Home » The Water Cooler – Do Politicians Listen To Their Constituents?

The Water Cooler – Do Politicians Listen To Their Constituents?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Do you feel like politicians really listen to their constituents and take into account what the person has to say?

Talk about it….

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Oh, hell no. They are only concerned with themselves and keeping their cushy job and benefits. They are also some of the most financially ignorant people in existence. Nuff said…


If they are heavy campaign donors, yes.

No, there have been studies on this, politicians overwhelmingly protect and promote the interests of the very wealthy that they rub elbows with. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/01/o pinion/sunday/inequality- america-paul-krugman.html


Of course not. They only serve the special interests that puts them in power.

Take any Dem for example.. if you pull down their pants you’ll see a brand burned into their backside saying “Property of AFL-CIO.” Because they own their A$$.

Same with GOP’ers. Their backside would have a brand that says “OWNED and OPERATED BY THE NRA.”

Only if that constituent is a significant donor. They may listen to others, but they don’t act for them. Politicians say and do just what they say to get elected and then keep their cushy jobs.

True that.

Some do, most don’t. Most politicians seem to be self-absorbed, and out of touch with reality. They have no idea how the average Joe and average Jane are living on a day-to-day basis.
There’s too much corruption, and there are politicians that will sell their souls to the devil for the right price. During the Newson recall election, there was a candidate, Larry Elder, that was on TV making commercials for a pain reliever. I couldn’t help but think, if he is so desperate for money that he would push a product on TV that he probably doesn’t even believe in, what else would he do for money if elected to office? I have no respect for celebrities that don’t need the money, and are making commercials. It seems to me that he is lacking in common sense, because common sense should have told him it’s not a good idea to make a commercial, while running for governor, and trying to gain the public’s trust.


Only if they talk with Benjamin’s.

China frequently buys politicians, the politicians play a game and say “hardball” things about China yet take money from China and say things about China to keep up the image that they’re an American representative, when in fact they are a mercenary pretending to be American taking Chinese (or other country and “special interest”) dollars.

They do not represent anyone except those that pay for their mansions.

What I find laughable about all this, since it’s becoming known Russia is behind the funding for many “environmental” groups (I’m sure they’re not the only country doing it), I wonder how many politicians support or supported “green” policies that were actually backed by Russia and China to destabilize our energy sector and therefore the world? Who’s doing China and russias bidding? AOC and her “squad” that keep pushing for the “new green deal”? Biden? Pelosi? We already know McConnell is compromised by China so idk how the hell he’s still even walking around DC, but how many others in congress (bureaucrats like fauci included) have been so ignorant and grossly negligent they supported foreign powers gutting our country? And now people are dying and we’re on the brink of WW3 because of their either criminal intent to destabilize our country or gross negligence.

Gross negligence is considered a crime in certain professional industries and I do believe anyone working for the government in any capacity should be held to the same standards of gross negligence.

Homer Stokes, servant of the little man.

He ain’t lyin’!!!!

No. Unless you’re a major donor.

Politicians will say and do whatever to stay in power. A prime example include pandering to illegal immigrants, passing laws to benefit their voter base like no voter ID requirement.

Illegal immigrants should not be in the US.



He’ll know they listen to the money that talks to them.Our government is a joke.

To clarify what I find laughable is the politicians that supported “green” energy because of the supposed coming instability due to climate change from manmade emissions have created instability around the world in their supposed mission to create stability.

It’s almost like the world is too complex to predict accurately with a spreadsheet no matter how much adderall you take.

The problem starts with money from special interest groups. At that point they stop representing you. Once elected they learn how dumb the average voter is, how easily swayed, and from then on they do not represent you at all. The entire lot of corrupt. Just look at the raise Congress just gave itself for the crappy job they’ve done. Or the clown prince running the place!

“Special interest groups” =

the AFL-CIO, teachers’ unions, healthcare unions,
port worker unions, the autoworkers’ union, the Mob, environmentalists, and Hollywood celebs.

