The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Think about it for a minute, then tell us, what do you think would be some good questions/topics for future water cooler discussions?
Talk about it.
What Local Small Business have you supported during the last two COVID years?
Something that keeps people from throwing in their political beliefs!
Fat chance of that!
I used to enjoy watching that show with John Quiñónez, What Would You Do, which was a situational hidden camera scenario…well, I have one to share…
I was at the post office many years ago when they had stamp machines that dispensed after you put your money in and chose…I put my money in and there was a toddler standing nearby who was watching me and as soon as I put the money in, the little palm pressed the button and I got a stamp I did not want! I was stunned by what had just happened, and of course I didn’t have more change, so I left, embarrassed to even say anything to the child’s parent who did not witness what had happened. What would you do?
The restaurant/s you wish everyone in Contra Costa knew about.
Features you wish movie theaters of the future had (we’ve come so far)
Favorite group activities in Contra Costa
Best book you read in the last year
With inflation not slowing down any time soon, and with some of the larger Supermarkets outpricing themselves, do you believe a growing trend will be smaller privately owned companies/markets where people know they are getting quality service, but also that the cost won’t increase weekly? What privately owned markets would you like to see brought to our area?
1. What tips are you using now to save money on groceries, car, whatever
2. What nice thing have you done for someone else, especially a stranger. Maybe tell how it came out.
3. Do you notice the people in this area are really getting rude and or cold.
(ie: they won’t answer you or even smile when you say hello)
4. Tell us any ideas how we can come together better and split our differences.
Because of rising inflation, what, if anything, have you done to cut back spending?
Do you invest in the stock market? If no, why not?
What is your “guilty pleasure”?
Where will you travel for your next vacation?
If you could pass one law, what would it be?
Where do you get your local , State, and national news?
Does your household subscribe to a land line? If yes, why?
Love the Land Line! Use the cell phones a lot. BUT …. Still LOVE the Land Line for it’s clarity and ease of dialing, and getting LESS robo and spam calls! Really!
Our one and only phone is a landline…. totally dislike cell phones.
Would always forget to charge battery and had a hard time using it.
@Exit 12A
Those are good topics.
Landline = clarity, ease of use, dependability. I’ve had my AT&T phone with AT&T carrier with the same number for many years now, and like you, love it.
I also dislike cell phones. I only carry one in case of an emergency. I don’t even know what my number is; and that is (like Biden says) no joke!
Once again…our families are so alike Roz. Crazy! Have the same land line for over 30 years.
1.) How does California continue to sustain its growth with limited water resources?
2.) How does Calufornia return to a two party system of government?
3.) How does California deal with rising crime?
4.) How does California deal with Homeless issues?
5.) How do California Public Schools return to higher levels of learning which occurred in the 1970s?
You have 72 hours to plan and smoke your meat. Would you chose Beef, Pork, Chicken, Sausage, or Seafood? And…. Your wood of choice? (None of that pellet, propane, or briquette stuff)
#1 Pork + Apple/Hickory
#2 Salmon + Alder (sorry, fish gets cold pellet smoke)
Done in home built UDS.
Is the sun still really hot if you go there at night?
How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?
Should miners be allowed to vote?
Why is beauty in the eye of the bee holder?
Is it true that there are no stupid questions?
According to AOC the sun is not hot during the night. LOL
Miners are allowed to vote, as long as they’re at least 18. Actually don’t think you can be a miner unless you are at least 18. If one can enlist in the military before they turn 18 then by all means they should be allowed to vote.
What can be done to get our cities, county, and state back on track on doing what residents want & have approved and voted on? Not a complaint session – a real brainstorming of how & who we need to influence to make it happen. We’ve all seen the degradation of the state in general the last 20 yrs or so… I’m not blaming any one party either…
THAT is a great question!
If you could pick one famous or infamous person from the past or present, and sit down and have a chat with that person, who would it be and why?
If you could invent something that does not exist, and has never existed, what would it be?
If you could bring back a product that at one time was popular, but has since been discontinued, what product would that be?
If you had the opportunity to change into the opposite sex for 24 hours, would you do it?
