Home » The Water Cooler – Daylight Saving Time – Love It Or Hate It?

The Water Cooler – Daylight Saving Time – Love It Or Hate It?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


Several years ago, California voters decided to stay on daylight saving time (meaning we shouldn’t have to mess with our clocks anymore), and now it’s up to the lawmakers to follow through and actually make it happen.

QUESTION: Do you hope they follow through, or do you hope we have to change the clocks back in November?

Talk about it….

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Hope they follow through but not holding my breath.

Changing the clocks twice a year doesn’t bother me in the least, and I have never lost any sleep over it. I simply go to bed a little earlier, or get up a little later.
As I understand it, no state has the power to legislate DST to be permanent because it’s a federal law, and it will take an act of Congress to make the change. However, California’s lawmakers do have the power to make Pacific Standard Time permanent.

…residents voted to have one time with no time changes but King Newsom does what HE wants – not what the voters say… this isn’t the only situation he has done this either

Would rather it be Pacific Standard Time permanent.
I thought we had voted on it to be that way.

Changing the clocks twice a year is moronic. If somebody has a problem with it being too dark when they go to school, light too late after dinner, or whatever, then THEY should change THEIR schedule to accommodate their needs. Not make the whole state (or country) adjust their clocks instead. It’s not like it actually makes the days longer or anything.



… pick your time PST or DST …and stick with it! …changing the time was to be for a short period…. not forever 🙁

Me No Like.

I love it. It’s not a big deal and I like having it get light earlier in the Winter and stay light into the night in Summer.

My sentiments exactly.

I like the extra hours of daylight, the couple of days of feeling bit off seem worth it to me.

I wonder who is the money behind keeping the constant time changes. Seems like it should be a bipartisan slam dunk to get rid of it

Ostensibly it was put in place to help farmers, wasn’t it?

What extra hours? DST doesn’t add any daylight.

I very specifically said extra hours of daylight.

And let’s not be obtuse. Do you typically shift your schedule to match the world around you or do you start at the same time every day despite what season it is?

For most of us it’s the latter, meaning we will have more daylight after we finish work with daylight savings.

@Chuq….Not for the farmers, for the crops to have an “extra hour of daylight” to grow bigger.

I love Daylight Saving Time and wish we had it all year long.

Daylight Savings Time is STOOPID!! Especially now that it changes in March! Doesn’t anyone else remember when it didn’t change until May (I think that’s when it was – over 30 years ago!)? Pick a time and stick to it!

Stay on STANDARD time year round! That doesn’t need congressional approval, unlike dst. Dst mainly benefits privileged white collar workers at the cost of people who have to get up and start their days in the dark.

I hope we can stay on Daylight Saving Time. It was a delight to hear neighbors and their children (on several sides of the property) enjoying playing and barbecuing until 7pm yesterday evening.

I am retired, so my only real “iron in the fire” is the time-consuming inconvenience of changing the time on 18 or so clocks (counting things like oven and other pieces of kitchen equipment).

Since I prefer Standard I did not vote for DST. Sort of glad the Fed has to approve because then I would be stuck on DST. But I’m sure if they stop dragging their feet they will say no and then we will be stuck with twice a year switching.

Woke up Saturday morning to daylight. Easy-peasy. Not so easy this morning. Team standard time.

I hate the time changes, and research clearly shows that it actually kills people. But hey, if it’s from the government it can’t be that bad, right?

Time change is great! PDT is fine – longer days and daylight into the evening is great!
Hope the legislature(?) does not do the right thing!! Keep the time change cycle!

Hopefully they follow through but I am not holding my breath.

I’m quite happy with DST, except that it starts a bit too early and ends a bit to late.

Having DST all year long would be the same as putting us in the Mountain Time Zone, If that is what people really wanted, businesses and stores would would adjust their hours to match the desires of their customers and employees.

I hate DST, we should be on Standard Time permanently. I would rather go through the stupidity of changing clocks 2x/yr than always be on DST.

Changing clocks twice a year is is pain. Put us on standard time and leave us there. Politicians, are you listening?

The government won’t do anything.

DST is a control mechanism and they never give up control.

Even tho’ the people voted, the government refuses to act.

These corrupt politicians don’t work for us, they work for themselves.

When will people learn?

I am fine wth the change twice a year, but if one or the other would prefer DST. It’s no big deal to change one time zone twice a year. People don’t seem to get too upset about it when they fly to a different time zone, even when it’s 3 or more time zones. Just think how it is if you live above the Arctic Circle and have about 2 1/2 months of sunshine and another 2 1/2 months of darkness every year.

Time to end the time change paradigm. Won’t happen, because I think many on the federal level like that they can legislate time, a sense of power.

Standard time permanently would be my choice.

But like other thing they Think they know best.

Either stay on PDT or adopt Coordinated Universal Time.

Switching back and forth on times is like cutting off the end of the blanket and sewing it on the other end to make it longer.

Great News!
Today, the US Senate approved making Daylight Saving Time permanent in the US, starting in 2023. If the House agrees, we’ll be done with this time-switching nonsense next year.

Don’t care either way…but if I had to choose, PST permanent would be my choice.



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