Home » Man Arrested In The Middle Of Treat Blvd. In Concord After Threatening People With Knife

Man Arrested In The Middle Of Treat Blvd. In Concord After Threatening People With Knife


A man was arrested just after 4 p.m. today in the middle of Treat Blvd. near Clayton Rd. in Concord after he ran into a nearby restaurant in the Safeway parking lot, grabbed a knife and accused the restaurant of holding his brother in the freezer, according to police.

The man fled on foot, and police ended up detaining the man on Treat Blvd.

No injuries were reported, and nobody was in the freezer.

Traffic on Treat Blvd. was blocked for about five minutes while police detained the suspect.


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I don’t know that that guy was on but I hope no one else gets into it.

Police scanner said the guy was a transient and he threatened offices with a knife.

That’s a no-no.

Glad no one was injured.

Sounds like he’s one of California’s politicians, unhinged…

Couple of days ago I was driving by Chuckie Cheeses. A guy standing on a corner waiting for the light to change took off his shirt, pulled his pants down below his underpants and walked across the street when the light changed leaving his shirt behind.

… another drugged out wacko … isn’t this where Concord says is a good place to raise families? move along..move along…


Where Some Families Come First

You mean, where illegal families come first and transients are given the run of the city.

I have news for you Ramdy, drugs are in every city and town, it is a national problem, So give poor Concord a break.

Hopefully they at least got to use non-lethal on him.


Come to Pleasant Hill … great place for raising kids … #not!!!

I hope they sent a guidance counselor to handle him.

What restaurant?

Probably Buttercup

Soon we will be like SF. Legal to pee in the streets and poop where ever. Always amazing to see Lafayette orinda Danville Alamo does not have this problem. They get shipped to us on Bart No one says a word about that. But we all know why.

You clearly don’t know what you are talking about. This stuff is going on all over. Concord is not alone! The cops are frustrated and don’t have the DA backing them up. DA Becton is very friendly with the nightmare DA in SF so it makes sense Contra Costa is having the same problems. There’s a lady running against her Mary Knox but she’s not got the big $$$$ behind her. She’s just an ADA with the DAs office and tired of watching the lawlessness going on under Becton. Becton will crush her with money unless we get the word out to take our County back! Knox is not a politician she’s just someone that wants to give victims a voice again and not the criminals! She has my vote and I hope others.

..and don’t forget legal injection sites where the druggie wackos can shoot up in front of kids and the public….. oh.. wait a minute…

Recall Prop 47 & 57, and let Prop 36 and FADS court work.


You know I’ll bet they only checked the walk-in freezer.
Most places have a chest freezer too… wouldn’t it be funny if they opened it up to grab some ice cream and there he was?!!!
Cops would be soooooooooooo embarrassed!

Thanks for that information! We can only hope that people will come to their senses and vote Becton out. But the fact that the legislators can’t even agree to revoke prop 47 and the people of California couldn’t even get rid of Newsom I fear we’re up fighting an uphill battle. As I always say, it can’t hurt to try

Housing first! Lol. Clearly this guy just needs a free apartment and his drug problems and mental illness will immediately vanish.

Did anyone check the freezer?

Someone forgot to tske their meds. His poor Mother!

I was in the freezer. This guy should get some treatment for mental and/or drugs. He shouldn’t be lurking around town like a psycho.

The description of this incident speaks more to mental illness than it does to drugs. Not everything that happens is drug related and just goes to show how much the mentally ill are underserved. Yes, Aunt Barbara, someone may have very well forgotten to take their meds or, worse yet, doesn’t have the means to afford their meds anymore. I hope this poor would gets the help they need regardless of the cause, and soon.

The last sentence should have read:
I hope this poor soul gets the help they need regardless of the cause, and soon.



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