Home » Convicted Felon Arrested After Alleged Road Rage Incident In Concord

Convicted Felon Arrested After Alleged Road Rage Incident In Concord


The following is from the Concord Police Dept.:

This morning just after 8 a.m., a truck driver stopped at a red traffic signal in Concord, when a Chevrolet Tahoe that was towing another vehicle pulled up beside the truck drivers vehicle and the driver began yelling obscenities at the truck driver for stopping at the traffic signal.

The driver of the Tahoe then produced a black semi-automatic handgun and yelled at the truck driver that people “get shot for driving like that” while waving the gun around in the air.


The truck driver was able to provide a description of the suspect vehicle which was located in the parking lot of nearby shopping center. As officers began arriving at that location, the suspect vehicle drove away from the parking lot and an attempt was made at conducting an enforcement stop. The driver of the suspect vehicle did not yield to police emergency equipment and continued driving onto Oak Grove Rd. before eventually pulling over to the side of the roadway.

The suspect driver was detained and a black handgun was located behind the rear seat of the vehicle. An additional .38 caliber revolver was located in the bed of the Chevrolet Tahoe.

The suspect is a convicted felon and was positively identified by the victim.

He was arrested, booked and later transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.


Claycord note: Concord Police did not release the name of the suspect.

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And was released shortly after being booked into jail by Diana Becton.

Yep, I’m sure Becton did nothing as usual.

Why haven’t they been releasing the names? Trying to keep the good citizens of riotstan protected?

Imagine than, a convicted felon in possession of I presume an illegal firearm. Did this felon serve out his sentence, or is he a member of the Catch and Release Fellowship?

I hope he had his required Cali permit

What the hell do you expect yelling obscenities at someone who stopped at a red light? Sounds like his life was in danger. The clown who called the cops was being threatening, and obviously the “felon” was protecting himself. Unless I missed something?

yeah, you did miss something. Read it again.

The felon is the one that was yelling at the truck driver and waved a gun. The truck driver (according to this report) did nothing but report the incident to the PD.

Please read the story again. You missed something if you can’t understand the driver of the Chevy Tahoe is a convicted felon and was in possession of several weapons. The truck driver stopped at a red light and the other fellow (convict) got upset. Waved a gun at the truck driver. Because he stopped at a red light.

Is this tongue in cheek, or are you serious?

You also missed the fact that a felon is prohibited for life by both Federal and State law from owning or possessing firearms or ammunition.

You aren’t supposed to wave a firearm around while shouting obscenities on city streets either.

Good job CPD … Oak Grove and what cross street?


Great job CPD.

Super co-operation and determination from both the truck driver and CPD!

If we only had MORE gun laws…

They are SO effective!

This is another great example of the failed policies of the current tyrants.

It starts with the County Board of Supervisors and the inept management for money game they all play.

The board keeps failing the people.

The people need to make some serious changes with new supervisors who respond to the people’s demands, not the whims of the big money they all follow now.


Problem person #1 is DA Becton. When she made the statement that she would not prosecute property crimes if the suspect needed the resources, that began our problem.


This story is a compete lie.

Convicted Felons cannot have guns.

There is a LAW !

But, was he vaccinated and boosted? Was he wearing a mask?

That’s a relatively new Ruger-57 pistol. Non CA versions have 20 round magazines and sell for around $850-900. Would love more details about the weapons these idiots have, if they are stolen or if they are acquired through a “leftist loophole”.

Some non-calif versions have a double stack magazine…..this also could have been obtained out of state….think of that?

jose: Sure did! The details I’m referring to would answer your questions as well as mine. The photo shows two double stack mags that are all metal and capable of holding 20 rounds. 10 round mags for this pistol are also double stack and have a solid plastic bottom half.

An S&W Bodyguard 38 and a Ruger-57? Not low-quality guns, by any test.

As far as I can tell, the Ruger-57 is not certified for sale in California. Perhaps he bought it as a single-shot? You know, the ones cops like to sell. 😉

Let’s see if the DA weighs in the armor piercing ammo on the gun on the right.

It isn’t “Armor Piercing Ammo”….. it is just the opposite.
It is a polymer tipped bullet which enhances accuracy, creates rapid expansion and brings the chance of ricochet down to a minimum.

Those are most likely target rounds using a Hornady V-Max bullet and not AP. There are a few rounds that are AP but they are “restricted to military & law enforcement”. AP needs high velocity, handguns limit that.

Has the DA already released him without bail again?

He’s having a burger at Mooyah as we write.

If Biden’s BBB plan was to build more and better jails I would have been all for it. John Q Public is being short sheeted.

How terrifying for the truck driver, am so glad CPD was on this quickly, and got an extremely dangerous felon off the streets. Man, you must really want to go back to prison, or have zero impulse control, to pull a stunt like that while on parole.

Crazy. Hope you all have dash cams.

California’s strict gun control laws are working great!
Pssst. Liberals need to listen up… criminals don’t follow laws. That’s why they’re criminals!!!

They don’t release the names because they are afraid reasonable citizens will draw reasonable conclusions. You can’t address a problem until you address who the problem people are. Oops, there goes the narrative….

Convicted felon in possession of handguns, not even a little bit surprised.


I guess people can’t read the sarcasm lol

There needs to be a sarcasm font.

Sitting jail for the next 7 years is a Felon, telling everyone the story of how “He set that truck driver straight!! “He will think twice before he swings wide on a right turn!!”

What universe do you live in? He won’t even sit in jail for 60 days.

If California only had a greater child tax credit this would not happen, just ask AOC.

Shouldn’t names of convicted felons getting arrested be told? I can see if it was a non-convicted person getting arrested and they haven’t had their day in court yet, but this guy has been convicted already and has broken the law.

Concord PD doing well, even without Mahan. 108RS

So let’s see.

This guy:

1. Went to a legit gun store
2. Passed his safety exam
3. Passed his background check
4. Passed another background check to buy the ammunition
5. Waited 10 days to get his first gun.
6. Waited another 30 days to get his second gun

The only people who obey the above idiotic laws are people who aren’t criminals and most likely won’t be. But keep voting for Democrats who come. up with solutions to non-existent problems to convince their constituents they’re wonderful and deserve their vote.

SUVs… how typical. Low impulse control.

The truck driver obviously left out more details of his irratic driving. BUT, whatever it was the wrong thing to do Mr. Felon Get a grip on your anger and learn patience and don’t flaunt your guns! .

Offers on felons in possession of firearms are 16 months prison. (Served at 33% CDCR) if he has a prior strike then it would be doubled at 32 months (served at 33%)

I know the suspects name. If anyone would like to know 😉😉😉 he’s a TWEAKER. TWEAKERS RUN CONCORD THEY DONT CARE THIS IS THE SECOND TIME THIS GIRLY MAN HAS DONE THIS IN CONCORd. Stupid. Concord PD doesn’t care !!!!! Take away his baby bottle I mean his pipe!

he’s a TWEAKER. TWEAKERS RUN CONCORD THEY DONT CARE THIS IS THE SECOND TIME THIS GIRLY MAN HAS DONE THIS IN CONCORd. Stupid. Concord PD doesn’t care !!!!! Take away his baby bottle I mean his pipe



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