Home » Food Bank Of Contra Costa & Solano Launches ‘2 Million Meal Challenge’

Food Bank Of Contra Costa & Solano Launches ‘2 Million Meal Challenge’


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I know a guy named Emil, from Hungary, if that helps in any way.

Food scarcity is real and going to get worse. Always be prepared.

Yes unfortunately the problem is getting much worse! I volunteer to help the poor and there’s much more need now because of the inflation caused by Joe Biden. And yes folks he and the Democrats are to blame not just Russia and Ukraine.
*Things were better under Trump*

Water, Petroleum, and Food will be issues that will change how we think, act and live our lives in the next decade more so than any other time in history since the Dust Bowl of the 1930s and the Great Depression. Good Luck.

Thank you President Biden.
You and your liberal friends are doing such a fantastic job turning the US into a Third World country.
Sarcasm intended.

@Exit 12A …..Doesn’t sound like sarcasm to me, sounds exactly like what’s happening.

My favorite meal for launch is pumpkin surprise. It’s served with a trebuchet

Food banks have nothing to with who are president, the have been around for a long time, and help many who are low income, some are seniors. If l remember correctly studies show that conservatives give more than liberals. Could it be because many conservatives are good Christians?

Low income? I volunteer for the Food Bank and a lot of these people show up in better cars then me! And brand new cars!

Hanne, I haven’t read anything here to suggest that food banks are the fault of the president. The commentors are blaming the rise in the price of groceries on the president.
The high cost of gas, and groceries has everything to do with the president, and his terrible policies. Biden said it himself, “there will be a real food shortage.”

Yes, but thanks to liberal policies, more people need food banks.

Conservatives tend to be Christian and Christians see a duty to give individually and through their churches, which trickles down to food banks and other charities.

As a nation, Americans are far more charitable than Europeans and Asians. It’s amazing how much Americans give and how much flak they receive from people that praise communism for its “fairness,” but would never give a dime of their own money.

P.S l’m liberal (on most issues), but l give to the Food Bank on a regular basis.

Then you’re bucking the trend, as study after study has shown conservatives are significantly more charitable than liberals.

So you’re saying the administration’s economic policies have nothing to do with those seeking relief from hunger?

We’ve donated in the past, but why do the people at the food bank all have a better car than I drive?

Not only a better car, but the latest iPhone too.

Things are going to get worse – at food banks in England, people are refusing the free potatoes because they can’t afford the heat to cook them. I wonder if we’ll go the same way.

@anon….I worked for the Food Bank years ago, you are right. Haven’t checked their financial statements lately but it used to be 85% of their working capital was payroll.

@Winnie The Pooh, I also volunteer at the food bank. Most of the individuals seeking food do not speak English. Which I assume means they’re new to our Country. To assure everyone who needs food will receive food,, every member of your family is given bags of food. It can be 3 to 4 bags of food. A family of 4 can receive 12 to 16 bags of food.

It is shameful how many people come into this country and become an instant burden on our society.
They don’t make the USA better, they make it weaker.

Perhaps the help people get from the Food Bank will help someone move ahead. I’m sure some are taking advantage of it, but I’m also sure there are many who needs it. Immigrants on the whole makes the US stronger, many work hard at jobs others won’t take. I deal with many customers, whose English is not perfect, yet they pay their bills on time, buy clothes and items for their children and family.

Hanne…….. I see them 5 days a week and I know better.
I doubt your view of the world from the store counter puts you face to face with alot of poor foreigners who got here only God knows how and are milking the system for every handout that their translators can arrange for them.
It isn’t just Hispanics either… lots of Chinese, Middle Eastern, African, Eastern Europe…. you name it, we’ve got it.
The USA is wide open… it’s a free for all & out of control.
And everyone knows whose fault that is.

I suggest that those receiving food – volunteer just 1 hour a week on a community project.

It could be something as easy as picking up trash off of the sidewalk, (or sweeping floors). Just 1 hour a week.

This would set an intention to contribute something back to the community.

I too discovered that those collecting the food had brand new cars.

I volunteered for a “project” that figured out was actually run by a religious organization.

I think that needs to be communicated. It helps to understand what is being supported, and how it is being funded.

That sounds reasonable, I would go for that.

The “abuse” is illegal immigration into this country by an army of wastrels looking for “Free Stuff” and a President who treats this invasion like a crazy cat lady who won’t shut the door.

I suggest that those receiving food – volunteer just 1 hour a week on a community project.

It could be something as easy as picking up trash off of the sidewalk, (or sweeping floors). Just 1 hour a week.

This would set an intention to contribute something back to the community.

I too discovered that those collecting the food had brand new cars.

I volunteered for a “project” that I figured out was actually run by a religious organization.

I think that needs to be communicated. It helps to understand what is being supported, and how it is being funded.

I’m sorry Clam Bake…. could you repeat that?

Why would you volunteer to an organization that by your description give to thieves, there are many worthwhile charities, surely you can find one that align more with your core values.



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