Home » Congressman DeSaulnier To Host Women’s Rights As Human Rights Town Hall

Congressman DeSaulnier To Host Women’s Rights As Human Rights Town Hall


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier will host a virtual town hall Tuesday, March 15 at 7:00 p.m. to recognize the progress made for women’s rights and what he says are the battles ahead to protect reproductive freedom, secure pay equity, and address the cost of child care.

The event will be held on Zoom and will be streamed live on Representative DeSaulnier’s Facebook page.

To RSVP, submit a question, or request special accommodations, visit https://desaulnier.house.gov/town-hall-rsvp or call 925-933-2660.

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Use birth control, get an education and/or learn English and don’t have kids if you can’t afford them, it’s not rocket science!

Agreed! That’s what I did. The school I went to, there were no teenage pregnancies, it was a college focused school. Years later I moved to a town that actually had a school for pregnant mothers and the fathers. This was suppose to encourage graduation, but what I saw, is it encouraged more babies. Often times the teen parents ( who rarely stayed together) had a second baby before ever graduating, “if” they even graduated. Teen pregnancy is still high in this town and it’s 2022. It’s a cultural thing, and also it’s a welfare town. So when the Government is paying, especially for medical, they really have no concept. That’s a reality as I hired some of these women, and honestly they had NO CONCEPT of money, and other peoples money and taxes.

As long as the Government keeps paying, it will be easy for girls/women and boys/ men to continue to make really bad decisions and then cry victim if and when they do get jobs, that are minimum wage jobs, and trying to support a family. The Government and clowns like, well certain representatives, are keeping these people down. It’s very sad.

There is a women, and I can’t remember her name right now, but she is a speaker and travels the country about the pitfalls of welfare. She once was stuck too. Anyway, her story is powerful and she explains how it destroys peoples lives. Without it, girls/women ( boys and men too) people would be forced to “PLAN”, like what you are talking about. The most logical step in human nature. But also in human nature is that “safety net”, and knowing “if” something happens, I’ll be okay. This is very dangerous.

This entire “reproductive rights” tag line is just silly. Just say it. Abortion rights.

Can you define “afford” children ? Is there a formula one can use to see if you are eligible to reproduce?


I think that if a person needs child care but can’t afford it, that should be a clue.


All he ever does. More garbage.

I believe that for the even Mark will be using the name Loretta.

….and right now he and the dems should be strongly letting people know how many rights you have when Russia takes you over!
He sure changed over the years. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a regular marijuana user now. Something has happened to him.

To know how truly funny this is, you have to have known Mark and his buddies in the 1970’s — during the ‘good ol’e boys’ days at the corner of Salvio and Galindo!

Thank you to Skipolini’s for bringing “family fare” to downtown Concord.

Yes, we used to frequent TR’s Bar frequently and always saw that Bar Tender hitting on every “babe” at the bar and in the restaurant. What a Creep he was then; and is even worse now!! Please vote him out!!

I’m having a difficult time coming up with someone more worthless than Congressman DeSaulnier. Maybe Jesse Jackson?

John Kerry

You don’t have to look very far: Eric Swalwell.

I have no opinion on whether abortion should be legal or not. When I worked in health care as an RN, it surprised me how many women used abortion as a means of birth control. I had patients that had been pregnant as much as fifteen times, but only had three or four live births. The other pregnancies were aborted.

When we say women’s rights, what do we mean? I am becoming more and more confused about what a woman is. Is it a menstruating person? Especially when it comes to reproductive “women’s” rights- I think Mark better define what he means by women

@Curious and confused…This is what passes as a “woman” now, does that clear up things for you?….https://youtu.be/n164N0qCIlk

Maybe only real women in women’s sports. That would be a good start.

Really! Women’s Rights….yeah there should be some.
Seriously, Mark DeSaulnier there are more important things to focus on now!

Reproductive freedom?
Sounds like another excuse to use abortion as a contraceptive.

