On Thursday, a concerned Northgate student sent an email to Mt. Diablo Unified School District (MDUSD) school board president Debra Mason in an effort to help save Elementary Instrumental Music throughout the district.
The board will be voting on whether or not to cut the music program on Wednesday Feb.23.
Below is the letter from the student:

note: this email was first posted on the very informative Parents United for MDUSD Facebook page.
Just Wow
Such a well written letter from that student! Shame on you Debra for such a rude and inconsiderate response!
Just another dumbbell governing board member who swallows the woke koolaid from that idiot superintendent. Not quite as incompetent as the 3 SF recall school board members, but pretty close. Incompetence defined in the MDUSD. Fire the lot of them.
@Tod… Louder for all the trolls, er… people in the back.
I have said it for 30 years, they don’t care about your children. The absolute arrogance is criminal. These are public servants paid for with your taxes. Even if you’re not a parent, you should be outraged.
How insensitive. Sitting around getting paid and obviously doesn’t even know what her Districts schedule is, “where’s her head”. They want to discontinue curriculum that helps keep students off the streets. Take away instruments and they will pick up other things like Guns???
RECALL her and maybe a few others.
Good Job to the student who wrote the letter.
Nice Debra! No response at all would have been better. Remember, recalls are all the rage now.
I want to be shocked, but I am not.
Consider this is the same board that they forget they are there for the students. This board does not have a clue of what students need … and each of them should be recalled like the SF board.
That response is such a blow off of the students’ concern. And then the comment, “Don’t you have school today?” Even if the student had school, SO WHAT? What does that have to do with it? The student cannot send an email during school time? The student cannot express their concern over their education … or express the postiive influence that music had on their lives? The board has no clue … again, not surprised.
And since I looked up the board, why is it all women? Where is the diversity in the board? Not one man ran … maybe so .. but then who wants to be around a board that obviously does not have a clue.
I was going to post the same thins…WhErE iS ThE dIvErSiTy, oh wait it only work one way. I remember why I left this awful state.
Uh…..obviously the biotch board prez, Debra Mason has not heard of breaks or lunch.
Debra Mason needs to be removed IMMEDIATELY!
Monday was a Holiday wasn’t it?
Evidently Debra is out of touch with reality and needs to be replaced.
How about saving MDUSD from itself!
Ms. Mason:
Don’t you have to look for a new job today?
She needs to go. That was a very unprofessional and condescending reply. She is not what we taxpayers want in that position. If she doesn’t have the good sense to resign, she should be let go. If she has the unmitigated gall to put that in writing, how does she speak to the students and employees of the MDUSD in person?
Is every school board member in the Bay Area an arrogant little snot?
And while we’re verbally taking Mason and the board to task… In 2010 land in Bay Point/Pittsburg was going for $500/acre. The Seeno Clan took advantage of the Great Resession and built, built, built.
Remember? And they worked a deal with the school board du jour, and sold a hole in the ground for $1,000,000.00 per acre. Current Assessed value ~~ still 1/10th of that amount!
So, why is MDUSD still sitting on that 11 acre $11million dollar rubble-filled hole in the ground in Bay Point? That was going to be the Seeno–Eberhart Elementary School of Grafting and Goombah Training! The stench from that deal still wafts in the air. Right now, with property selling for record high $$$$$$$$$ — Can the district really afford to just “own” some dirt without using it? Sell that boondoggle! Put some honest money back in the schools, and pay off some of those equally filthy bonds.
These supposed educators don’t care about kids. This is no surprise to me.
Never call a school board member an educator…
Seems; according to the State of CA, only 2 of the 5 board members have or have had teaching credentials.
Gosh, even the State Superintendent of School has never been credentialed.
So, I think: KBB, calling them politicians is more appropriate?????
I believe most of them are on the delusional side of the spectrum.
Seems there’s declining enrollment in all the Bay Area school districts. If they’re going to save 4th grade instrumental music, they’ll then have to cut the budget elsewhere. The question is where. Hard choices for the coming academic year(s).
