Home » State To End Indoor Mask Requirements For Unvaccinated People, Schools, Childcare Facilities

State To End Indoor Mask Requirements For Unvaccinated People, Schools, Childcare Facilities


California will lift its indoor mask requirements Tuesday for unvaccinated people and March 12 for schools and child care facilities, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Monday.

The changes will mark the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic began that both unvaccinated people and students will be allowed to remove their masks indoors.

Newsom jointly announced the new statewide masking policy with Oregon Gov. Kate Brown and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, who also announced changes in their states, citing declining COVID case rates and hospitalizations across the west coast.

“Masks are an effective tool to minimize spread of the virus and future variants, especially when transmission rates are high,” Newsom said in a statement. “We cannot predict the future of the virus, but we are better prepared for it and will continue to take measures rooted in science to keep California moving forward.”


Masks will still be required under state and federal rules in health care settings, prisons, homeless shelters, long-term care faciltiies and on public transit.

California Teachers Association President E. Toby Boyd said he expected mixed reactions to the removal of school mask requirements and called for respect and understanding as the announcement “is bound to disrupt and destabilize some school communities.”

“Simply put, while some students are ready to immediately remove their masks, others remain very afraid,” Boyd said. “We urge local school districts to continue to work with educators and families and to act cautiously while prioritizing the safety of students, educators, and their families.”

Newsom said local governments and school districts will still have the ability to be stricter in their enforcement of indoor masking.


Most counties across the state and in the Bay Area have already removed their indoor mask requirements for vaccinated people.

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Watch the jabbed go into a complete panic mode. They will triple mask for fear of the unjabbed. Plus Gruesome wants to be sure and get re-elected.

I am vaccinated and do not want to wear the mask any longer. I am living my life mask free unless required by federal mandate (doctors office) and I have no fear of getting or spreading Covid. If I get it I trust my healthcare provider to treat me. I want to build up my natural immunity to this virus. As it should be.

Newsom is a liar. Read the order. Teachers still are mandated to wear masks!!!! The is ridiculous!

Haha hilarious, wow what a “coincidence” these and US Capitol mandates are being rescinded the literal day before Sniffy Touchy gives SOTU.

And there’s no shortage of sub-morons who will lap this up and pretend the intellectually-curious/honest people with common sense have been right for 2 years about the ineffectiveness of masks and lockdowns.

*haven’t been right

BINGO! Pete v…. now they have their head-count, and they know exactly how far they can push us, and what makes us fight back.

“Masks are an effective tool to minimize spread of the virus and future variants, especially when transmission rates are high,” Newsom said in a statement.

Perpetuating the big lie, even when admitting failure. Got to hand it to these leftist authoritarians. They do stick to the script.

Wanna bet that MDEA and MDUSD will still require a mask? Both will probably try to use it as a bargaining tool during their ‘negotiations’.

I am not surprised that it is ending now .. he is losing control and he knows it. 48% of the population approve of him .. he is trying to buy more votes to see if he can maintain a chance to stay in office. The problem I have is, that I konw stupid people will buy this nonesense …


Exactly what I was going to say.


The School Board does what the Soros plant tells them to do.

No way does that idiot who kissed his wife’s forehead with a mask on have a 48% approval rating.

My mistake. We’re talking about two different idiots.

So Balt B

What is wrong with my statements?

Newscum has an approval rating of less than 50%.

Teachers are no waiting for OSHA … maybe CALOSHA, but not Federal OSHA as teachers in others states are not requiring their teachers to wear masks.

So please enlighten me on what is wrong with my statements, and when you can not, I would think an apology is in order. Will I get one from you, no.

@ Cyn
Understood on the idiot confusion … we have a lot of idiots to choose from that are in office.

Watch the Teacher’s Unions have a fit about this! And all the teachers threaten to walk out. Meanwhile…. Preschool and daycare teachers have been in the trenches the entire time. No raise, no hero pay, no remote work- just there for the kids.


This makes zero sense.
Why not just make masks optional everywhere, for everyone?!
And why wait until March 11th?
Are they going to check kids and staff until that date to see who is vaxxed and who is unvaxxed?
How are they going to know?🤔🤔
It’ll be just like the environment at the stores: All of the vaccinated people will continue to wear masks, and the unvaccinated people won’t wear a mask.
At the stores, nobody cares.
But in the workplace, this may become hostile because co-workers will know who is vaxxed and who isn’t.

Why do indoor workplaces still require masks?
Why do I still see grocery store workers wearing them?!

Stop ALL the mandates for healthcare workers, too!

Thank you for your post.

The miserable braindead blobs at MDEA and MDUSD must be defecating all over themselves with this news.

The Concord Senior Citizens Center is offering free COVID tests (not the fast-result type). Just call them for an appointment.

What about Calosha?
Have they lifted their mandate?
Does anyone know?

I guarantee you there will be another breakout soon and the meals go back on.This country and the state of California have gone Beyond repair.Thank you to the dumdacrats.


Elections are coming soon. Funny how things change. Two years of this mask crap is really hard to forget especially around November.

How fitting, the trifecta of the worst Governors in the country.

It’s amazing the effect an upcoming election has on science.

Of course the state of emergency shall remain.

“After 11:59 p.m. on March 11, California, Oregon and Washington will adopt new indoor mask policies and move from mask requirements to mask recommendations in schools.” Parents: rip those masks off your children if that is your desire…they’ve suffered long enough and have borne the highest burden during this pandemic! Where’s the science that they must wait until March 11 at 11:59 post meridiem? Unbelievable…

@Sancho Panza
Unbelievable is right. I want to rip those masks off kids myself.

I was at Safeway the other day and the sign on the door said something to the extent that masks were recommended for the unvaxxed. So everyone shopping there must’ve been unvaxxed. I’m glad to see an end to the “masquerade”. It created unnecessary psychological trauma but I think that was the real purpose.

Comrade Mitchoff must be really pissed off at this declaration by the state.

All of a sudden thing are getting better.
No masks. No vaccinations. No more restrictions on restaurants. ??????
Oh yah the Democ-rats woke up.
There a election coming in November
They must really think we’re stupid.

To be fair, most people really are that stupid. That’s exactly why we are currently in this position.

This is strictly politics with elections coming. When will they drop mandatory vaccinations of children to attend schools? That MUST be dropped as well. I’d like to see the “science” behind this…..as another poster said it must be that only unvaccinated people must be shopping as 80% of the people were wearing masks everywhere I shopped this past week.

Somehow you must still be tested before you visit people in assisted living though even if all are vaccinated. Explain that to me?

I am horrified and saddened by the statement that many students are afraid to remove their masks. Afraid. It’s just wrong that we have spread panic and fear over this virus to the point where children are afraid to remove their masks. Are they going to need therapy now?

I do not believe the majority of kids are afraid to remove their masks. That is a parent talking through their child.

My children are not afraid. I have the opportunity to be involved with multiple grades of kids in afterschool activities. The majority of the kids I get to be around are not afraid.



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