Home » State Unveils “Smarter” Plan To Combat COVID Into The Future

State Unveils “Smarter” Plan To Combat COVID Into The Future


California officials unveiled the state’s plan Thursday to combat COVID-19 into the future as the state shifts into a long-term approach to the virus and away from an emergency pandemic response.

State Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly outlined the strategy using the acronym SMARTER, standing for shots, masks, awareness, readiness, testing, education and pharmaceutical treatments, which he abbreviated as Rx.

While the ideas of the plan are not entirely new — the state has long urged and, in some cases, required residents to get vaccinated, tested and wear a mask indoors — state officials argue they have the necessary tools to effectively protect the vast majority of state residents from COVID’s worst outcomes.

Ghaly argued that the state will remain ready into the foreseeable future to ensure that local jurisdictions have access to necessities like masks and PCR and rapid testing that help mitigate and monitor the virus’ spread.


The plan sets a number of benchmarks to that effect, including the maintenance of a stockpile of at least 75 million masks and the capacity to perform at least 500,000 tests and administer 200,000 vaccines per day.

“Today is about balance … between a message of hope and successful adaptation, but also prepared vigilance,” Ghaly said. “Today is not about moving on, but rather about moving forward.”

Ghaly suggested that the state will move away from its blanket public health measures like mask mandates as part of the SMARTER plan, arguing that those responsibilities should largely shift to local governments.

He added that previous standardized responses to the virus’ spread across the state will likely be ineffective in the future, as many of the state’s 58 counties will have differing levels of viral transmission at any given time.


“Moving forward, based on the evolving conditions of the virus, we will be prepared to use these different strategies in more precise and targeted ways all along the way, integrating new innovations and information to protect our state,” Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office said in a statement.

The announcement of the SMARTER plan is part of a flurry of activity by state officials in recent weeks to modify health and safety measures as COVID cases and hospitalizations continue their sharp drops from record highs during the omicron surge.

The state lifted its indoor mask requirement Wednesday for vaccinated residents and officials are expected to announce by the end of the month when masking requirements in schools may be relaxed.

Ghaly juxtaposed Thursday’s announcement with the state’s previous major transitions in its pandemic response, noting that there will be no “Pomp and Circumstance” or “triumphant celebration” as there was when the state lifted its tiered reopening system last June.


“We’re gliding into normal, we’re not announcing the normal,” he said, adding that the state will move into the virus’ next phase with “humble confidence.”

Ghaly noted that California will likely still see seasonal COVID surges around the beginning of the academic year and during winter, but said that future COVID-related restrictions are highly unlikely.

“We started with much more restrictive interventions, stay-at-home orders, capacity limitations, but those are years ago from a COVID perspective,” he said. “The hope is that because of our SMARTER approach, because of our ability to see what’s coming, address what’s coming, manage what’s coming, that those are things of the past.”

Health experts across the state lauded the plan, calling it a model for the future of COVID response in other states.


They also argued that California has the lowest per capita COVID death rate in the country due in large part to the public health measures it has implemented and expressed confidence in the state’s future efforts to combat the virus.

“Coming out of the Omicron surge, we have to apply all the lessons we’ve learned in the past two years, to be sure that we’re taking the smartest possible approach to this rapidly evolving threat,” University of California San Francisco Medicine Department Chair Dr. Bob Wachter said. “I was impressed by the SMARTER plan, which does just that.”


Cellophane February 18, 2022 - 8:26 AM - 8:26 AM

The State, namely Newsom, announced a few other things at that same press conference.

Such as;

Ways to curtail what the state deems as misinformation.
Eliminate freedom of speech.

Work to vax all people who have so far chosen not to be vaxed.
Reeducation training for free-thinking people.

Educate children to understand and follow safety protocols.
Indoctrinate kids to follow the propaganda.

Step by step, the Constitution of this Republic is being dismanteld.

