The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: California lawmakers are set to announce a $400 gas rebate proposal. Do you think we should get more than $400, or are you good with anything?
Talk about it….
Forget the rebate, use the money for what it’s meant to be used for, and fix our streets and roads.
The $400 won’t even pay to replace the shocks on my car that have worn out from driving on bumpy, pot-holed streets.
You’ll have to claim it on your federal tax return…
Its the games people play…
S~ You spelled politicians wrong 🙂
As long as it goes to all households that have registered vehicles and regardless of income. If I pay for 4 registered vehicles in this state, then I should get 4 checks. But also 400 for my truck barely goes anywhere but for my commuter it’ll give me 8 tanks. But I guess you have to start somewhere.
$400 is a slap in the face.
Take away the gas tax. It would immediately put more money in peoples pocket right away.
$400 rebate (lol) will take how long? Money now is always worth more than money in the future, especially with this insane democrat created inflation..just cut the gas tax you freaking leeches.
Does anyone know who it will be given to?California license holders or car registration per household.
According to an article on KTVU, anyone who files a tax return would get a “gas rebate”… even those who don’t own a car.
My, my… isn’t that fair!
Sarcasm intended.
So electric vehicle owners are going to get this GAS rebate?
Only registered vehicle owners should get a rebate.
.. and $400 or more for EACH vehicle they own.
Maybe they should vote to suspend the July 1 tax increase and to suspend the current gas tax. Oh, that’s right, they did vote, and the Democrats voted DOWN any proposal to lower the gas tax or suspend the July 1 increase….
This is such a waste of money, STOP HIGH TAX at the pump, that’s how you give back to the people who are actually still putting gas in their vehicles, this is money going down the drain .
If the state government wants to exercise it’s power to lower the price of gas, it can lower the gas tax. That would specifically target the price of gas. It’s not GUARANTEED to lower the price of gas, but that is the obvious and first thing they should try. Bestowing checks on people like me will fatten my wallet a little, but it does not address the price of gas.
I’m not happy about high gas prices, but I can suck it up. What I may NOT be able to suck up is the price of EVERYTHING going up, as everybody raises their prices for EVERYTHING all along supply chains. I hate to be champion for big evil corporations, but THEY actually need relief at the pump more than individual commuters like me.
Since the price of anything you consume involves oil in transportation
costs and will up the cost of the item.After profit is added, the retail price goes up. You pay more for the item and is the main source for
inflation. No matter what Obiden says. We’re at 7plus% with a chance
to go higher.
Since I am one who thinks we’re vastly overtaxed,overfeed,overtolled
and oversurcharged in California, any money coming back from the state (so that Newsom will get re-elected) I will take.
Democrats doing it the hard way again.
From Kevin Kiley for Congress blog:
Yesterday, 18 Assembly Members voted for a bill to SUSPEND THE GAS TAX. Another 18 abstained from the vote. And 40 voted no, welcoming $6 per gallon with open arms.
You can see how everyone voted here and watch the proceedings unfold on the Assembly Floor here. All Republicans and one Independent voted yes; all Democrats abstained or voted no.
The backlash was swift as legislators heard from their constituents. By late afternoon, one even put out an apologia, explaining she only voted no because she hadn’t “read” the bill. The bill is two pages long.
Newsom’s reaction was beyond belief, even for him. He claimed the bill would “line the pockets of petro-dictatorship and oil companies,” adding that rising gas prices are “a direct result of Putin’s war.”
Right after Newsom made this comment, Connecticut’s liberal Governor humiliated him by announcing he was suspending his state’s gas tax.
From these events, it’s clear our government has never been more inept, corrupt, or out of touch. This is the time to join the fight for our state and country.
If a politician doesn’t read the bill, they should abstain, not vote NO. I think our preteen could make better decisions than some of these idiots.
Trying to get re-elected by giving us our money back. Hopefully they don’t put EDD in charge of distributing the money.
This is nothing more than a simplistic knee jerk attempt to BUY VOTES in an election year by DEMs in full panic mode, trying desperately not to be voted out of office.
Another excuse for gas stations to keep prices high.
I think the financially ignorant vultures in Sacramento should reduce tax rates across the board for all CA taxpayers. Tax and spend and tax some more is not a viable fiscal policy.