I’ll submit a question:
Why must Pro abortionists always call “murder” by another name?

have ya’ ever noticed that so many people who are pro-abortion, but anti-death penalty…

In the womb, nobody can hear you scream…..

“Women’s Rights As Human Rights.” Perhaps the most interesting thing about this title is the implication that women are not quite human and should have the same rights as real humans.

I have what is probably an unpopular opinion. Within reason and within a closed period of time I think abortion is better than a neglected child. We already have enough of them. I don’t think all grandmothers are capable of raising a child properly. They are the ones that get stuck with them. Late term abortion I believe is murder.

There is a long waiting list of people ready to adopt.
No excuse for abortion except in cases of rape, incest or physical danger to the mother.

Doc I don’t think there are enough parents to adopt that many kids.

Had New York not had the radicle abortion abortion laws they have for 3 months they would not have lost a house seat. Many people do want to adopt – oh and by the way more then 45 percent of the potential African American population in the US has been eradicated due to the abortion laws in the last 10 years.

When I was a kid in Chicago there was an orphanage in my school district. About thirty of them went to my school. Do we still have orphanages? I think birth control and abortions are the reason.

@ Badge1104 ~ Watch the movie “The Distinguished Gentleman” it starred Eddie Murphy, but it’s the same story for Mark….. except Mark hasn’t turned into a good guy yet…. and he probably won’t…. ever.

@Badge1104….Well, probably a Pot Head, they’re all stupid AF, don’tcha know?…..maybe he’s just brain dead from drinking too much alcohol.

Virtual??? Is Mark afraid someone will call out his nonsense at a Live Townhall. I don’t think he’ll ever hold another Live Townhall. Why should he? It’s so much easier to hide behind a screen.

Freedom has a price.

It’s responsibility.

If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it.

This is what he does for a living? And gets paid?

This topic compeletely ignores the LGBTQ community. And as such, is a racist meeting.

But what about me? I am a lesbian trapped in a man’s body. How will this meeting help me? Oh the mortification………Please send me some money and free stuff………

This guy is a total fool. Just another overpaid moron wasting our tax dollars.
Thanks for nothing, Marky.

Oh please, can we stop saying “Reproductive Rights”. We all know it’s abortion rights, so have the courage and just say it. If you believe so strongly in it, and it’s so “right”, then SAY IT!

Why isn’t he having a town hall on the numerous vaccine Bill’s in the legislature right now? I’m sure many of the constituents would have questions. Like do you support the one Bill that gives 12 year olds the right to get vaccinated without parents consent? What if a child didn’t fully understand their medical history, and there was a medical reason why, and this could cause death, permanent disability or long term health issues.

The other Bill’s are very disturbing and if passed we would become like a communist state, with no control what goes into our bodies ( well not us, we would just retire sooner and leave). What if you don’t want an annual flu shot? Well you wouldn’t be able to work or go to school in CA. That’s just one. COVID is another. All the other ones too…. All your boosters. This is big stuff, and yet no media, and where is our representative? He is talking about women’s rights. SMH!!!

BTW. I am a women. We have bigger issues right now.

That’s a good post.

@koncordkathy, yes there is a common sense formula, that everyone should be using before having children. Being in a stable relationship. Being able to support one’s self etc.

I don’t think men have to compete with something genetically stronger. How about men against apes in wresting or tree climbing.

The only reason I am alive is because it was BEFORE Roe/Wade. No I was NOT wanted – and there are many in my age bracket who were adopted out /raised by grandparents/put through foster care/(and/or) survived dysfunctional situations – (as it was the crazy late 60’s in the San Francisco bay area – afterall). People need time and money to prepare for having a child. Kids shouldn’t have kids – so I’m pro-choice / but I live and breathe as the last generation who survived before the culling.

“Reproductive freedom” is nothing more than abortion “rights”…. And abortion “rights” are nothin more than state-sanctioned murder .

Yet they’re against the death penalty?

Just more hypocrisy.



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