Jimmy February 18, 2022 - 9:55 AM - 9:55 AM

Talk about mind control.
Here’s the plan…
Feb 28 Newsom WILL remove the child mask mandate and 39 million people in California will cheer and have that feel good feeling.
The next day, March 1st, Biden will speak and talk about his “Great success” with this virus. And then we can all feel great. Newsom is the warm up act before the leading band comes on stage and we are the audience.
You WILL cheer and the show will go on.

Anew February 18, 2022 - 12:35 PM - 12:35 PM

Overreach: Democrat polling on COVID is beyond brutal.
From Townhall: https://bit.ly/34PdDgZ

Democrats are also viewed as pushing a divisive agenda, they own the border crisis, and are spending like drunken sailors. But one-third of the House Democratic Caucus hails from three of the most liberal states. “Do you think they’re going to shake the ‘woke’ agenda? They’re diehard followers of it. It’s sentient beings versus the lizard people.”

Cellophane February 18, 2022 - 6:08 PM - 6:08 PM
WC February 18, 2022 - 8:38 AM - 8:38 AM

Gavin and SMART are an oxymoron. He still won’t relinquish the emergency powers he’s using to bypass the legislature with executive orders. Based upon the wipeout of the school board wackos in SF, he should wake. up and smell the coffee.

HappyPappy February 18, 2022 - 8:46 AM - 8:46 AM

I’m comforted knowing we have the ability and resources to create such amazing acronyms to go along with bumper stickers & buzzwords.
“Bumper stickers, buzzwords, & acronyms” ….repeat that 10 times.

Bruh February 18, 2022 - 9:13 AM - 9:13 AM


California, the worst state when it comes to education, and where these politicians believe men can give birth, uses SMARTER as the name for their plan.

Once again doctors are behind the curve. No other states are going to copy California lmao. This is not 2010. California is not a model for anything except homelessness, crime, drugs, rape, and murder. Democrats are dinosaurs and it shows. The party of old rich evil elites who’s best days are behind them so they’re taking out the anger of their impending death on the rest of society that has a future which is why they hate your kids.

What a bunch of evil people.

Strad February 18, 2022 - 9:27 AM - 9:27 AM

Gaily. No patting yourself on the back for your Covid response.

Captain Bebops February 18, 2022 - 10:16 AM - 10:16 AM

So they think they can keep controlling us longer by hanging the virus over our heads for years to come. All for a virus that one has greater than a 99.5% chance of surviving. We weren’t born yesterday. Kick these control freaks out of office this fall.

On a similar matter I continue to do research on the availability of over-the-control home antibody testing kits. This especially after NPR did a story two weeks ago on how these tests are beginning to show up in drug stores. These were developed as early as summer of 2020 but the companies have had difficulty getting them approved for sale. They were also designed to be inexpensive with company PR often saying they could be sold for a little as a dollar. Currently you still can’t order them unless you are a clinic and listings show a very inflated price. I think they don’t want us to know if we may have gained immunity.

JG27AD February 18, 2022 - 10:27 AM - 10:27 AM

Have you seen the Project Veritas video starring the FDA official?
These people are evil… no other way to put it.
What’s the “over/under” on the date Newsom announces annual mandatory inoculations ?


Fred February 18, 2022 - 10:46 AM - 10:46 AM
Original G February 18, 2022 - 11:25 AM - 11:25 AM

Hmm, . . . .
“masks, awareness, readiness” and “The plan sets a number of benchmarks to that effect, including the maintenance of a stockpile of at least 75 million masks…” . . . . How interesting . . .

Federal level,
“Before H1N1 in 2009, we had over 100 million N95 masks in the stockpile,” an official said. “During that event they handed out 90 million of those masks to the states. They were never replenished.”

“… testimony to Congress from Rick Bright, a vaccine expert who led a biodefense agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, who said his superiors ignored warnings about the need to prepare ahead of COVID-19.”
NY Post https://tinyurl.com/3yhzret5
washington examiner https://tinyurl.com/rvdshjf6

After 2006 avian flu outbreak, A rational forward thinking Governor Schwarzenegger set up a mobile hospitals program along with stockpiling
of supplies.

