The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: The Pfizer CEO came out this week and said a 4th COVID shot will be necessary for protection against COVID-19. Will you get a 4th shot?
Talk about it….
Not necessary at this time.
But the weak minded will surely be early adopters of whatever government “experts” recommend. They’re lemmings.
Pfizer gonna be liable for the side affects, even if it results in death?
Didn’t think so.
If someone has already had the first two doses plus a booster, it seems unlikely that a fourth dose would cause any severe side effects.
@The Observer so Pfizer is still not liable for any side affects yeah? Thought so.
Ever heard of cumulative effects of four shots to the immune system from a vaccine that has had safety data for only a year? No, because this is unprecedented.
Of course they do…they will not get one cent from me.
Nope. Haven’t got the first one and I don’t plan on it.
And then there will be a fifth one required…….then sixth……….until their sick experiment finally comes to fruition.
No, but I don’t ask bartenders if I need more beer either.
The CEO from Pfizer said so? Lol.
You mean the CEO who makes money from their products says more people need their products, shocking.
Vaccinate, boost, repeat….
Sign me up.
No ill effects from last booster.
I’d rather not get sick or die.
@ idiots everywhere
since you are so eager you can certainly have mine, good luck hope you don’t develop pericarditis
A CEO from a corporation expecting to make Trillions, acting as The Fist for a corrupt government … That stole an election, incarcerated innocent citizens accused of an insurrection of their own making?
I don’t take flu shots. Certainly won’t take the clot shot and don’t need a booster as I have my own antibodies. The mutants should take it, and be quarrateened for spreading Covid variants.
Now that your virtue signaling is out of the way, where are your receipts for said conspiracy theory? any at all? bet not, if you honestly think you are not being lied to I have a wonderful bridge for sale real cheap interested? It’s completely safe I promise you…
The Observer: I have been reading first hand accounts from doctors and nurses working in Covid wards. Also data from foreign doctors using therapudics notating success in third word countries. Then there are the friends and family observations while watching strong healthy people get sick and die from the shot.
The VAERS data alone tell the truth. In fact, the Covid jab was not intended for the healthy general population, certainly not for children as a mandate. The DNR changing shot is an experiment that went wrong. It spread to organs including the liver and ovaries. It has also killed young athletes world wide.
If you have taken the jabs and boosters, I suggest you continue.
Nothing can stop what is coming…Nothing
Nope…Never again. It was all a farce.
No…..not even the first shot. Just came up positive with Covid yesterday.
No fever, just a little sore throat, and feel good for the most part.
Will retest in 5 -6 days, to see if negative. I will have a bit of immunity now.
I will be staying home for 2 weeks for the safety of others.
Damn it Roz…warm thoughts your way. We think we got it before they knew it was here. Wife coughed for several weeks day and night straight.
Roz, sorry to hear that, especially since reading about other things you’re going through right now. As Simonpure said, warm thought your way.
Thanks for the thoughts Simonpure 🙂
Glad to know You Two might have covid be-hide you.
This is a piece of cake, compare recovering from nerve damage, LOL!
For every cold or flu you’ve ever had did you need a test to tell you if you’re still sick? The endless testing people do is partly to blame for why the hysteria, the insanity, the tyranny will not die.
Really Pete…are you putting blame on someone who clearly is simply attempting to unselfishly protect others. I for one find it very commendable. To compare a cold or flu to something that has taken 3 family members from me is not so much. Bless you!
@ Cyn~ Thank You Cyn!
Yep, the past 6 months have been a bit tough for me.
Just down to get my hands & feet to listen to me better, LOL!
It means one thing only. More money in his pockets, and more money into the pockets of politicians, and top medical advisors. I’ve noticed that the big shot from Pfizer is saying everybody will be needing a booster every six months, just as another Omicron variant is hitting China and Western Europe… How convenient.
I call BS on all of it. If the COVID vaccine worked, if wearing of a mask worked, and if keeping a six-foot distance worked, then why are people still getting COVID?
It’s been my experience that most people, when out in public, are following the rules, and doing what they are supposed to do, and yet people are still getting sick with COVID.
Pfizer is making billions, and can easily afford to line the pockets of prominent politicians and medical directors in every industrialized country.
During the last two years, I’ve had a difficult time understanding how so many people, worldwide, will blindly have a drug with unknown long term side effects, injected into their body without asking questions.
I have a better idea, and it will not cause any harm to your body whatsoever. Don’t touch your face until you get home and wash your hands.
Amen .
I got the first two and no boosters. People who got boosters are dying the same as the ones who didn’t.
