The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you think gas will reach $7 a gallon (average price for regular unleaded) by the beginning of summer in California? Right now the average price is $5.34, which is an increase of $.66 since last month.
Talk about it….
No, not for regular unleaded.
But with the way it’s going, I might have to start walking or use a bike for nearby (3-mile round trip) shopping.
Yes…definitely in the foreseeable future…even before summer. Buckle up folks and get ready to open up your wallets…
The new show some gas stations in Southern California areas it over $7 already.
Wouldn’t be surprised.
Was researching for post over on Talk About POLITICS, into crude oil and biden’ administration attempts to curb inflation and fuel prices, but it fits here.
How interesting. Last year Venezuela sanctions waivers were quietly granted to American oil companies, after ‘green‘ biden administration had already cost American pipeline workers their living wage jobs.
Since biden made USA again heavily dependent on foreign oil thru his
enfeebled attempts a repeat domestic and foreign policies of invertebrate obama.
Saturday US officials arrived in Venezuela for talks which might result in lifting of U.S. oil sanctions and resumption of oil imports. There was no mention if 9 Americans being held in prison there will be part of any deal.
Reportedly US imports roughly 670,000 barrels a day from russia.
Keystone XL pipeline was expected to transport 830,000 barrels of Alberta tar sands oil per day to Gulf Coast refineries in Texas.
BUT, it seems mega rich DEM campaign contributor’s company makes about $10 a barrel transporting oil from Canada in railroad tank cars.
Long time swamp creatures aren’t about to bite the hand that signs, all those large campaign contribution checks.
As you are now witness to every time you get gas, swamp creatures
DON’T care if you suffer because of their decisions.
After all end goal, always justifies any means. (swamp lore)
“You never let a serious crisis go to waste.
And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” –Rahm Emanuel former DEM mayor of Chicago
Evidence of true DEM green agenda commitment,
‘Kamala Harris say it is time to make a ‘transition’ to green energy as she pushes electric cars and ‘clean transit’ with Pete Buttigieg while Americans face record gas prices
daily mail https://tinyurl.com/4ymzff7u
Yep. And they push electric which our system cannot even handle as is! Lol. Seriously. You have to be a moron to fall for this agenda. However, there is one thing that the US has an abundance in. Morons.
Chevron at Contra Costa Blvd and Golf Club Road is now 5.80.
I can remember when it was fore!
I can’t understand why people go to Chevron where the gas is always the most expensive.
.. oh yeah – May 2022
$5.29 for Regular this morning at Speedway Express. The fill was $100.00. A few months ago the same fill was about $60-65.00.
It has already hit/surpassed $4/gal over here in our Free State (low taxes and no masks). In California it will hit $7/gal unless Biden pushed the “Drill Baby Drill” button soon.
We’ll see $8 before it drops back down. I bet your wallet on it.
Summer is 3 1/2 months from now, there’s plenty of time for the price of gas to keep going up. Next month, California will switch to the summer blend, and by August, don’t be surprised to see $10.00 a gallon. The Democrat party has controlled the state for the last 30 years, and the majority of California Democrat voters had voted Democrat in every presidential election since then. Where has it brought us? Skyrocketing energy costs, higher grocery bills, rolling summer blackouts, uncontrollable wildfires, more homelessness, more illegal’s entering the state, and living off the taxpayers dime. There’s more crime, smash and grab robberies, murders, and assault on police officers. Then there are the liberal DA’s and judges who refuse to prosecute and incarcerate violent felons. All of this under Democrat leadership. Why do Democrat voters, some of whom, are seemingly intelligent, keep voting the same, and expect different results?
Wake up Dems, this is your fault, and anyone who denies it, has their head someplace where the sun ain’t shining.
Easily $7.00 a gallon anytime soon. We only use 3% of our gasoline from Russia so our prices are falsely inflated especially in California which already has the highest in the nation. Keep voting in these people and expect a lot more of this to happen…
Make it $10 before the end of the year.
$7.00 by Memorial Day and fall back to $5.00 and make the a##hole politicians look like heroes.
Journalist Gregg Palast suggested that if the US were to remove sanctions on Venezuela that we could get plenty of gas from there. Then I read a few days later that there are talks underway with Venezuela. Frankly I don’t think a lot of large corporations in the US would be very happy if bad political activities were to destroy the US economy through high inflation.
I don’t have to drive very far for anything so will probably top off at the current price. That might last me 3 months.
It sure will. Don’t forget about California’s “Summer Blend” gasoline coming soon.