Dawg, I like the first one. Several years ago a talk show host asked, if we could choose anyone, living or death, as a date to a formal affair, who would we choose. I really liked that one, and of course I picked 2 very good looking, charming and intelligent men. Just couldn’t keep it to one.
Music related: favorite band; favorite song; favorite instrumentalist (all with reasons why and examples of…)
What has been your favorite water cooler topic?
Stores in CCC where you got exceptional service, or where there is an employee who just improves your mood after interacting with him/her (friendliness, cuteness, silliness).
Most memorable once in your lifetime activity (something you never imagined doing), what it was and description of the event, how you felt during and after (can be several, actually, even simple ones like a one time cliff dive, etc.).
Q: what do you admire about the opposite sex?
Q: what did your parents do right & what wrong?
Q: what can be done to reverse runaway population growth?
Q: how have your politics changed throughout your life?
Q: if you were wealthy, would you continue to work at a job you love, or would you retire?
Work is overrated.
I retired early and am loving it.
I like number 2 and 4 and 5, all are interesting questions to ponder.
How can we bring people a little closer together despite our political differences?
There has to be more common ground than what it seems like today, doesn’t there?
Yes, there is more to life than politics. I have a feeling in real life we find a way to be close to or have friends that have political difference. I had one very conservative friend, yet he was one of my closest friends, and yes, we did argue a lot, Then we would go back to talk about things we had in common, movies, music, history and travelling. I have a very liberal friend, that despite she says she is a Bernie supporter, she watches Tucker Carlsson all the time, and she seem to have a fondness for strong men, such as Putin and Assad of Syria. However, we have decided to stay away from these subjects altogether, because we can’t agree to disagree. So, we talk about our native Denmark, food, grown kids etc. so don’t feel so close to her anymore.
1) Magnetize people, make elevators smaller, mandate social distance to 6 inches.
2) no
How about “what was you covid hospital stay like”.
Why do you wear a designer or simple cloth mask, when the CDC says anything that is not N95 rated is absolutely WORTHLESS*.
(*like our president)
I miss the “Traffic Jammin” section. Maybe we can have a section like that one so readers can brush up on the rules of the road.
Maybe we could also have a section about pets, pet care and activities. Life isn’t all about politics and local crime.
We can also talk about local tourism. I agree with someone who mentioned having a cable car to take a ride up Mt. Diablo.
Perhaps we could have a quiz game type of section or take polls on different topics. (If the poll/quiz section sticks, I would like a shoutout)
Do you think that the U.S. should actively promote liberty abroad and, if so, do you support infringement of liberty here (e.g. oppose 2nd Amendment or support Patriot Act, crack down on free speech on social media, favor “security” over liberty, etc.)?
1) What’s your name?
2) What’s your quest?
3) What’s your favorite colour / the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
What is your favorite way to spend time?
What has been the most exciting event or moment of your life so far?
How do you deal with someone who is giving you a hard time?
Would you confront someone who cut in line ahead of you? Took a parking place you were waiting for? Took the last jar of Grape Jelly you wanted off the supermarket aisle? Did something mean to you for no apparent reason?
What do you do to relax after a very stressful day?
What do you find especially fun to take your mind off of things?
They cut in line question is interesting. Once in a while at Macy’s a customer tries to cut the line, or they are in line, leave to get something they forgot and then won’t stand in line. As a sales associate you have to control the line and be fair to everyone. A customer might say “I’m in hurry” then you need to remind them that most likely so is everyone else. I might suggest they try another register at another department, sometimes customers don’t realize they can pay for their merchandise anywhere (except for a few exceptions), Or if there is a sales associate that are on floor, I will ask them to come and help with the line. A good sales associate will do whatever they can to minimize the wait time, but still have to be fair to all customers, not just they once that are the loudest.
You can get kicked out of Disneyland for cutting in line, not that I would ever do that. But, their policy is necessarily strict to prevent the chaos that would ensue if cutting were simply overlooked.
Ginger or Maryann?
Tastes great or less filling?
Paper or plastic?
Regular or Unleaded?
The bureaucracy is writing rules on everything. How do you get your expertise included.
How did you find Claycord.com?
Interesting! I followed a link on sfgate.com to claycord.com that included an interview with Mr. Mayor. Looked very interesting at the time, and still is!