The average price for a gallon of regular gas in California is now $5.57, which is a new record, according to AAA.
This is an increase of $.50 in the past five days.
Contra Costa’s average price is $5.64 a gallon, which is also a new record.
The cheapest gas in the nation is in Oklahoma, where the average price is $3.79 a gallon. The National average is currently $4.25.
‘Somethings gotta give”…Biden needs to walk back his renewable energy policies as it is tightening the noose on the working middle class! The only silver lining to this is people may change how they vote. And no, this is not because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine…
Biden is placing a ban on Russian oil and natural gas imports, that will drive up fuel prices, and at the same time is blaming Putin. In his speech yesterday, Biden acknowledged it will result in higher gas prices for Americans. Biden said, “Putin’s war is already hurting American families at the gas pump.”
The Dems are always ready to shift the blame, gas prices were climbing way before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it’s Biden’s limits on domestic oil production that’s exacerbating the shortfall.
Now, it seems Americans will be paying even more to feed their families. Not only is the price of fuel rising, grain prices are on the rise also. Be ready to pay a lot more for a loaf of bread or a box of cereal.
Remember this, all you Dems out there that voted for Biden, this is all your fault. Before Biden, we were energy independent, producing our own oil.
Shifting blame is something the current democratic party has become expert at…..They got it down pat.
The US gets 1% of its oil from Russia.
So why are we letting the oil companies (who are making record profits) gouge us again?
@Chuq, Only 1%, but Biden places the blame of the high cost of gas on Putin.
True – be ready to pay a lot more for a loaf of bread or a box of cereal. And not because of gas and grain prices.
Russia and Belarus are some of the largest producers of fertilizers. Nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus – their share is between 15 and 35% of the total world’s output. And unlike oil, we import a LOT of them.
All I know is that things were *better*under*Trump*.
(Not just gas, but inflation, crime, national security, even world stability were all better)
Biden needs to redouble his efforts! According to a year old article, “In 2020, China brought 38.4 gigawatts of new coal-fired power into operation.” Plus they had twice that planned for the future. My dog enjoyed lounging in the sun today, which gave me the idea to have her outfitted with solar panels.
It is strictly price gouging by our own government.The Democratic Party has to go.The first two on the list is brain dead Joe Biden and no brain Gavin Newsom.
It’s also time for pigliosi and Harris the ho to go.
Democrats are useless. No critical thinking skills, no knowledge of economics or foreign policy ….or anything else for that matter.
The only thing they know is pandering and how to blame others. They don’t give a damn about you.
Energy independence equates to national security.
Screw you Biden!
Every Democrat that voted for that inept moron now has to buy my gas for me. Send your cash/checks/food stamps/Venmo to c/o Reeko Rizzo.
I second that!
Biden’s policies pre-invasion are the cause. The narrative that it’s Russia only fools believe or parrot.
Send your money to Reeko!
Of the oil that the U.S. does import:
52% of that comes from Canada.
11% comes from Mexico.
11% from OPEC nations.
7% comes from Saudi Arabia.
For Russia, the petroleum products we did import:
About half went to the West Coast because it is not connected by pipeline to the Gulf Coast’s oil fields.
The East Coast gets about a quarter of U.S. Russian oil imports.
Went past a gas station on my way to the store this morning. It was $5.99.9. Forget that last .9, it just hides that last penny being charged so basically it was $6 a regular gallon.
Why are the oil companies holding us hostage?
If there are unused drilling permits, that would suggest the issue has nothing to do with Biden or any current policies.
Maybe the issue is the oil companies, no matter what country they are beholden to.
@ Danged-
Having a lease allows you to drill. But then you need millions of $s and lots of time to actually produce. You need $ to build roads and infrastructure, to hire workers, to set up rigs. For that you need financing and this administration has literally said it wants to defund you and remove access to funds.
The time involved is also long. Drilling projects are usually budgeted for 10+ years. Psaki’s claim about permits fails to mention that you don’t just poke a hole in the ground and then, voila!, you have oil. It takes many months at least, before your lease is productive and financially feasible.
Biden’s energy policies started oil on a steep climb up, long before Putin’s invasion with no relief in sight. Putin just sped up the process. Mayor Pete telling everybody that the answer is simply to buy an EV is shortsighted and ridiculous in the short and long term. The only near term answer to the price of oil is to increase production now and hope that other friendly nations increase their supply. But Biden and his minions want high energy prices to force you to compromise and obey.
Time to have a Exorcism on the Demoncrat Party. they have been possessed for the last 14 years. the no common sense party is set on the destruction of the United States and the world for that matter. they have pulled the weak and took their minds. we all know people who can’t see through the veil . and they won’t listen to what you have to say.
