Home » Record-Breaking Number Of Students Apply To Campuses Of The University Of California For Fall 2022 Classes

Record-Breaking Number Of Students Apply To Campuses Of The University Of California For Fall 2022 Classes


A record number of students have applied to the campuses of the University of California for fall 2022 classes, according to university officials Thursday.

Systemwide, freshman applications jumped by 7,140 as compared with applications last year, rising by .5 percent to an all-time high of 210,840 for fall 2022 as compared with 203,700 in fall 2021. California freshman applications also saw impressive gains with 3.3 percent growth between now and this time last year.

By comparison with 2020, the growth rate is 16.8 percent.

“The University of California remains an institution of choice for so many hardworking prospective undergraduates,” said University of California President Michael V. Drake. “This diverse group of students has shown their commitment to pursuing higher education and we are thrilled they want to join us at UC.”


UC’s dedicated outreach efforts to California high schools contributed to a surge in applications from California freshmen in underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, and in applications from low-income students for fall 2022.

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Giving poor and minorities a better chance of starting adulthood in debt! – Is how the article should read.

Better off learning a trade and doing it well.

+1 Barb: That’s what I did; but only used the BS degree to leverage myself from a hands-on (truck mech) to a management position in a large utility company after 10 years of turning wrenches at 2 other companies

And most of them will not go into a field that contributes to society.

Video game developer?


There are millions of jobs and great pay for people working in the trades.

That’s where the money is today.

@Cellophane….But you won’t have a desk, stare at a screen all day and boss people around, you might get your hands dirty too….EWWW!…..If you don’t think that’s how many millennials think, you’re sorely mistaken. Ask a male teenager what they want to do in life now and a lot say “Video game developer”, it’s like the kids used to say they “Wanted to play ball” before the advent of home computers. Too many “participation trophies”.

They eliminated the SAT requirement, so we have a larger pool of eminently less qualified people applying.

I’m just here the negative commentary from all the folks who can’t be happy for anyone who might be chasing a dream.

Well the UC Berkeley is reducing their numbers due to lack of housing for the locals and students. They will be reducing the amount of students going there.

@Tired Californian The reason for the lack of housing, at least in Berkeley is the NIMBYs are fighting the University to put up more housings.

dream? ha

They are in for a rude awakening and possibly a nightmare.

Well, yeah. Lower the standards, and guess what? That is also why more high school kids are graduating. They lowered the standards. Apparently, everyone gets a trophy, and 2 if you are some kind of “minority.”


This is weirdly funny – it’s being spun as successful “dedicated outreach” to high schoolers. But it doesn’t mention that we just went through 2+ years during which the CA college experience was absolutely dismal, Kafkaesque. You think maybe a few people decided to take a gap year or two?

I’d like to see the chart of application numbers for the past five years.

lower high school graduation standards and removing standardized tests, the quality of UC will decline gradually.

Nothing is funnier than watching UC undermine their own system in the name of wokeness.

What happens when UC is just a smaller version of Cal State?

I know someone who sued and won over UC Berkeley in a sex discrimination case. I can barely stop laughing.

UC was always the feeble cousin of Cal State. They just kept it quiet.



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