Home » UPDATE: Shots Fired – Concord Police Assemble At Dave & Busters On Diamond Blvd. To Investigate Shots Fired

UPDATE: Shots Fired – Concord Police Assemble At Dave & Busters On Diamond Blvd. To Investigate Shots Fired


Concord Police are on scene at Dave & Busters on Diamond Blvd. (old Toys R Us building) where shots were fired on Sunday night just before 11 p.m.

Witnesses are saying at least 10 shots were fired. They say the shots appeared to come from inside the building.

One female suffered a head injury, however, it’s currently unknown if she was hit with a bullet, or was wounded when falling. So far, no other injuries have been reported. (update: at least 4 gunshot victims have been located, please see updates below).

Police have surrounded the building.


UPDATE, 11:10 p.m.: The suspect is described as a black male adult, about 5’7″-tall with a black face mask and a gray hoodie. He was last seen inside towards the front doors.

UPDATE, 11:15 p.m.: The suspect’s vehicle is described as a dark colored SUV, possibly a Range Rover or Land Rover.

UPDATE, 11:20 p.m.: One gunshot victim has been confirmed. He/she was shot in the leg. It’s still unclear if the woman with the head wound was shot, or injured during a fall.

UPDATE, 11:25 p.m.: The suspect was not located.


UPDATE, 11:30 p.m.: Concord Police are saying the shooting happened in the arcade area of Dave & Busters.

UPDATE, 11:35 p.m.: Antioch Police just called Concord Police and said they had to gunshot wound victims at a nearby hospital. They said the victims said they were shot at Dave & Busters. This means at least 3, and possibly 4 gunshot wound victims have been located.

UPDATE, 11:45 p.m.: The suspect was not located. Police are reviewing video from Dave & Busters.

UPDATE, 12:08 a.m.: Concord Police are saying further updates will be released later this morning.

UPDATE w/LINK, 8:00 a.m.: UPDATE: Four People Shot At Dave & Busters On Diamond Blvd. In Concord

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Stay trashy concord. I mean classy!

Pretty much guarantee you the suspect isn’t from Concord… I’m guessing Oakland 🤔

It’s not Concord it’s the trash from the outside that is causing the problems.

Another day, another shooting in Concord.

Concord is becoming the new Antioch.


You’re not wrong. The bubble that I travel in seems to be getting smaller and smaller. I guess this is what happens when we don’t enforce laws or jail anyone. Going to get worse and worse.

Antioch by the way of Oakland, Richmond or Vallejo.

It’s nearly impossible for one group of folks to gather without a fight, stabbing, or shooting.

Sure was a nice quiet business park/tree grove, wasn’t it?

Hi D&B Employees! I know all ya’ll reading in! I see you! lol

dang how did u know?!😭

Antioch people are coming to concord not concord becoming the new antioch

Wellcome to Concord … the gem of the East Bay where you can raise a family and live in safety and enjoy the wholesome suburban lifestyle… #Sarcasm

On a Sunday?

Criminals don’t have time constraints.

Concord PD have been very busy this past month.

I bet that arcade at the mall is glad they’re not the hotspot anymore…

all this stuff is KraZee

….. just another day in the place to raise a family… move along move along

Thank you Democrats!

I hope all who were injured recover.

The police will sort this all out.

I didn’t even know Dave & Buster’s was open in Concord!

Is there a senior’s section? I’m dying to play some Donkey Kong & Mr. Do.

Those would not be found in the “Shoot ’em Up” section.

More cowards with guns. Too scared to have a physical altercation these pathetic cowards just pull out a gun and start shooting.

But the BOS wants to put their efforts into renaming Kirker Pass Road.

Nothing like priorities…..

Haha seriously! Clown world.

My wife won’t even go eat or shop in Concord. Guess why?

Why not I eat and shop there all the time with no problem. Perhaps she’d rather shop in WC more specifically Nordstrom where she’d have to dodge the shoplifters.

Lol! Nothing bad EVER happened in WC.

I agree with Jason’s comment. Obviously it’s off the cuff, but I agree.

Yi haw, yipppie ki yay, it’s the Wild West. 108RS

Guess they need a metal detector at D & Bs.

In the Ghetto

In the Ghetto

I can hear Elvis crooning this song in the background.
Want your root cause? There it is.

Wow. Interesting that two “Victims” would drive past three hospitals and show up in Antioch hospital some time later.

Make me wonder if they were in a hurry to get away…


The mall has had issuses for awhile, several years. Dave and Busters is drawing in more of the crap.

The old Toys R Us building is now Burlington. It’s next to Target.

Dave & Busters is on the north end of the Veranda across from Whole Foods.

Yeah, reading “old Toys R Us building” threw me off. And, you are correct.
Regardless, events like this are the reason why I try to not interact with people when I go out and avoid making eye contact as much as possible, because anything could trigger any one at any time. These type of events happen because criminals have received the message, loud and clear, that their crimes will go unpunished.
Fortunately, it seems no children were injured.

@PESFG That place would have been a great place for families. Mom and dad chill in the bar while the kids play video games. They could make a night of it. Now, it’s probably going to lose those customers and be left with drunks and riff-raff from Antioch and Vallejo.

We need a return of racial profiling and stop-and-frisk..

people too scared to lose a fist fight so they gotta bring out the blicky.

30 years of glamorizing gang banging thugs threw music and intense first person shooter video game programing. What did you think the outcome would be? Many groups tried to warn you. Reep what you sow California / America.



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