Home » Fire Extinguished In Homeless Encampment Near Hwy.4 And Hwy.242 In Concord

Fire Extinguished In Homeless Encampment Near Hwy.4 And Hwy.242 In Concord


A debris fire in a large homeless encampment was extinguished near hwy.4 / hwy.242 in Concord just after 1 p.m. today.

No injuries were reported. The cause is currently under investigation.

Thanks to Nancy for the picture of the fire.


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Guess fire is the only way to get rid of these homeless dumps!

Are you going to take them home? Have some compassion and empathy.

@ToniPapia: Compassion and empathy without boundaries is self-destructive. Hence why we have such an explosion of “homelessness” in CA

Napalm them from the air.

This is getting ridiculous. Destroying suburban neighborhoods and causing fires. Honestly shocked residents haven’t spoken out as much and really pressured the city to get rid of them. They all came in 2020, 2 years is long enough!


@Albert A.~
I noticed the homeless population has been around since 2000.
There are just a lot more and in a lot, more City too.

Hi Albert A. – I actually have contacted the police chief and there are many laws that “protect” the homeless. The situation is horrible and we need more action against it, but it is a losing battle when your hands are tied. All we can do is complain (City & Cal Trans) to get it cleaned up. Covid made it all worse. I fear that we have a new normal, which is terrifying to me.

@Roz – Homeless have always been around, but nothing to this extent. It use to be difficult to find them, now they’re the only ones walking the public street and taking over Downtown.

@Mother – Yes, we’ve been told the same about the laws protecting them. But, it makes me question why and how Danville, San Ramon, etc. immediately gets rid of them. Why can’t Claycord do the same?

Albert- The reason that San Ramon and Danville can make it easier to
move them out of their municipalities is that they are Republican majority cities, therefore they don’t invite them in initially. That’s why the homeless like Concord and Walnut Creek as they don’t get hassled there.

The cause is democrat policies.


Prop 47


Growing problem for years going back to both Brown and Reagan deciding it cost the state too much to keep them in facilities. Then there was the judge who said the state couldn’t put them in facilities without their individual consent. It was really rare to see anyone sleeping on the streets let alone living in tents in all cities across the country as you do now.

Used to be if someone was walking and talking out loud, waving their arms, not paying attention to where they were or going, you know that person was drunk or drugged or both. Now they got bud in their ears and are on the cell phone.

…what will it take to clean out all the riff raff – the fires have got to stop ..taxpayers are footing the bill for all this

BAAQMD must take some action as homeless (unsheltered) encampments are a cause of poor air quality.

Stop giving the homeless free stuff and they’ll move to where free stuff is available.

Bleeding hearts with uber-liberal policies are the worst.

How about we build a homeless shelter and give these people somewhere to live

The minute you tell them they can’t do drugs they will not stay. The folks who want help know where to find it.

Robin Hood—It’s been done, they even opened up motels for the homeless to stay for free. Most of the homeless don’t want to stay at a shelter because they don’t want to follow the rules.

Beware moving to your neighborhood soon!Maybe it’s time for Vigilantes to take over.

If you look on the CHP log there are several of these homeless encampment
fires daily. I’m not sure the cost on fighting these fires but I’m sure someone will know.

This is ridiculous.

This had a better outcome than a couple of years ago in Atlanta, when the bums melted the Interstate.

No wonder they’re homeless!
Everywhere they hang their hat they wind up burning the place down.

Every week, more homeless/mentally unstable people set up camp in various places around Claycord. If the property-owner or management doesn’t complain directly to Concord Police (or the other appropriate party) nothing will be done.

I take my son to Dunkin Donuts Concord for a treat, and every time I tell the manager on staff that there is a small group of homeless peoe building a small camp behind their property, and every time I ask them to call Concord PD, they shrug their shoulders and say “there’s nothing we can do”. Actually, there is: each and every person residing in Concord has the duty to report these encampments, and continue to report until something positive is done by the.respective police dept. Allowing these individuals to stay on property is equal to remaining complicit with their behavior. Enough is enough, neighbors. It’s time to take back our county and our state!

Let’s lean up this human waste lingering all over our beautiful cities of Concord/Clayton. Where do these people go to the bathroom and leave their human waste? Shame on our Council members.

If you have a spare room at your home, perhaps you would be willing to let one of the homeless stay there.

Most of the homeless in Concord are homeless because they choose to be. There are options for many of them.

Why aren’t the liberals and environmentalists protesting to have the homeless removed from waterways and flood channels?
Their hypocrisy is deafening.

On Sunday there was another bad fire under the little overpass on Monument Blvd. near the freeway on ramp There is a creek that the homeless dirtbags live by and they caught their camp on fire and jet black smoke filled the whole area. I had my kid in the car and my dog in the back. Thanks for poisoning my family. I’m sure they are also dumping waste in the creek as well.

I remember when the train boxcars would have their doors open and the “hobos” (homeless) would jump in and travel for free. Now they lock up the boxcars and enforce the no trespassing on railroad right of way. Hence forcing a lot of the homeless aren’t “transient” any more.

Perhaps get rid of the Concord airport. Use the vast area to set up homeless space.

Another thought, to keep them off the sidewalks, lease the sidewalks to the businesses for $1 per year. Now if people loiter or camp, the businesses can have them removed because they are on private property.

What a waste of fireman’s lives, time and money. This will never stop until we get the green-socialist-communist-work crowd out of office and out of our lives.

We are wasting untold $’s and never solving the issues. Thank you to all of you who voted Biden-Harris. So how are you liking how theya re destroying our country and lives??????


One down!

Isn’t this 3rd fire caused by homeless encampments in less than 3 weeks,enough is enough, send inspectors to these encampment to id fire hazards before poor person gets burned or killed.

These guys burn each other’s tents to settle drug debts and grievances, it’s a feature of their world, not a bug.

No Toni Papia, if I bring one of these characters to my home I will never rid of them. They are protected by squatter’s rights. I refuse to believe that there is no solution for this homeless problem. How about government run encampments requiring counseling, rehab, job training, etc. Make it an offense to live on the streets and outdoor areas. If you’re caught, off to a gated camp you go. Create incentives for them to better themselves. Patrol these areas, tag membership, have reward programs. If a homeless member is not abiding they would be shipped off to a different camp with other types of rules.



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