Even though it is popular right now to suggest boycotting Russian oil, I don’t think that Russian oil will be kept off the market. It will find other buyers. Also, it appears that an agreement for the U.S. to rejoin the JCPOA is imminent. That could mean more Iranian oil entering the world market.
I think that the current price of oil is being driven more by speculation than actual market forces. I doubt that gasoline will reach $7/gal by summer.
If oil is trading at $300 a barrel, you’ll wish that gas was still at $10/gallon.
People will be voting with their wallets come November.
We can hope. However, some people are obstinately dumb.
I expect that California voters will continue to be so stupid that they will still vote democrat….with the promise of more “free sh**.”
California voters have proven that they do not live on the real world.
why not, the plan is to create an environment where the cost of fossil fuels necessarily rises and yields it unreachable for the consumer. This was the plan under little o, and it went so far, now, the goal is to push it much further. This is all either by design (many of the left lobbyists/envrio nuts), or stupidity (john kerry, worried that the russian invasion of ukraine will distract from climate change/enviro nuts).
If we the EU and US decide to stop buying Russian oil, crude will hit 150, cheapest gas will be 7:50. This decision will be this week. China is buying all Russian oil at 50 cents on the dollar and funding this war effort.
Was so ridiculous is that the US has oil enough for 100 years for our needs and that of all our allies. But thanks to Joe Biden and the Democrats we are begging other countries to sell it to us now. And it’s all enemy countries like Russia, Iran, other Middle East adversaries, and now Venezuela. When we buy from these countries it makes them richer and able to fund their totalitarian ways and aggression. Yet we have tons of oil and gas in our country. Now how is this being green?
Don’t you Dems out there see how stupid this is? If this is what your leaders are pushing.
Some say that Russia would have never pulled the stunt against Ukraine had we not given him billions of dollars in capital from our oil purchases.
US oil purchases from Russia went from 142.0 million barrels in 2017 to 197.7 million barrels in 2020. That’s an increase of 39%.
“Some say that Russia would have never pulled the stunt against Ukraine had we not given him billions of dollars in capital from our oil purchases.”
By the end of March
Sure. Why not?
I’m sure glad to be retired and not commuting anymore.
.. and Let’s Go Brandon!
Yes, by next week!
I’m in Richmond and the 2 stations that I drive by regularly are at $5.99 for premium and diesel right now. One is right off the freeway, the other is about a mile away.
$7 a gallon will look like a bargain.
Yes. A barrel of oil is $12O. I believe it could reach $175. I can’t wait for the people to run out and buy more electric cars and then take a look at their electric bills and complain they never should have sold their gas vehicles. Hopefully PG&E will have enough juice in hand or it’s Enron on steroids.
PGE can’t even keep the lights on when it’s windy outside.
Wonder if it would help if the oil that is pumped out in this country actually stayed here for the Americans to use. Would we still need a pipeline from Canada to Texas even?
I want to know which country Biden is president of because it doesn’t look like it is ours.
Isn’t it piss-poor to have to ask that question.
And some of the polls show his approval rating still above 40%. They must be polling other countries. By the time this is over (whatever that means) Joe Biden will be remembered as the President with the largest number of impeachable offenses during a single term.
This administration has target fixation. They can’t see what’s around them. They are spinning in and approaching the wall while discussing climate change. Todays concerns are war and the upcoming war for energy. Better get that straightened out or the rest won’t matter.
Keep those truckers in Washington. forget covid mandates. time for a gas protest !
Don’t fret. Joe said the record high inflation will reverse itself, and prices will go down.
Next… Look for Gas thieves… lots of $$$ running around in Vehicles.. Will the DA say.. They had a “need”…
It’s Gavin the clowns ploy to get us to buy ELECTRIC cars!.:(.
Yes. And, according to ‘The buck doesn’t stop here’ Joe, it’s all Putin’s fault.
Psaki gets on TV and smugly proclaimers it’s the oil companies fault for not drilling on their current lease blocks. She suggests since they have the block they just drill and start pumping away so to speak. Liar.
Lease blocks were purchased at auction. THEN the partners spend a great deal of money on three dimensional seismic data. There is always a strong possibility data shows the block might be useless.
One thing for sure: Oil companies will always drill their best projects first. Biden stopped the sale of new lease blocks, and likely many good and easy infrastrucure projects will remain undiscovered. Thanks Joe. So he goes on his knees to try to get energy from countries that hate the US. Psaki calls that “diplomacy”. I call it stupid, and injurious to US citizens.
I just wish they could shut off Psaki’s microphone as she is the leader of disinformation.