Home » Now You Can Order Four More “Free” COVID-19 Tests

Now You Can Order Four More “Free” COVID-19 Tests


Every household in the country can now order four more “free” COVID-19 tests.

The COVIDtests.gov website allows all households in the country to order up to eight at-home antigen tests per residence. According to federal officials, tests are available and free for every residential address in the country.

The tests will ship in roughly 7-12 days, according to federal officials. Tests ordered via the website will offer results within 30 minutes.


Tests ordered via the website are expected to begin shipping later this month, according to the USPS.

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Please send test

Did I win?
Maybe not, but I did order my COVID home tests

Who cares, if I ever received them right in the trash they go. Claudian Tessandori can have mine…


We all pay for these with our tax dollars.

Has anyone noticed just how much this is costing us all yet?

“We the people” are paying a lot more than these things are worth plus all the storage, shipping, and handling.

It’s not free, it’s astoundingly costly.


Amen Cellophane and how much are the taxpayers paying pfizer for the “free” vaccine ?

why are there quotes over “free” ? its completely free for whoever wants it. no need to add quotes creating a double meaning…

According to the White House Fact Sheet on test kits 1/14/22:
“In addition, the Administration provided schools $10 billion in American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding to get tests to K-12 school districts. And, the Administration invested nearly $6 billion in ARP funding to cover free testing for uninsured individuals, . . . ”

Just that part of the program costing $16 billion divided by the population is about $50 per person in the US. So, if you have a family of 4, that is $200.

Nothing is free. NOTHING. Get it?

You’re paying for it, one way or another.

And that is exactly why this country is in trouble….people thinking they can get “free” stuff. Apparently, economics is no longer taught these days. Of course, critical thinking skills CANNOT be taught.

Lastly, you might want to enroll in a remedial English class. It looks as though you need to relearn your grammar if you want to be taken seriously.

Maybe Joe(who also knows nothing about economics) will just print more money to pay for them.

These have a short shelf life so check the date stamped on the box.

Considering where the dollar is going, these covid test kits may very will be the next currency.

Any idea if we can re-sell them on Amazon?

What’s Covid again?

Various hospitals report they will be allowing 1 to 2 family member visitors at a time for the terminally ill as long as they show proof of vac and a negative COVID test. However, “home test kit results will not be accepted.”

These, and all the rapid tests, are worthless. This is probably just all the overstock they bought.

My tax money pays for these so I’m getting them.

Our county is averaging 114 cases a day. Which means your chance of getting it right now is one and 10,500 .

Can anyone tell me where these are made please?

These are the same as the ones sent home from our school. They are made in China and manufactured for iHealth with a Sunnyvale CA address.

That’s what I assumed. China.

So some of you guys are perfectly ok shoving something in your mouth from china? I won’t even wear a shirt from china or drink from a glass made in china but you traitors are sucking up those tests made in china on my tax dollars.

Russian oil and china slave labor. You “Americans” are pathetic.

The #Covidindustrialcomplex keep marching on … sighhhhh

I still haven’t received the other ones that Biden promised.

First, ‘Someone’ sent us some Covid ~~ for free. OK? Now they want me to jam something made of unspecified something sent from unspecified somewhere for some unspecified purpose up my nose … all by myself? LOL! Uh, NO!

No one (they) is making you jam anything…it’s all up to you and your choice. By the way…I lost 3 family members ~~for free. One should always be careful what they ask for.

Simonpure, perhaps you misread what I said. ‘They want’ is not the same as ‘they are making’ ~~ but for a couple years now, we have not been able to grocery shop at a store or take clothes to the dry cleaner without “somebody” demanding proof that somebody has been jamming a stick up our nose!

I truly am very sorry to hear of your personal loss of family. This thing they sent us caused the death of many of the most vulnerable and was also blamed for the death of many that it didn’t kill. Neither cause is forgivable.

Now, the same “they” that sent the disease, are being recompensed with our tax funds for making the tests kits AND the base materials for the medical treatments. Good Luck! Sincerely.

Lol Ricardoh and + 1 😂

I think were going to need some iodine tablets on the next order please. Oh 1 more thing…..LGB !

Some of these tests are “allegedly” made with toxic materials. Be careful.

Also, if you’ve ever taken a covid test at a clinic or similar place, your DNA is now in a database. Allegedly.

So … tell me again … why is the US buying kits made in China when China started this whole thing in the first place? I try to buy nothing made in China … it’s hard to do but at least I try.

Before you go blaming others, you might want to check the patent holders on SARS-CV2 and the many varients.

Made in China.

I never did get the first batch of free covid tests from Uncle Joe.

This administration is a conglomeration of The Keystone Kops, The Three Stooges, and Jackass. They can’t do anything right.

“You get what you pay for.”

The costs for the ‘free’ Covid tests have not been made public. But by law, they should be. Salon: https://bit.ly/3pLFV3h

Funny they say 4 tests, but only sent 2 boxes. It even says on the box that 1 box(test kit) is for one person, so should they send 4 boxes. Same ones the school gave out for holiday testing.

I plan to order them, and upon arrival mail them directly to Pennsylvania Ave. Might as well complete the circle…….

It’s almost like people getting these think they’ve won the Lottery. If you feel ill, you care for yourself, like with anything else. If it doesn’t resolve then you head to Urgent Care. Why is it necessary to see if it’s COVID? Relax folks!

A couple of thoughts:
I like how they are pushing the QR code to download a video. Theere are printed instructions so why should I watch a video. I can actually read. Not to mention my phone isn’t setup to read QR codes (my choice). Makes me wonder what else is donwloaded with the video. Gov’t tracking?
There are two kits in each box, they expire in July, and they are made in China. I wonder where the video they want you to download is from? China maybe



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