The Concord Police Department will be hosting a Virtual Community Meeting to discuss AB 481: Military Equipment Funding, Acquisition and Use on Thursday, March 24, 2022, from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
The meeting topics will include:
- Purpose of the new legislation – Definition of Military Equipment – CPD Military Equipment inventory – CPD proposed equipment funding, acquisition and use Lexipol Policy – Annual report requirement – Community engagement and public access to materials.
To participate in the Virtual Community Meeting on Thursday, March 24, please register and join the Zoom discussion here.
Please visit www.cityofconcord.org police and click the Assembly Bill 481 tab on the left side of the page for additional information regarding this law and the Department’s Draft Policy.
Sounds good but get a new DA and some smarter judges.
To supply the police with better grade equipment? I totally support that. Fund the police, and fund them well. And give them the authority to end the crime wave as well.
A militarized police can not be a good thing.
What is your definition of “militarized”?
Be clear.
Why, most of it is for protection?
You’re right, it can’t.
I support any and all military equipment that will be used against to quell, supress, or discourage violence.
Use whatever means necessary under the police powers granted by the State, consistent and legal under the US Constitution.
Give them all the tools they need to bring this crime surge down. I’m a minority and have never had negative interactions with the police, especially with Concord PD. Don’t commit crimes and problems won’t come to you.
Obtain the equipment and use it as necessary…
I hope some of the posters here actually take the time to call in for this and show their support for our local police.
Otherwise the only ones on the line will be the anti-police antifa/antira types.
If y’all stopped shooting and stabbing people, they wouldn’t need those
Military surplus items.
We don’t need police reform, we need citizen reform!
I thought all the gun laws would stop the violence, so the police would not need military hardware. How about making easier for the citizens to defend themselves.
@james Boehner
I don’t think they want innocent citizens to defend themselves.
Tank On !
No. Some of you are openly calling for a militarized police. That is insane. Just enforce the laws we have like we used to. They need to pull people over for expired tags and broken equipment. Stop and frisk worked great in NY. I’m tired of seeing these troop style cargo pants and full on tactical cops. And remove the on/off switch on those body cameras. Uphold the constitution and protect and serve. Our cops have the easiest city to look after. All you mask wearing conformists who don’t step out of line. The DA needs to prosecute.
OMG.! Hell must have frozen over as I agree with Sam for the most part. No to stop and frisk as for all the possible good you have psycho bullies on forces that use it as a mean to feel up women which is nothing more than legalized sexual assualt.
Part of the problem is the police have gone from a community organization armed with a gun, rifle and billy club to ultra paramilitary that seems to attract psycho bullies.
AB481 is an anti-police bill that Newsom signed into law last year that makes the cops have to ask permission to keep equipment they already had in inventory for decades.
It was part of the “police reform” legislation that this state keeps passing.
What is “militarized equipment” under the bill?
– Any vehicle with armor
– Any rifle
– Loudspeakers
– Any “less lethal” launcher (a pump shotgun with beanbags)
– Any type of teargas or OC other than a small can worn on their belt belt
– Inert paintball training rounds (FX Simunitions)
It’s basically anything the intern that probably wrote the bill thought was “militarized” according to their own definition.
OK…. but no jets!
Community policing is the solution … not buying gadgets that line the pickets of the men running the #lawenforcementindustrialcomplex
I recall in the early 1990’s Concord PD acquired a surplus US Army helicopter. Believed it was housed in a hanger at Buchanan Field. The cost to demilitarize, upgrade with new avionics, turbine engine overhaul and subsequent FAA type certification was in the $million of dollars. CPD tried all types of funding, including a buy in by other county agencies. It was subsequently “returned” to the Feds. It was cheaper to purchase a used or new civilian LE outfitted helicopter.
Defund the police.
TraumaRx {—- “They’re back…….”
Then don’t bother calling them if you’re in an accident, if you’re a victim of a crime (violent or otherwise), if you need an EPO, if you’re a witness to or reporting a crime, etc…..
D is no so would just demonstrate your hypocrisy.
We need to enforce the Law as Sam said earlier it all starts with state government and the DA office. as far as arming with armory that would be for the civil unrest that will start under our current F Uped leaders in charge at this current time. fix the problem first with the idiots running our country. step #1
For awhile at least, we had some fully armored Humvees for use in hostage/suicide emergencies. Are they still in service?
Perhaps the PD would still have some military equipment, and the money taken from asset seizures had the former chief and his evil captain not disbanded the drug enforcement unit.
And you defund folks should sign up to be cops, or social workers and be sent into the critical incidents with no cover.
@Zimmerman, put your tinfoil hat back on.
I support The Castle Doctrine. First!
“(especially in the US) the principle that one is justified in the use of deadly force to protect one’s home and its inhabitants from intruders, without being obliged to retreat.”
I have had some weird threats from police officers. A militarized police force would be a grave mistake.
I would highly advise those that are against letting them have the equipment to go do some ride alongs and see what they are actually dealing with out on our streets. Then do your research why they want this equipment. It’s not tanks and full on machine guns, it’s equipment for them to do there job in a safe manor instead of putting themselves and others at risk by facing some of these people. Remember the crooks can get pretty much what ever they want in high powered weapons, they don’t follow the rules.
Sick of it
I did several ride alongs when i took the CPA Concord offered and when I when I help clean out the hookers on Walters Way.. I also lived off Detroit.. And I had the privilege of viewing the SWAT “toy” shed.
We are talking Concord not W Oakland. A handgun, rifle, taser, pepper spray and billy club are sufficient.
@Well Folks….Hookers on Walters Way and Detroit?….Damn, I missed that by about 50 years.
Well Folks, you have not been gone that long, but the homegrown crime situation has changed back for the worst recently….. plus, “Antioch and West Oakland” does indeed come out to Walnut Creek and Concord these days.
As for hookers….. check out the median strip at Meadow Lane and Monument. ( I sometimes “get an education” while Brúnhilda is having her gasoline snack there.)
This was 2008 & 2009. I bet you had better things to do than look for hookers
Giving military guns and equipment to police is the same as putting military guns and equipment in the hands of politicians . They are in charge of everything that goes on in our police departments . Since our politicians are all corrupt , lying .hypocrites ,do you really want them to control that much fire power?
obama years,
‘Why Are Federal Bureaucrats Buying Guns And Ammo? $158 Million Spent By Non-Military Agencies’ …
“… fiscal year 2015 and a partial FY2016. Spending on guns and ammo at 58 non-military federal agencies – including 40 regulatory, administrative agencies – amounted to $158 million.”
forbes 2017 https://tinyurl.com/3xzb75ds
The Biden administration must support this idea, otherwise they wouldn’t have left millions of dollars of military equipment in Afghanistan free for the taking. Joe must be experimenting with “community policing” over there before he brings it back to the states.
He’s a visionary………sadly his vision is obviously quite fuzzy……
Given the current level of violence within the community, this is quite justified. I advocate water cannons, Rottweilers and rubber bullets as initial actions to quell protests and other urban disturbances.
No way Armed Citizen….. Kamala say’s we should support rioters burning our cities…. leave ’em be.
How about Concord use these funds to fix some of the worst roads in the Bay Area instead! When the next recession comes the city will have wasted valuable resources on something that will be of little use to the people who live here.