont care what color they are or if its even an alien from outterspace if that is the best thats who I want.

What happened to hiring the best of the best or choosing a place to eat because the food is the best around, since when do we choose banality in the form of this so called diversity agenda.

Same with colleges if you let anyone in they will just go for the college experience but if you charge thousands to even get in the door only the ones who are serious about graduating and studying hard will fork up the money or go into debt and pay off over time.

^^^Exactly!!! Why would a person excel when they could be mediocre and just claim a special ‘identity’ and win? Lia Thomas anyone? Rachel Dolezal?

Whatever happened to becoming the best because this nation will reward those who are the best in their field?

Nope! Become an “identity” and be rewarded.


Only the citizens can change the government.

Personally, I believe this government needs to be abolished.

It’s too complex.

There are no controls.

Corruption is rampant.

Time to start over.

Keep it simple so that even Joe Biden could manage it.

When government start doing things based on ideology rather than practicality, it is probably a sure sign of the collapse of society.

What a load of Bovine Excrement………putting people in charge that can’t seem to figure out what bathroom to use and expect positive results? :Pulleeze..
Bring back common sense.

all those disabled person owned and all those lgbtwlmnopqrs businesses not getting a fair shake….is this a SNL skit….more time, money, and people’s health wasted on abdolite inane things

If it is good enough for the Supreme Court it should be good for everything.
Let me know when nothing works anymore.

I’m waiting for this to happen in professional football, baseball and basketball. I guess it won’t though, (on the playing field) because they choose their players based on merit/performance.

And speaking of diversity, I look forward to males identifying as females participating in the Walnut Creek Aquanuts. Knock. Knock. 🤣🤣🤣

This has already been happening in other branches in California.

I know a few equipment vendors that have businesses focused on supplying the military and they are quite frustrated. The bids go out, the minority owned business working out of their home garage (without industry knowledge, they are just professional bidders) are awarded the bid. The equipment shows up, not to bid specifications, substandard quality, not osha compliant, incomplete, and without installation. The equipment sits in a warehouse corner until whoever put in the requisition has long transferred out. Soon the equipment ends up in the dumpster.
The next guy in charge sees the need for similar equipment, can’t understand why it was never ordered, and the process starts over……..

How long before California starts strongarming homeowners to use only minority owned services? It’s around the corner……

99% of Americans should NOT have to adjust their morals to accommodate 1% of the population.


Well said.
The only reason all the LGBTQ stuff is happening is for recruiting purposes. They can’t grow their gene pool fast enough genetically, so they have to rely on environmental stimulus to convert the vulnerable. Cha-Ching!
It’s only about money, and anyone who doesn’t understand that is simply giving themselves a mental nose job. Look at all the George Floyd stuff; they dropped him like a hot potato once they had milked the politics. The same will happen to the LGBTQ people. It’s quite sad really.


Oh my goodness you are so right!

This is just absolutely getting further and further out of control everyday.

Love theses programs, SF decided they would only buy from companies that gave domestic partner benefits. So we would order parts some guy working at home, no employees would order from the same people we would of and charge 10% more. The stupidvisors where so proud of there program.

I worked on a construction project that had the same requirements. A black chiropractor bought a small concrete company that had latino and white employees, not one black guy, and that company was awarded the project.

Wow! Talk about getting it in the *ss. Twice.

CPUC is a feckless and corrupt California government bureaucracy.
They are merely striving to make themselves look and feel important and valuable.

What it really boils down to is that it’s just another convoluted form of California liberal government welfare and entitlement.
And in the end, taxpayers pay for it all; and the soulless politicians get richer.

The liberals jumping on board with all things queer and trans probably do not even see the deeper hidden agendas, population control, and grooming of society about pedophilia.
Am I the only one that sees this???

“setting goals for suppliers owned by LGBTQ people”

“Utilities and other businesses included in the program will also be required to report on the diversity of their workforces and governing boards, according to the CPUC.”

That just seems Orwellian. Not just the state literally wanting to know, but them also having businesses asking their employees about this stuff.

If it weren’t couched in terms of promoting diversity, or better yet, if this were a requirement from a conservative state, the corporate press would be claiming that it was some attempt at genocide or something about knowing who to target.

Why can’t we all just be professionals in business and neither know nor care about people’s private lives.

The complaint used to be that the right wants government to be just small enough to fit in your bedroom; but, now the culture has shifted so far that we have government programs requiring reporting this info to the state via your employers.

bahahhaha this is what you democrat voters wanted

Does that mean rates will increase to pay the 900 a month to all transgenders that California wants to give them, study being done now.

@Just saying…..$900 a month….and what do you have to do to be considered a “transexual”? Like, can you show up somewhere for a hour or two in a wig, falsies and a dress and get the money?….asking for a friend….no, really.

This state is run by idiots

Just think higher utility bills.

So glad to be moving to Florida! Go DeSantis!

If Stacey Abrams wins as Georgia governor in the Fall you will be wedged between two communist states, Georgia and Cuba. Better up your defense spending.

Q’s: Has the CPUC ever turned down a utility’s request for a rate hike? 😉 Will they turn down the next request IF the utility is less “gay” “brown” “tall” “short” “he/she/it” “undetermined” “hasn’t decided” “old” “young” “fake-blonde” “bilingual” “nose-ringed” than the whiners think their “numbers” should be?
ffs, ~~~ Can we count on it? Is that a promise?

Ah, yes! I work at one of these “woke” utilities. Notice how “law makers” are targeting utilities rather than Free corporations…….where people can choose to go elsewhere with their business.

Anyways, one of the uniform suppliers we were using (only because they were female owned) became Horrible in their quality – they became so inconsistent that I had an unused medium sized shirt, when I got a new medium sized shirt……it was 2x the size, the clothier denied any changes & we went to a different supplier for a few years. Now we’re back to the old female owned supplier (so the utility can write about it on their home page about how “Diverse” they are.

Also, we have had to purchase INFERIOR materials……because we are a ‘monopoly’ and therefore we are forced to purchase from Garbage suppliers.

Wokeness means you do the same job 2x and the customers foot the cost!!



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