Barf. Liberals seriously think everything is a human right. Just like everything is racism, etc. Getting really tired of this.
March 14, 2022 - 12:02 PM 12:02 PM
Too Crazy! Wouldn’t want the house payments.
Think we’ll stay in our little-fixer upper (43 years now) and fix it up.
Bought it 1979 for $60K,..could sell it for $600K now.
March 14, 2022 - 12:40 PM 12:40 PM
I just feel sorry for those who are buying now and those who can’t afford to buy. Ours has been paid for twenty years but I couldn’t afford it now if I was starting over. It’s crazy.
The down payment alone for a average size house here would payoff completely the same size house (with a larger yard) in just about any state east of the Ole Miss (west of the coast though), and most of those states do not have the income tax burden that this state provides its legal resident producers.
idiots everywhere
March 14, 2022 - 1:56 PM 1:56 PM
You can thank groups like Save Lafayette for driving up home prices by blocking sensible new developments.
Biden and Powell’s latest escapade to generate double digit inflation especially in housing prices just wiped out your advocacy to build so much anyone can afford a house. This was a better state 10 million residents ago, 2 million of which are illegal aliens. And anyway, they are already building a bunch of low-income subsidized housing on the west side of Lafayette in addition to the ticky-tacky condos near BART per the housing element. You cannot build enough housing to bring down the price so everyone can have a house. Kick out the illegals and there would be something like 2 or 3 houses or condos per each of the homeless that they could choose from. The math is not friendly to your view.
Homeownership dreams for young people are vanishing faster with each liberal vote cast.
Ultimately with inflation, future tax hikes and rising medical costs, they won’t inherit any money either.
That leaves corruption as the best way to get ahead. Take a tip from Gavin: Hang around rich old money, be willing to sell your soul, and you too can be on the gravy train.
March 14, 2022 - 4:52 PM 4:52 PM
Whenever the housing market gets high like it is now, there is always a crash.
Soon enough we’ll see an economic crash that will hurt everyone.
People will be upside down on their homes, cars, and everything else.
Jobs will disappear, money will dry up and we’ll be in a depression just like 2008.
You can thank our feckless government for their mismanagement.
The market should be free and open. Disband the Fed, it’s worthless.
Absolutely every time the government interferes in the economy it fails.
When will people learn?
March 14, 2022 - 5:45 PM 5:45 PM
I tell ya what……..I’ll sell ya mine for $1.1 million…………send all offers to c/o Reeko Rizzo.
March 14, 2022 - 7:24 PM 7:24 PM
If I was large and in charge in Kalifornia, the housing crisis would be solved in less than six months … For $16k, I would source converted fully furnished container homes … plenty of manufacturers out there nowadays, some even cheaper than that … I would pass a luxury tax to pay for them and collaborate with major corporations to strike a good deal for everyone to where people would have basic needs met, and occupational training and basic health care all for free, paid by those making billions upon billions and paying little or no tax … It would work … despite what all the Debbie downers will certainly say. For every problem there is a solution … this is not rocket science, but the problem is the homeless industrial complex and the dirty federal money they are pocketing under the table under the guise of fighting the homeless problem. #losers #leadershipmalpractice #Newscummustgo
Already did that. But housing prices are quickly rising in Red States. People like me are moving in and paying list or above, in cash, for houses. Building materials are in short supply and prices increase without a warning.
High taxes and crime in California were all the incentive we needed to flee. We got more house with a tremendous view in the bargain, but that wasn’t our main objective.
American Citizen
March 16, 2022 - 4:54 PM 4:54 PM
Why would anyone in their right mind buy a housing California? I’m just renting until I find the right house in a red state. I would never buy a house here.
A lot of rich (maybe just on paper) people around here. The rest of us are a bit farther out.
Housing is a human right! The government should provide us homes.
Keep that up and they’ll be moving homeless into your spare bedrooms.
Ginmee, gimmee, gimmee…..
Anything else you want and not prepared to work for?
Barf. Liberals seriously think everything is a human right. Just like everything is racism, etc. Getting really tired of this.
Too Crazy! Wouldn’t want the house payments.
Think we’ll stay in our little-fixer upper (43 years now) and fix it up.
Bought it 1979 for $60K,..could sell it for $600K now.
I just feel sorry for those who are buying now and those who can’t afford to buy. Ours has been paid for twenty years but I couldn’t afford it now if I was starting over. It’s crazy.
The down payment alone for a average size house here would payoff completely the same size house (with a larger yard) in just about any state east of the Ole Miss (west of the coast though), and most of those states do not have the income tax burden that this state provides its legal resident producers.
You can thank groups like Save Lafayette for driving up home prices by blocking sensible new developments.
Biden and Powell’s latest escapade to generate double digit inflation especially in housing prices just wiped out your advocacy to build so much anyone can afford a house. This was a better state 10 million residents ago, 2 million of which are illegal aliens. And anyway, they are already building a bunch of low-income subsidized housing on the west side of Lafayette in addition to the ticky-tacky condos near BART per the housing element. You cannot build enough housing to bring down the price so everyone can have a house. Kick out the illegals and there would be something like 2 or 3 houses or condos per each of the homeless that they could choose from. The math is not friendly to your view.
Nope. Just stop the illegals from coming and breeding and it wouldn’t have been so bad. We sHOULD preserve open and. Not everyone needs to live in CA.
West Lafayette=New East Oakland.
Homeownership dreams for young people are vanishing faster with each liberal vote cast.
Ultimately with inflation, future tax hikes and rising medical costs, they won’t inherit any money either.
That leaves corruption as the best way to get ahead. Take a tip from Gavin: Hang around rich old money, be willing to sell your soul, and you too can be on the gravy train.
Whenever the housing market gets high like it is now, there is always a crash.
Soon enough we’ll see an economic crash that will hurt everyone.
People will be upside down on their homes, cars, and everything else.
Jobs will disappear, money will dry up and we’ll be in a depression just like 2008.
You can thank our feckless government for their mismanagement.
The market should be free and open. Disband the Fed, it’s worthless.
Absolutely every time the government interferes in the economy it fails.
When will people learn?
I tell ya what……..I’ll sell ya mine for $1.1 million…………send all offers to c/o Reeko Rizzo.
If I was large and in charge in Kalifornia, the housing crisis would be solved in less than six months … For $16k, I would source converted fully furnished container homes … plenty of manufacturers out there nowadays, some even cheaper than that … I would pass a luxury tax to pay for them and collaborate with major corporations to strike a good deal for everyone to where people would have basic needs met, and occupational training and basic health care all for free, paid by those making billions upon billions and paying little or no tax … It would work … despite what all the Debbie downers will certainly say. For every problem there is a solution … this is not rocket science, but the problem is the homeless industrial complex and the dirty federal money they are pocketing under the table under the guise of fighting the homeless problem. #losers #leadershipmalpractice #Newscummustgo
What goes up, must come down.
Sell. Take your profits and move to a red state.
Already did that. But housing prices are quickly rising in Red States. People like me are moving in and paying list or above, in cash, for houses. Building materials are in short supply and prices increase without a warning.
High taxes and crime in California were all the incentive we needed to flee. We got more house with a tremendous view in the bargain, but that wasn’t our main objective.
Why would anyone in their right mind buy a housing California? I’m just renting until I find the right house in a red state. I would never buy a house here.