Worst inflation in 40 years.
Thank you, idiot democrats.
You own this!
$5.99 at the Chevron on Clayton and Denkinger this morning.
The American government’s failure to maintain a reasonable infrastructure and supply needed goods and services to the people has failed.
The American people who support this useless government are responsible for the failures just as much as the corrupt politicians.
Socialism is a weakness and weakness always fails.
Gas prices are only the beginning.
Check out the cost of bread. $10 a loaf will be the cheap stuff soon.
Complacency and foolishness are rampant among the supporters of this corrupt gang of politicians.
The Biden admin and Obama before him have been putting pressure on lenders to stop doing business with oil companies making it hard for them to secure investments to expand production. They also do everything they can to make the cost of doing business higher. Oil companies are also hesitant to make large investments to expand production when the government can just come in and say “nah you’re not doing that” and will not compensate them for any losses. Sound familiar? That’s literally what the government did during covid. They made so many people lose their business or lose out on earnings and are they compensating them for the losses? No they are not.
So before any holier than thou suicidal “environmentalists” want to preach to me or anyone else about oil companies why don’t you ask why government hasn’t had to pay out of their own pocket to cover expenses incurred from their restrictions during covid? They caused price increases directly from their policies are you telling the government to pay out for that? You can’t blame oil companies for not wanting to absorb costs incurred by the government when the government won’t even absorb the financial woes of their own actions THE LAST 2 YEARS.
Also, when you have ever increasing costs of compliance it’s still a cost that must be accounted for.
For anyone thinking new taxes or regulations are the only new costs incurred by the business must not have any real world experience. You also have to pay someone to make sure your company is compliant. With each new law and tax someone in the company makes sure they’re compliant, and with the ever increasing complexity of rules and regulations company’s have to hire high level professionals that are not cheap in order to ensure compliance.
None of the complaining by democrats and Biden about oil companies will change the fact that people know the high gas is a direct result of Biden’s actions. Stop trying to gaslight people and accept your own screw up.
If you were serious about clean energy you’d be talking about nuclear. Energy could be so clean, so renewable, and so cheap it would be absolutely amazing but too many people have a financial investment in the solar and wind sector and they’re self preserving at this point by laying blame and using their pets in government to protect themselves from competition and annihilation.
By the way “greenies”, what happens if there’s another meltwater pulse like there was 11,000 years ago? What happens if a comet hits the earth like has happened many times? With your policies we would become sitting ducks that could never survive any catastrophe and humanity would be wiped out, but then again you’re suicidal so it’s probably what you want.
If you had any sense at all you’d be all about nuclear power and focusing on space mining so we can get the vast amount of abundant resources from space so we don’t have to mine the EARTH nearly as much anymore. But thanks to your ideas we would have to keep mining the earth just to have basic things like solar panels and CAR BATTERIES WHICH ARE NOT GREEN. Your own ideas will kill the earth you’re claiming to want to save.
Until the battery has a breakthrough like the microchip with vastly more storage at a much smaller size your fantasy of an electric batter powered future is just that: a fantasy. Wake up, we’re on the brink of WW3 and I can guarantee you China and Russia don’t give a damn about your little “environmentalist” identity you’ve molded yourself around.
+ 1
By the way, the “environmentalists” that have fought so hard against oil production in the US and Europe are FUNDED by Russia and China and have been for the last 15 years. You got swindled.
Russia and China subverted the west and got college kids on board to scream at their government to weaken themselves so Russia could grow stronger. Democrats are on board with the environmentalists so it’s safe to say democrats are either ignorant of the foreign subversion or support it. Either way is absolutely terrible and they need to be held to account.
Y’all so smart you got used by a foreign power so they could go to war. Geniuses.
Great arguments above and on this post. Thank you for well thought out postings.
A good video from a Ted talk “How fear of nuclear power is hurting the environment”
The bottom line is Joe ‘The buck doesn’t stop here’ Biden is the president, and the country is on the verge of disaster.
Gavin Newsom is now talking about some sort of rebates for Californians as opposed to reducing gasoline taxes. However his comments were as vague as Joe Biden and as vacuous as Kamala Harris. Whatever they are will clearly be not in the interest of working Californians. We must vote this horse’s patoot out of office.
And of course, as always, illegals are eligible.
Biden wanted to throw oil company CEOs in jail when he was running for the office. If I was a CEO of any U.S. oil company and biden called me, I’d hang up on this Fool.
How ’bout killing another pipeline project and see if that helps…
The higher gas costs, the more the State collects in taxes.