Home » State Attorney General Conducting Review Of Jail System’s Reproductive Health Policies

State Attorney General Conducting Review Of Jail System’s Reproductive Health Policies


California Attorney General Rob Bonta is conducting a review of the state’s jails in order to ensure they are complying with state and federal laws that guarantee inmate access to reproductive health care.

On Friday, Bonta sent letters to every sheriff in the state that manages a jail system asking them to send back confirmation they are following the law.

“An initial review of county jail policies indicated that many are not in compliance with state and federal laws,” according to a news release Bonta sent out Monday.

In order to determine if the sheriffs are in compliance, Bonta is asking them to send his office copies of their current custody manual, copies of contracts with private facilities that house or provide healthcare services to inmates and copies of their jail policies on the rights of pregnant inmates, “including the right to pregnancy testing, consent to pregnancy testing, and the right to abortion,” according to the letter.


One of the laws in question, Assembly Bill 732, was authored by Bonta in 2020 when he was in the California Assembly, and requires county jails to ensure that inmates are offered voluntary pregnancy tests, obstetrics exams and regular prenatal care visits, among other things.

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Really focusing on the important stuff. Clowns.

Since when does the California DA care about laws?

They can’t ignore laws on the books then claim a stupid investigation like this about enforcing the law. Their masters gotta keep the little ants busy I guess.

We should send the DA a letter for confirmation that HE is following the law. You work for us.

Good point!

We already use incarnation as a main
treatment for the mentally ill…so why not!
This crap never ends.

“Incarceration”???? or did you really mean reincarnation?

Incarceration my mistake

Does this mean if I’m In jail and want a baby the tax payers have to pay for it? A male who wants a baby and we have to pay for a surrogate? A female and we have to pay for sperm or IVF?

If this is the case , I know a few women who are going to commit crimes just so they can get their IVF paid for.

We already pay for sex changes…

Apparently, in his role as our glorious leader, Newsom directs a government that had a twinge of conscience about executing murders at San Quentin, but none such religious leanings, (“Thou shalt not kill”) with regard to abortion. Remain a Democrat long enough, and these cretins might begin to make sense to you.

And here I thought convicts were supposed to serve time in custody, not service other people.

Very sad that in a State where no crime goes punished the government looks to the reproductive right of convicts.

I’d say the state has its priorities misaligned.

Could this have anything to do with allowing transgendered women who still have their male genitalia to be jailed in women’s prison? They rape the women who then need preg tests and abortions ?

It’s another glaring example of who the California democrat government really cares about.

Well, Good Old Cali pays for transgenders, who are murderers, a sex change into a woman. What’s good for one is good for all. We pay for people, who are not citizens or born here. Woman are now 3rd Class Citizens due to all the other gender rights. I don’t like the laws in place; but, a woman should have the right to medical in jail.

The BS never stops coming. Conservatives have to win in November or it is all over.

Shouldn’t the attorney general know that abortion is not a right I don’t remember seeing anything about abortion in the Constitution.

The cardinal tenet of the WOKE: The criminal is the victim.



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