Home » Final Snow Survey Of The Season Shows California’s Drought Conditions Deepening

Final Snow Survey Of The Season Shows California’s Drought Conditions Deepening


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Place a moratorium on new housing, then round up everybody that’s in California illegally, and kick them out.


They keep shoveling these stories of doom and gloom in front of us citizens, as if we can do anything about it. The government is supposed to manage water usage and availability, but all I hear about is for existing homeowners to cutback usage while new home developments are encouraged because we have a housing shortage. The government isn’t doing its job. The answer is to build more reservoirs, obviously. This media segment should have put Joaquin Esquivel (Water Board Chair) in front of the camera to explain how this will be dealt with. But the media is soft on the government in California.


How many new one million gallon plus reservoirs have been built in past 35 years in CA ? ? ? ? ? Is unfortunate California is encumbered with so many short term shallow thinkers in positions of power.

Five years ago https://tinyurl.com/ycxykx2m
Fourteen years ago https://tinyurl.com/2p84u4u6

Daily Reservoir Storage Summary

Those growing food in CA will get a small fraction of what they need, count on produce prices to rise more.

Question, will this be the year fish n game offers Delta salt water stamps for fishing licenses? ? ?

We are in Palm Springs and they have there own Aquifer with plenty of water. This was from a homeowner no shortage here.But we continue to send them water.The grass is green everywhere down here and lots of water features in the expensive housing community’s.And more golf course’s than you can count.Yet our useless governor is going to make northern and central California suffer.Crawl in a gofer hole Newscum where you belong.

You get what you vote for and California is an excellent example of scraping the bottom of the barrel…

California has no chance of improving without a Governor change. Between ballot harvesting and a refusal to scrub voter rolls, it’s going to take serious voter turnout to oust Newsom. As we all know, he is not someone who is overburdened with honesty……..

We can’t even figure out how to get enough water and we think we’re going to beat out China or Russia to be the dominant power in the 21st century? HAHAHAHAHhahahahaha

At this point all I can do is laugh. It’s all I’ve got left.

50 million gallons of fresh, drinking water every day from Carlsbad desal plant.
Supplies San Diego with up to 40% of their water.
I hate to tell you where our politicians keep their thumbs but it must hurt when they sit down. If you refuse to get a job they will pay your rent though.

Banning residential development would would only make housing cost worse and Residential usage only accounts for about 5% of total water usage. As for adding reservoirs we already have hundreds, look on Google Earth at the Sierra’s and virtually every river And sizable Creek is damned multiple times. But if it doesn’t rain how are you going to fill these new reservoirs? The solution lies with agriculture who uses about 85% of the state’s water with with terrible irrigation conveyance and storage practices

Desalination plants (New one going in Antioch). Water recycling and water runoff reclamation improvements. All easy stuff just takes time and money.

Waterman Yes, lets get rid of agriculture and then we can eat everything from south of our border. We won’t need any farm workers, another plus. Why are people so against drinking from the Pacific Ocean. I don’t get it.

Donothaveone Haven’t heard of that except I have heard talk of recycling waste water which is really stupid.

I can still see snow up there on a clear morning, but not alot.

Sorry Jelly but this is the 3rd year for a below average snow pack. And since I’m on the eastern slope I can tell you it’s looked like May in the Sierra since mid February. We had the December burst and very few inches since then. My snow shovel hasn’t been put of the garage since Dec 28

Newsom is a prominent WEF “ young leader”. The young leaders program trains and indoctrinates politicians and then makes sure (ahem) that they win an election. What does this mean…. Well it means that Newsom is not working for the people of CA. He is working for the Globalist World Economic Forum. Flowing downwards from Newsom we have all the minor bureaucrats that follow in his footsteps. These people are in control of funding government and perpetuating Marxist narratives. This is why the “story” is always the same….global warming, resource scarcity, green energy, vaccines, racism, white supremacy, tranny stories and gay lifestyles, black entertainment royalty etc.
The WEF has an ideology called transhumanism to be brought about in a so-called 4th industrial revolution. This is why they are pushing vaccination so hard because they want to alter the human genome to combine organic and synthetic biology into a new human. Why do they think that they have the power and right to do this kind of experimentation on people? Well many say that they are insane or satanic.. sounds about right.

Politicians can’t make it rain or snow
I’ve lived on the eastern slope of the Sierra for almost 5 years. This is year 3 of the Tahoe basin & surrounding areas looking like May since mid February. We had the December burst and only a few inches since. Nobodies snow blows or shovels have left garages since the end if December. It is bad. The ranchers down here are in a panic as the run off they count in won’t be happening. Maybe it’s time to get rid of lawns & force zero scape in New developments ther like they have done here. Water is more important for Ag & drinking than it is fir Mr & Mrs CA Suburbias lawn

Ricardoh, where did I say get rid of Agriculture? I did mention Ag has terrible irrigation conveyance and storage practices, which it does. Which has massive opportunities for improvement in how they use and move water. Since there really isn’t anymore extra water to be captured by dams it makes sense to make improvements in Agricultural use. Theirs nothing wrong with drinking water from the Pacific Ocean but you may not be to excited about paying 3x or more for Desal.

Waterman It wouldn’t be three x but it would be more and I would rather pay more than hear people screaming “Drought” all day. The other problem is we have no idea if next year and the year after will be worse and nothing is getting done. It is a potential catastrophe in the making.

I would have thought that the ag biz would be smart enough by now to conserve as much as possible.

I took a look at the CA Dept of Water Resources, where they report on the storage conditions of multiple reservoirs, snow pack, etc. While conditions are dry, there seems to be more water in storage this year than last, but a fair amount more than some years in the past. Snow pack is considerably lower, roughly 38% of normal, but compared to 2015 at 5%, considerable higher snow pack. Also, the population difference between today and same time 2015 is not that high (at least of legal count). Nothing wrong with asking citizens (and non-citizens) to conserve, but I wish we would get honest, accurate descriptions.

Depends on what your definition of conserve is. The state wastes money like it is going out of style. Do something useful with it, use the Pacific.

The technology exists to create an artificial Pineapple Express. It supposedly has been used before maybe recently. But the bureaucrats must want to dish it out sparingly to keep us begging and under control.

On my walk yesterday morning noted that the sky was crisscrossed with a number of artificial, miles stretching, cirrus clouds. 🙄

There’s no drought. California is returning to its normal weather pattern.

Glen223—I’ve been saying that for years. California has experienced above average rainfall for 50 years, and now it’s returning to normal. California is mostly desert, if it wasn’t for the water being pumped into the Central Valley from Lake Shasta, and Lake Lassen, the valley would be a dry dust bowl.
Anybody can see it for themselves by looking at a Google map of California, the only green they will see is up north, along the coast, and in the Sierras. The Central Valley is green only because water is pumped in.



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