‘What Happened to California’s Medical Supply Stockpile for a Pandemic’
“What we had is what you see everybody scrambling for now,” said Dr. Backer. “We had 2400 portable ventilators. We had 51 million of the N95s, 3.7 million courses of anti-viral medications.”

The state also had three 200-bed mobile hospitals, each the size of a football field, equipped with a surgery ward, ICU and x-ray equipment.

Governor Schwarzenegger’s administration spent more than $200 million on the emergency preparedness initiatives.

“He is an action figure and he wants to be prepared in a crisis,” said Dr. Backer. “What we had stockpiled never would have gotten us through this whole event, but it would have at least given us that initial output and initial attack.”

In 2011, Governor Jerry Brown took office facing a $26-billion deficit. The programs and emergency supply stockpiles were placed on the budget chopping block. Dr. Backer and some of his colleagues within the public health department tried to argue against the decision to defund the supply maintenance.”

‘Schwarzenegger: ‘Shortsighted’ for California to defund pandemic stockpile he built’
DEM efficiency . . .

Because DEMs, moonbeam’ and obama’ administrations screwed up, when Covid hit there weren’t enough N95 masks available either in CA or nationally ! ! !

For more “interesting” revolutions search using,
Katy Grimes California Globe mask deal newsom

Cellophane February 18, 2022 - 6:09 PM - 6:09 PM
Bella February 18, 2022 - 11:30 AM - 11:30 AM

I’m proud and thankful to live in California as the first state to unveil/debut the “Smarter” Plan to combat COVID into the future.

Are you awake yet? February 18, 2022 - 11:44 AM - 11:44 AM

Nothing CA did in the past 2 yrs regarding covid was smart, or even worked to slow the spread. All it did was hurt a lot of elderly and small businesses. What makes you think going forward they know what the hell they’re doing?

Deb Shay February 19, 2022 - 6:09 AM - 6:09 AM

You’re proud to live in a state that ruined livelihoods, crushed their economy, stole freedoms by fiat, robbed kids of nearly two years education, ignored science, and came out no further ahead of other states that did none of the above?

Doesn’t sound “smart” to me.

chuckie the troll February 18, 2022 - 11:30 AM - 11:30 AM

I suspect those so-called ‘smarter plans’ come from Communist China or Canada.

Aunt Barbara February 18, 2022 - 11:36 AM - 11:36 AM

wasting more time making stupid ineffective plans to take more of our hard earned money for their own use.

Enough time has been spent on this virus fiasco. This was China’s plan to keep them all busy and distracted. Dem fools

Glen223 February 18, 2022 - 11:38 AM - 11:38 AM



RB February 18, 2022 - 12:25 PM - 12:25 PM

Now that they have a taste of power and control, the tyrants are emboldened. They have seen how gullible a large number of people are and how easy it is to manipulate them with fear. This is only the beginning of what is to come in the near future as the far left is willing and able to cheat elections and take away freedoms in the name of the greater good. God help us.

Paul.Barnes February 18, 2022 - 12:45 PM - 12:45 PM

Quietly released was a report from the FDA, regarding the vaunted Covid detecting PCR tests. Evidently, the test is based on the Common Cold Virus, and cannot reliably differentiate between the Cold Virus and Covid….

SAM February 18, 2022 - 4:38 PM - 4:38 PM


Pablo February 18, 2022 - 1:35 PM - 1:35 PM

Now that it appears to be winding down. They are going to add some Government BS then claim victory.

The Fearless Spectator February 18, 2022 - 2:39 PM - 2:39 PM

If they were any more full of **it it would be coming out their ears.

The mis-dis-information aspects should disturb anyone with even a rudimentary education.

Bella February 18, 2022 - 10:08 PM - 10:08 PM

@Are you awake yet? – “Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems to me you are angry.”

Justifiable languor February 19, 2022 - 8:27 AM - 8:27 AM

Our leaders have completely failed. Yet they continue to pipe the woke narrative. They won’t listen. Fix our elections! Voter ID is a must. I am sickened by the ignorance. They still believe tjey deserve another raise! They are still trying to break the financial back of all the middle class are the teaching CRT to your children? This very important subject never comes up. WHY?

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