Maybe they can find the money by ending the practice of paying fringe NGO’s for their canned lesson plans and focus on real learning. Math, Science, Art, Music and History (not social studies which is code for communist indoctorination)
@nick I think it’s the response that people are taking issue with here. Clearly the absurd incompetence of the district office is an issue, but this response is shameful.
@T. Payne… nobody is giving teachers canned lesson plans, at least not at the high school level in Concord.
Is this the kind of person you want to teach your children?
I would hope not.
Debra is completely out of touch and controlled by the Soros plant.
I believe we all need far better people managing this school district.
A board influenced by the people of this community.
What have the deranged communists on the MDUSD been up to lately?
The parents deserve to get a full accounting, hour by hour, if necessary, on how the budget is being allocated. They deserve to know if CRT is being prioritized over music etc in the budgets. They deserve to know what each board member is doing in order to inform a potential recall process. MDUSD is in the advanced stages of collapse. It is no longer serving parents or students but serving a radical Marxist ideology. It should be broken up into local districts controlled by parents.
Time to unleash another of my favorite Mark Twain quotes-“In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards.”
Debra Mason, always the charmer………
If someone claiming to be in the education business talked to my child that way I would be visiting their office for a more pointed discussion.
I’ve been watching the broadcast of the school board meetings for the past year. You’ll probably not be very surprised to learn that the board is made up of ‘not so bright’ individuals whom are disproportionately concerned with social issues rather than children and instruction.
Recently, I watched President Mason prostrate herself in front of the board commenting on how encouraged she was that Mr. Biden planned on only putting forth a black woman for the Supreme Court. She talked about how excited she was for this and how she felt it was long overdue. This had NOTHING to do with MDUSD business, but when she was done speaking she looked over at Trustee Nzewi for approval. Trustee Nzewi gave her a slight nod, as if to communicate to her that her offering at the altar of race had been sufficient and accepted and she could proceed.
Pres. Mason starts every meeting stating that the multi use room is built over land formerly claimed by tribes that inhabited the area, and notes that the meeting is taking place on those lands. What? Why does that even matter at a school board meeting?
We can also talk about why it is that two members of the board will not face the flag, cover their hearts, nor recite the pledge of allegiance.
I have no respect for the teacher’s union, and I have no respect for the MDUSD board. Unfortunately when put together, they have contempt for the students.
I am not surprised that little debbie was so excited about Biden’s decision to replace the Supreme Court rep based on race and sex, not on skill.
She prostrates herself on every race around but obviously does not care one bit for the children, or her email response would NEVER have been sent. She should resign, but she is probably to dense to understand that she just alienated a large population of parents.
As for those that refuse to cite the pledge of pay respect to the flag, they should be banned from public office. I understand that you may not agree with everything your government does, but you need to show respect to that flag.
It’s one thing for an NFL player, or some other private citizen, to protest the flag or pledge, but this is a elected governmental official. Maybe we can dispute the need for the “Under God” part, but does this not seem like a bare minimum of what we expect from elected leaders?
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Why are you in government if you aren’t for protecting our republic, liberty and justice — for all? Which part of that do you have a problem with?
No wonder private school applications are on the rise
I keep saying – kick ALL of the incumbent (elected) pinheads out of office. City councils, school boards, county BOS, state legislature, governor, Congress, etc….
I suggest that you read the Declaration of Independence. Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, et al.
Don’t EVER tell me that we need “experience” in politics. Look where that “experience “ has given us.
If you’re not pissed enough to DO something about it, then just continue sitting on your lazy a$$es.
Newscum says the teachers union won’t let him remove the mask mandate – wtf ????? And you’re not kissed enough to do anything about that????
What needs to ‘change’ is the makeup of the school board. Recall all of them and replace them with actual parents who actually care about student achievement (the 3 R’s, science, etc…) rather than feeling-based indoctrination.
Time to purge the board especially with such a thoughtless and pin-headed response.
How insensitive. Sitting around getting paid and obviously doesn’t even know what her Districts schedule is, “where’s her head”. They want to discontinue curriculum that helps keep students off the streets. Take away instruments and they will pick up other things like Guns???
RECALL her and maybe a few others. What a Loser!!
