The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: In the past few months, have you noticed a decrease in door-to-door solicitors, or do you think it’s just as bad as it’s always been?
Talk about it….
I guess I am fortunate…do not get any to speak of.
Hi-A !!
Same here for us Simonpure.
Hope you are doing well 🙂
We are doing well Roz…thanks for asking. My wife’s Birthday is tomorrow so we are taking Friday off to do something fun. Just haven’t figured out what yet. Typical man right 🙂
I don’t know if there has been an increase or a decrease but I do know that I don’t ever want anybody that I don’t know to come to my door uninvited trying to “sell” me something, get me to sign some petition, survey me, etc.
I don’t come knock on your door so don’t come knock on mine either.
It’s been maybe 15 or so years since we have had a “door-to-door” solicitation. The last problems were with two specific churches, but even that stopped after I sent very polite notes asking them not to disturb us.
It’s the calls STILL getting through the “Do Not Call” mesh, though……grrrrrrrr.
Haven’t had any for a couple of years Not since the aggressive solar people were coming around every week. They were even hanging out and pushing their product in the home improvement stores.
No. It’s way down from what it once was. Now i just scream out “Ive got covids!!” and then ,turn the sprinklers on them.
The sign that says No Solicitors on my door seems to work. Best money spent at Ace.
When I was a single sailor, my “Solicitors will be Violated” sign kept all solicitors away.
We don’t even get Mormons anymore.
I’ve never minded anyone coming to my door. I figure if they knock on my door they must really believe in what they are doing and I rather admire that. If I’m not interested or don’t need their product or service, a polite no thanks has always done the trick. That said, there has been a decrease in door to door visits since covid. We recently moved into a property with acreage and a power gate and have had zero knocks…we don’t even have a doorbell. In time I think I might actually miss the occasional knock on the door.
My uncle had a mile long gravel road to his house and that didn’t stop Jehovah Witness from knocking on his door.
Have not noticed.
I get maybe one a month if Amy at all.
Seems a slight uptick the last few months, even last few years. Solar related sales pushes, but slovenly looking people who look closer to beggar than they do representative. I ask them what they are selling, usually they say nothing, to which I say thank you, not interested and close the door. I am going to try the “No Solicitor” sign a few of you have utilized with success.
The door to door number has gone down, but the telephone solicitors have gone way up!
Thars a big ten four.
The only ones I ever get any more are the ones who want to see my PG&E bill, which is never going to happen. And even those haven’t been around in a while.
It’s been so many years, that I don’t remember the last time.
Not so much anymore. I have a sign that people can see that says I don’t do business at the door, I know how to vote, have my own religion. I have a skinny window next to the door and have been able to watch some read the sign and leave.
I did hear of another sign (here maybe?) someone had that said something along the line that if they want to talk it would cost THEM $5 first.
Had a few solar guys but they didn’t have licenses to solicit.
Other than that, no one.
Which I am happy with.
… volume has been about the same – but they are much more aggressive
If you are not invited best stay away from me, my family, pets and property.
Solicitors are extremely aggressive and many are casing out neighborhoods under guise of being a Solicitors.
Solicitors beware you have been forewarned.
When we were in the Crossings, we had a beautiful Boxer. She loved humans and always wanted attention, but her bark would shake the house. When someone came to our door, I gripped her collar tightly, seemingly struggling to keep her from attacking while she sang her invitation to play. Nobody argued when I said no thank you.
We now have three large dogs that announce every human or critter that sets foot on our property. Most folks are happy to stay off the front porch.
Why do the solar people want to see your PG and E bill? I have been asked that very question by the solar people but never understood why. Of course I refused to show them but what is the angle?
I found that a chalk outline of a person holding a Bible drawn on the porch like a crime scene works well to keep the religious solicitors away. Racking a round into “Mr. Mossberg” behind the door, followed by “GO AWAY!” keep the rest of them at bay.