Wasn’t there a joke on old sitcoms that when the wife got mad at the husband he’d get her a new hat and everything would be fine? That’s what this reminds me of. This is our new hat to make us happy and forget what’s going on. I can just picture our wonderful “leaders” getting together and figuring out the absolute least they can do to shut us up while still collecting their profits.
And I’m sure they’ll consider the rebate as taxable income…
They never miss a chance to tax the $hit out of you.
Typical government response – always being reactive and not proactive. I agree with previous posters in that the CA gas tax should be reduced significantly and permanently – this would amount to a lot more than the $400 rebate. Also, I heard on the news this morning that this rebate would go to everyone regardless if they own a gas powered vehicle or not – this stuff cannot be made up!
But they pretend they’re being proactive- by building the HSR to nowhere – that’ll never be completed – so nobody can be held accountable.
“Let them eat cake”
Errrrrrr I mean
“Let them buy electric cars”
$400 is too much, should be $0. It is market manipulation and government interference with free market capitalism.
^ conservative theology of free market capitalism.
Instead of a gas rebate, why not refund all the income tax this state has taken from the producers? Interesting timing, announcement just 3 months before the state primary…let us see how much campaigning includes “I supported more big daddy handouts under the guise of rebates…vote for me” Like they need that level of “influence” in this state….
Best of all, we all know, it is not their money, it is California monopoly money…easy come, easier go…
…. so everybody that files taxes gets a refund? so even if you don’t drive or have a car? … if it’s truly supposed to relieve gas prices it should be a reduction to the gas price – and for God’s sake micro audit big oil and get to the bottom of the Cali gouging!
Oil companies have been audited many times by many jurisdictions over the years and have not had bad findings. Only 5-7% of gas stations are owned by the oil companies. Most are owned by independents, dealers and jobbers. Gas is sold by the oil companies at the “rack” at posted prices. It’s the station owners that set the price at the pump.
The government giving money to the people is a bad idea.
People will get used to the handouts and then start demanding them.
Which is the game plan.
Total control of everyone by the government.
No, they can keep the $400.
What the government gives is taken from someone else….and the government takes their cut out of it.
Should we get more? We ‘get’ what we voted for. The wonder boy Mark D garnered almost 70% of the vote in 2020. Even after the draconian school closures and the needless destruction of thousands of small businesses Gavin received over 60% of the vote in his recall election. The people in this state actually voted to keep the gas tax!
Just like Dark Helmet, “I’m surrounded by A**HOLES!”
How about instead we close our borders, and become energy independent and use our own resources, vs. kneeling (no, not Kamala) to foreign oil.
IF it actually happens the funds should go to the owners of CURRENT registered vehicles. DMV would have records of whomsoever fits the qualification. Or they could just go door to door handing out money…
God I love Claycord. Good to see most people agree we are over taxed and that money should be returned to the tax payers.
Newsom is a dork.
The break on gasoline should be proportionate to useage. In other words, roll back the per gallon tax, you moron.
I am willing to bet most of the posters on this site do not need the $400 rebate. I know I don’t. I think of the young family who bought a house out in Tracy because they could afford it, and commute in for work. They are the ones who need it, and should receive it. So Newsom, you dipsh**, invest in our future: the young people working hard for their families.
When I receive the rebate, I will simply donate it to any charity that I know Newsom hates. And that’s a long list.
I tend to agree.
Can’t wait until all the incarcerated get their $400 rebate. Nothing like taking a simple task and making into a government program with many ways to cheat the system.
Jerry Brown, K. Harris, and Newsom all said they were going to go after big oil and high gas prices. Funny how all those efforts resulted in finding nothing.
I was thinking the same thing. After the EDD fiasco, fraudsters are licking their lips. Cha-ching.
I’d rather have lower gas prices, among other things (lower prices on goods and services) instead of a $400 rebate.
People in California voted for more gas tax to drive on roads they can no longer afford to drive on.
Look in the mirror, was it you!
It wasn’t me.
Fully Electric vehicles should not be included if this goes through.
First off the $400 is already your own money if you are a tax payer!!!!! Take care of the Problem Price Gouging as Ca has always been ripped off even after our Highest gas Tax! Grow some Balls newsom as it is Gouging Period!!!!!
Let’s keep it simple & fair….do this at the pump!
Simple solution = reduce the gas tax “DONE”. But NO govt wants to hire people, set up a new department to process all the rebates. Send them out to who knows who, just like the unemployment and stimulus checks. Once again a waste of time, effort, and taxpayers money!!