Good Job to the student who wrote the letter.
I was a student of the MDUSD from 1965 through 1978 and, while it wasn’t perfect, I feel I got a decent education. My Granddaughter will be entering MDUSD this year and I cringe at the thought of it.
#SchoolChoice. Sign it.
They are like this because they are allowed too. We have let them take over and treat us like this. We need to start taking these people out of their jobs, we have the power to do so. We just stopped getting involved and voting in local elections. Time we get rid the system of these people and put people who care in place.
If you are outraged, run for the office.
There was a recall attempt but no one wanted to run against board members.
Want to make a difference, get involved, offer legit budget suggestions.
I’m not condoning President Mason’s response but the whining in her and the local level with no suggestions doesn’t help anyone.
You should hide your face, as soon as you read my previous comments. I spared you the shame of being a leading force tied at the hip with Eberhart in the crooked deal made with the city of Pittsburg for that 11 acres. So, once again…. a “suggestion” HAS been made.
Sherry has the receipts on this, she’s done it.
She’s probably the only one on Claycord that can say what she did with any sort of credibility, and she’s not wrong.
Wrongo !
The attempt didn’t gather enough signature to cause the recall.
People simply are not interested in local politics. My thought is that the failure was due to public apathy.
Were the Board President wise, a very genuine, sincere, and personal apology; without out any “however(s)” or attempts to clarify, be made directly to the student and then made very public.
And Soon,
The land purchase is on the books with the city of Pittsburg because at the time there were many students in that area. I never talked to a builder. You can review everything currently in that in the audit.
Thanks for the correction as I remembers it wrongly. It goes to show that people really just want to complain.
@Sherry Weinert Whitmarsh
A parent, taxpayer, or anyone else on here who does not condone Mason’s response is just whining, according to you. Man, that’s rich, and unfortunately, extremely predictable. It’s also incorrect. I’m just glad that we’re on this platform and not in a multi-use room because you’d be one of those (along with Mason) that would call on the deputy to have us removed.
Whitmarsh, Mayo and Eberhart.
Wish I had saved the insulting emails they sent to me by accident.
From that point on, I haven’t trusted the MDUSD.
We should all e-mail her and ask her if she has work today… what a dope
That was a scientifically accurate, cogently-expressed, and respectful email from the student.
And an unimaginably RANCID reply!
Absolutely agreed. What a disrespectful reply from the president of the board. Totally blew the student off.
A rancid reply from a rancid individual.
Ho-hum, same Mason who, along with the other feckless woke losers that comprise this board, sat there and didn’t whisper a peep or even cast a sideways glance when, just about one year ago during a Zoom board meeting, Nzewi blamed “privileged white parents” for being the ones making noise to get kids back to school in person…in fact some just nodded along in leftist white guilt agreement. There is no difference between these worthless losers (yes, I’ve called them that TWICE) and Mitchoff, they are awful human beings.
@Pete V.
YES! And most of these do-nothing parents refused to back a recall when some of us were out there trying to help the schools! NOW they are all unhappy. Pish.
Fire Deborah and give the job to the Sophomore Her job , She’s more intelligent and better educated than Deborah.
Put the money back that was taken from the school budgets over the last 40 years. Then add more money. Smarter graduates will earn more money that can be taxed. And let the children learn the arts.
Instead of giving them more money (CA gives about the top dollar, but is ranked among the lowest), why not have them be more accountable with the TONS of money they are already given????
.. good example of the arrogance of the MDUSD and it’s staff… yes, there are a FEW exceptions
The student was pouring thier heart out and the answer back is a slap to the face. Just like any political party answer is it just a cookie cutter response back. The schools have suffered enough, why don’t they cut wages of high political leaders and leave the schools alone.
