The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon!
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Are you worried another disease such as COVID-19 could be released from a biolab in Ukraine due to the Russian invasion?
Talk about it….
If another disease is released, I’m more worried the so-called health experts, politicians, and the media will exploit it like it did with COVID.
Yea better to just let everyone die and reduce the surplus population.
Well, not til you brought it up…..
No, President Biden will prevent it. He’s a wonderful president that has done so much for the people of this country, he’s wonderful, I’m a life long demorat and listen to all the media that supports him. Everything they say tells me he is flawless in his leadership, provides excellent direction and promotes things needed by this country. He’s so well respected by the world too. Everything this is going wrong is not his fault! I know I’ve been around, my Obama Biden bumper sticker is well faded. Build back better! LOL LOL LOL.
Biden’s so great I like to tell everyone Let’s Go Brandon to encourage them to support him
Well looks like neither FOX NEWS nor the Daily Mail is a reliable source for scientific information.
Try this combination as typed in a search engine.
“science feedback” “soros”
Thanks … gave me a hearty horse chuckle on that post Creeker.
Until I see a major politician drop dead from any so called “disease” it’s just a tool used for power and control.
Covid was a joke because not one head honcho politician died, and they’re all in the at risk category. If it was a serious disease I’m sure Nancy being in her 80s would have at least had a major bout with it or have died. Really suspect that all the big whigs in every industry and political branch didn’t have any issues.
I could be missing someone, but with how ineffective we know masks are as well as the “vaccines” in preventing the spread they should have gotten it. They either did and were hush about it and had symptoms that couldn’t be hidden or they didn’t get infected at all, which is strange considering most people should have already gotten it by now.
So no, I’m not worried about any disease because A I will probably be fine (barring some type of crazy contagious smallpox or measles) and B if something real does happen hopefully it will mean it brings these politicians back to earth so they stop thinking they’re above everyone.
Herman Cain wasn’t enough? He immediately came to mind, but I bet I could research the web and find more. You go on, though: refuse to accept that Covid kills and avoid that Microsoft tracking vaccination.
Herman Cain?? That’s what you got? Pathetic. COVID HAS ALWAYS BEEN A HOAX.
They just had access to the good meds…the ones that “don’t work”.
Had symptoms that could be hidden*
Not really. They have no BSL-4 labs.
At the present time we have conflicting reports of labs in the Ukraine that the US is involved with. The purpose of the labs is unclear. With the sophistication of science I have no doubt they could kill everyone on earth now or in the near future. It wouldn’t necessarily be a country involved but it could be a whacked out individual with his or her own lab.. So instead of the world getting safer it is getting more dangerous.
Not until the next election cycle.
I’m a little bit worried about Putin as he gets more desperate. It is possible that he becomes so disconnected and irrational that he decides as a final blow he’s just going to send all his atomic bomb missiles off in our direction, so we could go out with a big bang.
Would upsets me too, is that none of this would probably be happening if Trump was president. Recent poll said most Americans believe that Putin would not be trying this.
So for you peace freaks out there that think you could just flash peace signs and disarm and everything will be fine in the world, this better be a wake up call to you there are bad actors out there that will mow you over. America must remain strong and it must remain energy independent. Biden and the Democrats have us going in the wrong direction!!!! Thank goodness a lot of people are waking up to it!
@ Badge 1104 – Putin is not desperate at all. He is easily winning. He is going slow in order to minimize civilian casualties.
Both countries have made corridors for civilians to escape. But Ukraine has armed random citizens – a true move of desperation, one which will lead to more civilian deaths.
Wow simply Putin propaganda …. unbelievable
Calling facts you don’t like Putin propaganda or russian disinformation is US propaganda. Which is chinese propaganda.
jwb just can’t have a simple conversation. It’s every time you post..nothing but propaganda psaki talking points. It’s no wonder nobody takes you even remotely serious. You’re a bot, a troll, a government shill. Do you even have a real original opinion of your own?
More concerned about financially illiterate politicians destroying this State and other States as well as this Country…
… only ones from Chinese lab.
‘28 Days Later’, anyone?
Do not listen to Tucker Carlson.
We all would be a lot better informed if we did listen to Tucker Carlson!
He is a true American and excellent commentator/author. Your missing out on a lot of guests and news that the Lame Stream Media will never get into. Keep Watching CNN (Communist News Network) and you will continue being the dullest knife in the drawer!!
Do not listen to Tucker Carlson if you want to stay uninformed. Tucker attacks the crooked and stupid of both parties and there is a lot of them. You can tell how good he is by the number of attacks by democrats.
A leak due to the Russian invasion? What a loaded question. Ukraine/US developed illegal Bio-Weapons labs and did little to fortify them before they provoked hostilities with Russia.
So, no the sole blame wouldn’t be on Russians. And calling them “bio-labs” is like calling an M-16 a “lead trajectory measuring device”.
They are Bio-Weapon Labs – technically they have been developing “weapons of mass destruction”. Wasn’t this the excuse we gave for invading Iraq?
As of now, not worried, but concerned. That could change in the future.
No, the wuflu mostly affected the old, fat, and people who had several underlying health issues. It was more of a way for some to profit and many to lose everything.
Gates said there was another pandemic on the way.
He should know, he paid for it.
This new one will be much worse.
Gates = Darth Vader … The Don = Hans Solo … Tulsi Gabnert = Princess Lea … Joe Biden = Mr MaGoo … Harris = Darker version of Chrissie from Threes Company, just not as smart
Labs in Ukraine? This isn’t in the latest NPC talking point download, are we supposed to back the other side now? Please advise. *beep boop*
Hey amigo … you believe what you want … I will believe what I believe based on 30 years in journalism and investigative skillz that would blow your vato mind … #agreetodisagree
Not really. I am more concerned about putin releasing radiation from Chernobyl (bombing the area), and Zaporizhzhia. Of course, while russia is doing this, I am sure iran is busy with their nuke development. In reality, I fear more how our “leaders: will react to any kind of biologic release from these labs than I am of any actual release.
Well I never gave it a thought until you just brought it up. Yikes!
Now that we are learning just how many Biolabs exist around the world, and just how easy it is now to use CRISPR-9 genetic editing tools, I assume we will have more accidents, and probably more “accidently on-purpose” releases. My fear is the release of something which attacks our food supply. Wheat, corn or rice would be catastrophic.
Ever watch the first few minutes of “The Stand” ? (original movie)
It kind of says it all…..