That’s kind of like Budweiser saying everybody should drink more beer. It’s hard to trust that their opinion is impartial.
Does anyone here have a medical background to make their decision or is it politically motivated? Mine was based on info from my physician, and the fact
that I’m in a high risk situation. Most of the people that pass on the shot are either young or not in a high risk group, or are just averse to advise from doctors.
Good luck.
I have an ADN (Associates Degree in Nursing) and a BSN, (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) I made my decision based on knowledge, experience, and critical thinking skills.
Surely even you can see the potential for shenanigans when a company tells you that you need to purchase more of a product, not once, not twice, not thrice but four times and they just happen to share an oligopoly on the product?
Related, Cambells has decided it will be necessary that you eat more soup.
Two was enough for me, thanks. I like how they list zero actual studies or statistics to back it up. Meanwhile, researchers are pointing out that the length of time your body produces antibodies gets shorter and shorter with each booster. There’s never any talk of cost/benefit, just go out and do it.
If the risk/reward calculus changes I might change my mind, but I don’t expect it will.
Ok, whose getting track marks from all the jabs?
That idiot in DC, and our “S” bag in Sacramento will make the jab mandatory, Pfizer will make another ton of money (borrowed from China), and the kickbacks will continue.
Wishing them both a painful St Patrick’s Day. I hope they get sick!
I will wait and see this time…
No, we flattened the curve already.
I already got poked three times: 1st and 2nd dose late last year…booster last month. I am done getting poked for now. I just want to wait and see how the 4th poke goes when others fall for the BS.
We poked also. No serious side effects and felt fine. Although result reaction was verified about 9 months later.
Looks like the Pfizer CEO wants a bigger private jet. 😄
It’s all about money and not health.
If they haven’t got it licked with my first 3 shots, why would I trust the 4th will be the fix.
Show me some real data on the 4th and we’ll talk.
And I don’t mean the usual lies used to move the sheep in the direction they want us to go.
I pretty much done!
We’ve been telling people they need to eat more soup for years. Budweiser doesn’t tell you to drink less beer. They say drink more beer “responsibly”
Always Coca-Cola 🥤
I am COVID vaccine-free and plan to remain that way.
In other news: President of Phillip Morris recommends two packs a day for maximum health.
Nope. At this point, I don’t really care anymore. Life is fatal.
Think Covid made the dinosaurs extinct!
Follow the money!!!!!!! Of course there will be “needed” boosters so big Pharma can keep making their millions. How stupid do they think people are????
Pfizer made $65 billion from vax sales since 2020 … and that is just what they admit publicly … sure am glad because they are gonna have to pay out at least that much in fines and penalties to the millions of people injured and killed by tjeir product, which was rushed to market amid global mass panic manufactured by media corporations majority-funded by Pfizer itself.
It was also said that it would be an annual thing like the flu shot. I don’t mind the flu shot but I had reactions for the first time in my life from the Covid shots. I don’t think I will get more of those.
If it is just the same shot over again, then probably not. If it is designed against the more mutated virus, then maybe.
BTW, Red Cross is again testing blood donations for COVID antibodies so if you want to know if you have them now is a great time to donate blood and get a free test.
I noticed that Contra Costa Health dashboards has removed the deaths for vaccinated and unvaccinated bar graph that was prominently displayed in green/blue…turns out the percentage rate for vaccinated deaths 70 and above age groups was shifting to >50%…no longer fit the narrative! And the graph for cases in vaccinated and vaccinated + boosted has now become a singular slope—no difference in boosting this point in time, folks!
The 4th booster shot is for people who is 65 and older. So I don’t need one.
If the 65 and older group want to take it so they could extend theirs lives in order to continue to collect theirs hard earn social security, I say get it! If not then more money in social security fund for the younger generation.
My pure blood will remain pure. No poison jabs for me, ever. At this point anyone who can’t see what has been and is going on with the clot shots gets no sympathy from me.
If your blood is truly immaculate why not donate a unit with the Red Cross and find out for certain? At some point we will all be carrying antibodies. If you have none, poor you.
Definitely have antibodies. Thanks for your concern, though.
Excellent! Good to know that your blood is not “pure”, i.e. naive to any COVID antigen.
” … doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.”
Well, the one that was supposed to be 95% effective, wasn’t.
I’ll wait for the Wizards to conjure a potion that works.
No I will not comply.
hmmmmm… Their “4th” shot would be my “1st” shot. Can you even do that? Do they even still make the 1st shot? or 2nd? I’m still hmmmming the whole thing.
Taking chances…….. hmmmmmm