Corruption reigns.

Only the constituents who think like they do. The trick is to vote in the right ones. Look at any democrat like Biden or Pelosi. They know they are going down the tubes but they won’t change. Things are starring them in the face and they keep on doing what they want to do.

heck no …and that’s putting it nicely… from the local level all the way up the chain … city, county, state, congress, country … did I leave anybody out?

Joe ‘The buck doesn’t stop here’ Biden does. Then he blames everything on someone or something else.

What does it matter? DeSaulnier’s seat is safe for as long as he wants to stay in Washington. We will never have enough votes to elect someone else, gee, and why is that?

Yes, My husband was in the Army and was separating after four years of Honorable service. During his last month of service, his First Sgt told him he active service was being extended by six months because his particular job was in such a critical field, they could not find new personnel fast enough to replace him in a timely manner. He replied something like that’s not my fault to his First Sgt. He immediately fired off a letter to his State Representative explaining what happened. Within two weeks, his Commanding Officer called him into his office and explained there had been a misunderstanding and sincerely apologized if his First Sgt. had misspoke and hoped he wasn’t upset with his unit or Base Commander. Furthermore, my husband received both a letter and follow up phone call from his State Representative.

Thanks for posting that, Chris!
It’s nice to hear an account of the system actually working as it should, for once.


And for that reason alone they should be kicked out of office.

Every last one of them.

Only around election times do most pay attention, After that is over it is SOS different year.

mostly with feigned interest, with hidden contempt and disinterest. although, that may be the way I listen to them, but with distrust added.

Politicians don’t listen to the voters, why would they listen to their constituents unless big favors are being provided…

DEAR Alex: Next year~please appropriate $$ for a Fire Prevention and Counselling Station for the ‘Housing Challenged’ Drug and Debauchery Encampments along our filthy highways. Tag it with a Newsom-style acronym! Sincerely,
Fed all the way Up!

If politicians actually “listened” to the needs of the voting constituency, they would not need to appropriate the million$ stacked onto last year’s million$ stacked on to the prior year’s million$ to repair the broken minds and suffering souls those dollars are supposed to help.
Those dollars go: 1st, to hire (spread graft) to create another Gov’t department; 2nd, the expense of planning-luncheons of those departments’ managers; 3rd, to expand that bureaucracy within the districts of the higher contributing donors of the politicians (so they can take credit for the good it promises, AND 4th, cost of dinner meetings to plan whose turn is it to write the Appropriations Bills for Next year’s snatch & grab of the tax dollars~~~~ AND 5th (if there is some trickle-down-bottom-of-the-pocket coin left) ….invite a couple representatives of the lost souls to one of your meetings and ask about their poor fee-fees and be sure to ask them what they need for next year.

Well said.

Long ago, my grandfather, a veteran of WW2, wrote occasionally to government officials to express his concerns regarding issues in the USA. Each time he did he got a letter back expressing thanks for writing. I have the letters he got. One is from John F Kennedy, when he was a Massachusetts congressman.
Fast forward to now. I’ve written to county and state government officials regarding issues like ‘where is the 12 cent gas tax going and why are the roads not being repaired?’ I’ve never gotten a single response. I’ve never even gotten a confirmation that my letters were received. To me that answers the question, very completely.

Over the years, I frequently wrote George Miller regarding issues that were concerning to me. He always answered my letters, sometimes in agreement with detailed information on his work in support of the issue, sometimes stating his position and rationale for opposing the matter. That was the last time I felt anyone in government cared at all what those that elected them might be thinking. I believe Miller left government when he could see the tide was changing to the idiotic bunch of nitwits we have representing us today.



Good one!

For most of them, there is confusion about who their constituents are. A good example is our Governor. For him citizens are not constituents and just a nuisance, especially at voting time. His constituents are unions and other big campaign donors.

Perhaps it’s time to redefine constituent.



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