The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: What has been the most exciting event or moment of your life so far?
Talk about it….
The marriage between my wife and I. Simply doesn’t get any better.
Just knew You were going to mention You & Missy.
You are the sweetest guy on Claycord 🙂
Hard to say; Maybe the most exciting thing is yet to come?
The birth of my kids. Hands down, nothing else comes close.
Agreed! It will be interesting to read the comments of those that have no children…
I think getting married & having kids is more of a “heart warming” experience…. a most exciting experience is more of a winning 1st place in a sailfish tournament or scoring a home run with the sexiest woman you ever met…. stuff like that.
It is hard to say. I think I have several that stands out. Of course, the birth of my beautiful daughter, who is the apple of my eye is one, as is the birth of my 2 grandchildren. Especially my granddaughter, because when she was born my daughter and son in law lived in Oakland, and got to see her often as a baby. When my grandson was born almost 2 years ago, they have moved to Pasadena and because of Covid I didn’t see him until he was 6 month.
However, I also have to mention coming to the US. I applied for a position as an au pair in Copenhagen, as first I was going to come on a visitor’s visa and would be able to leave in a month or so. When I went to the American Embassy I was told I was not approved for a visitor’s visa, but had to apply for a green card, which is a much longer and more complicated process, I was very disappointed, I did get the green card a few months later, I was so excited, didn’t know what leg to stand on. Dec. 28, 1966,
my parents and favorite aunt, waved goodbye to me, as I boarded a Pan Am flight to JFK New York. When I got on the plane and we took off I had a moment of panic, I was leaving good friends, close family members behind, going to a big country, where I didn’t know a soul, and my English was minimal, less than 2 years. Of course, it all worked out, since I’m still here. By the way I was very lucky I got my green card instead of just a visitor’s visa. Other moments meeting someone special and having that person ask you out.
Welcome to America.
I worked for a company at the Port of Oakland that contracted with US Customs, assisting with their inspections. When the contract expired, they couldn’t renew it because Customs isn’t allowed to show favoritism. I knew it wouldn’t be long before they started laying off, so I went back to school and earned an Associate’s Degree in Nursing. I then decided to further my studies and got my Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
I surprised myself at how well I did in school because I hated high school and got lousy grades. In college, I met a girl who mentored me, and she made studying fun.
So that’s it, college was a lot of fun, and working as an RN helping people has been the most enjoyable, exciting, and rewarding experience of my life.
Love this!!
Pretty exciting but intense moment. When Developer contacted my elderly mother after he saw our properties and land and she referred him to me to discuss building Apartments likely on it and he did talk to me last week. What’s the phrase? Let the games begin? All I know it nothing gets given away ever…
Waking up each morning, optimistically greeting a new day awaiting my participation.
After all, if you don’t wake up in the morning, everything else is irrelevant.
Hunting in Alaska and being charged by a brown bear. Fortunately for both of us he stopped at 30 feet.
@Officer…I guess terrifying is a form of exciting…. I suspect I would need replacement clothing after that kind of excitement….
I guess you weren’t hunting brown bears or he’d have stopped a lot sooner.
I was hunting moose. Found out later that there was a moose gut pile from a previously killed moose that the bear was eating and defending..
Bears do that . When the bear stopped it stood in profile . Bear biologist said thats showing how big he is. Wasn’t a huge bear , but big enough to eat your correspondent .
I heard the bear before I saw it and thought it was a chain saw..
You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. 😝
@ Atticus…. try me.
I’m betting it was “Alien Abduction”
@Dr Jellyfinger…The first time it’s exciting, but it gets pretty hum-drum after a dozen or so times, you get used to it. Try not and let them turn you on your stomach, that’s when it’s not so much fun, they have really big probes.
Walking through the Orderly Room one day and someone in the back called my name and asked if I’d like to go to Viet Nam or Europe.
What a blessing.
Well I’m a dog person and I have 3 of them so basically everyday.