Because the schools chose to make the kids suffer too. There was NO scientifically backed reason to keep them out of school. Down with poorly run public schools that only care about the money. #SchoolChoice
HOW are you all surprised???? This was the same board that REFUSED to resume in-person classes. The same board that called parents entitled when they just wanted the schools to provide children with their RIGHT to education. This is the same school board that received funds from the UNION to be elected. The same ones that want to waste money to change the mascot of a school. The same ones who have NEVER listened to parents. The same ones that for vote every damn woke thing but refuse to try and better actual fundamental education. And NOW people are surprised? I know why. It is open season on the board because the good-for-nothing teacher’s union is against them because they want raises. Well, guess what? They DESERVE each other. And MDUSD DESERVES to fail. You all should get what you refused to vote again for. Hardly any of you supported the recall effort. Now those of you who didn’t can just suck it.
The student’s dad just posted on next door that they were interviewed by KRON4 news and they expect it to be aired during the 8pm news tonight.
Interesting. Be curious to see how KRON 4 spins it.
I am so over this board. I don’t think they truly understand what they are doing. Sad.
Time for a recall
If you look at the photos of all the school board members they all have the crazy woke eyes.
@ CAtoTX Right you are!
That’s the only way to tell them apart from humans….. unless you have the special sunglasses.
First: The entire board should resign or be recalled
Second: Both Cherise Khaund and Keisha Nzwezi are hard left and have their political agendas regarding curriculum, “equity”, and programs. Neither should be within shouting distance of the schools.
Third: Eliminate board stipends and health benefits. The board gets close to $1000 per year for meetings and may also get workshops and travel paid for. What is worse is that some board members take advantage of district paid health care benefits for themselves and their families. Linda Mayo has taken health care benefits the entire 20 plus years she has been on the board. This while she voted to not give employees health care benefits. In 2020 she collected $25,000 in stipend and benefits. Cherise Khaund outdid Linda Mayo in that she collected $30,000 in stipends and health care benefits during the 2020 year. The others have only collected their stipend and in one case,a minimal health care expense. Take a look at Transparent California to see what these public servants are taking.
Best scenario – Total board resignations. Boards have only two responsibilities one is to hire and fire the superintendent and, second, is to approve the budget. Given the boards last two superintendent hires, they have been abject failures in that role and their oversight of the budget has been horrible.
A stunning display of arrogance and dismissiveness. This should haunt her as long as she is on the board…and beyond her board tenure.
Dont let the door hit you in the butt when I vote you out, your job is earned and not entitled, just a reminder you work for him and all the other students and families, you cold have given a better response
I grew up in concord, I graduated from YVHS in 2004. I have been homeless for the past 2 years, not counting pryor being kicked out of my house because of rent costs. I enrolled in R.O.P Criminal justice; and also spend most of my time working at systron donner inertial, i wont tell you what we worked on but ill tell you this; concord is not going the way it should be. I know gary skrel from walnut creek and let me tell you something, if you put him on the board in concord he will clean this stuff up. I know him personaly
I tell you what Ill donate 100 bucks to your school, and im on SSdi. Im using taxpayers dollars where it should be spent. How do you like them apples?
I tell you what Ill donate 100 bucks to your school, and im on SSdi.and homeless and Im using taxpayers dollars where it should be spent. How do you like them apples board of concord?
How embarrassing. Fire her
If that is the complete reply of Debra Mason, I’d question her competence to serve.
Music, like Drama, and all of the Arts are essential to the full development of a human being, and the study of and participation in the Arts should start, and best starts, in one’s youth.
Ending the music program in the MDUSD would be a crime against the Arts.
good news is her term ends this year. hopefully she won’t get re-elected. When did school boards become so powerful? What is wrong with these people? they are supposed to guide and educate. seems like they just want power and not do the job they were sent to do! so sad…
They got powerful by the public not getting involved and holding them accountable.
If the voters sit on their fat asses and don’t hold elected officials accountable, the voters will get what they deserve.
And therefore they have no right to complain.
Your call.
As a former band member, one who held first chair in 2 instruments and played from 8-17, I can’t say loudly enough how important music is for children. Yes, it is proven to help with IQ’s, grades, and studying. But how about the emotional component? As a child who was abandoned I struggled growing up, and music gave me a lot of peace, a sense of pride, an awareness of what beauty I could bring into this world when I played. There are so many reasons why music is essential. If these board members don’t understand please let me know where I can sign up to help make a difference.