The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: In your opinion, what are some of the good and/or bad changes that occurred during the pandemic that you think will not go away?
Talk about it….
How this country is so divided now. I don’t see that going away anytime soon. It’s kind of sad since we are the “UNITED” States.
Unfortunately you’re absolutely correct. I place a huge portion of the blame for that on the media…..but then again it is “us” that are divided.
I will no longer believe any politician or bureaucrat and have come to the conclusion that there is no political solution at all.
Stuck with mask. Enjoy traveling? Forget it because public transportation requires mask for life!!!
There are no good changes, they’re all bad. Cheap masks don’t offer any protection against COVID, even a good N-95 mask is useless if not worn properly, and shouldn’t be used more than five times. I’ve seen people wearing them below their nose, and men with facial hair will not get a good snug fit. Six feet social distancing is pointless, a sneeze or a cough can travel twenty feet and farther.
Too many businesses were shut down and will never return. Too many people have lost their jobs, some even lost their homes. A lot of older people were forced into early retirement, when their employers had to close down, and/or lay off workers. They had to take out an early withdrawal from their 401K, pay a penalty to the IRS, and go on Social Security, and some have committed suicide. There also has been an increase in adolescent suicide, and crime has skyrocketed.
The pandemic has created an abundance of so-called experts. All of a sudden, doctors, politicians, public officials, and even regular everyday people are experts on COVID-19, and know what’s best for everybody else.
On the most part, they only know what they have been told, and what they have read. They believe everything because they have not done any of their own research. If any research is done, they will use Google, which is a huge mistake because Google is owned and operated by biased liberals, and will produced biased results.
Another bad thing to come out of the pandemic is the mandates. The mandates are causing people to rebel, and when they do, the media, our public officials, politicians, and president, have called them, “far right extremists, racists, and domestic terrorists.” We have the President of the United States splitting Americans into two categories, the vaxxed, and the unvaxxed. What kind of president does this? He is supposed to represent all Americans, and do his best to bring us all together. It’s pushing both, Democrats, and Republicans, who used to be more “middle of the road,” and actually got along with everybody, farther left, and farther right. Consequently, they are beginning to hate one another, and that’s not right, and it’s not good for our country.
Turn off the news, and love your fellow Americans again.
+1 over and over
+1…….I COMPLETELY agree with your post. Very well said and spot on accurate.
Agreed Dawg. You summed it up well.
Many people now realize that the democrat party has been hijacked by radical marxists who are working against normal middle class people. They used underhanded tactics to steal the 2020 election and and created hysteria using fake news media and biased social media to expand authoritarian mandates as a tool to strike out at their enemies. They used the hysteria to legitimize mail in voting and vote harvesting and to ignore rules that require voting rolls to be cleaned of illegal votes. In short the corruption is absolute. Obama’s stewardship of the party has driven it to ruin.
You are absolutely correct and the woke are not slowing down. November will be very important. If conservative don’t take over we are in trouble.
Keep in mind, the Woke can’t exist without our money. They need us a whole lot more than we need them.
Yes, Obama is in the background kind of like a Star Wars evil character. Last I heard about Obama is that he has a “friend” who is head of the Barack Obama Foundation who bought the Hawaiian mansion the original Magnum P.I. TV show was filmed in so that Obama could live there. Unfortunately, the 9,000 square foot house was not big enough for his ego to fit in comfortably, so he tore it down to build three houses and two swimming pools on the beach front property.
– Social Unrest which I believe can be re-directed.
– Wanting to be around those I trust and know. Gone is the sense of wanting to mingle and meet too many new people. Pretty independent anyway, so that’s not really a downside. Will always continue to err on the side of caution.
-Will take awhile for the simple “hello” to be welcome again, which I do like to bring out in people.
-Got a taste of “humble” pie when my family member was gravely will with the virus.
The government created Covid to have control.Now they are going to bankrupt the middle class citizen.Inflation out of control utility companies insurance companies and petroleum companies have a free ticket to charge what ever they want.Until the Democrats are no longer in control there is no hope.Thank you useless Newsom and brain dead Biden.
No more Democrats………..excellent idea
I don’t feel positive about things either. The media and the democrat party has taken covid, and the George Floyd killing and used it to divide us, and divide us even further, hoping to gain from it. Split the nation in the different media outlets are keeping it divided.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Russia and China are behind it, as they surely are delighting over it.
Most Americans now are too stupid to even see it. Sorry to say it.
I agree with you in a sense, why is it just one party’s fault?
There was a 2-4 week span in March of 2020 where we were as united a country as were during the Bin Laden death and post 9/11 and then things changed.
Both parties can shoulder the blame. They could have come together with a common message and still not aligned on certain political facts. But we didn’t. We did the same with George Floyd but again we took sides instead of trying to figure out how to enact change.
And the media stokes the fire because it leads to ratings which leads to money.
But in the new era of social media we gravitate towards like minded people instead of open discussion on topics. And we’re now tit for tat without stopping and thinking.
Yes, there were plenty of BLM rallies that got out of hand and many of the people were there peacefully protesting. I could say the same about 1/6.
We should respect the President, whether we agree with his policies or not but we’ve delved into this world of calling POTUS a cheeto or F Trump or Let’s Go Brandon. It’s all the same thing.
Both political parties have their own issues and scandals but we look the other way when it involves our “team” and cry foul when it’s the other side.
Employer’s are paying more to get workers, and many are also increasing benefits for existing employee’s, such as extra week end pay, during certain times of the year, more Holiday pay, and extra vacation time. It would be hard to take that away, and if an employee is a hard worker and don’t call in sick more than necessary, they deserve the extra perks. Those who always call out often or are not diligent about their work do not deserve it.
The only silver lining in this that I can think of so far is getting rid of the toll booths and the traffic jams the caused.
I also like having more space in lines. Don’t miss kids or shopping carts banging into me while waiting to check out.
Ok, that’s 2….
I have a buddy who is now a Sam’S club convert since he never has to wait in line, he just scans the items as he throws them in his cart and pays for everything electronically. An employee glances at the cart at the door, scans your phone, and you’re home free with zero wait.
One good thing is that I’m pretty sure commuting into the office 5 days a week is a thing of the past.
A few good things:
Telehealth and doctors can practice across state lines.
More work from home.
Understanding the power of teachers’ unions and what they do to our children.
Experts are frequently wrong.
Analyzing data is more difficult than it seems.
In a hundred years, when the next regularly scheduled pandemic strikes, will our grandchildren apply whatever we have learned now?
This whole thing has been a disaster. It should have been about saving lives from the beginning but has turned into a political nightmare. Politicians love to use sick or dead people for political footballs. What this country needs is a good strong leader which we have not had for a long time. The last two presidents we have had have been absolutely horrible. One thing I wish they would keep is social distance. I hate people standing right on your @$#.
More than sick or dead people, politicians love to use children for their political gain, especially Pelosi. She’s beyond pathetic.
Everyone is now anti social, a hypochondric and germaphobe
Many have memory troubles from the vaccine.
I think one good coming out of this, is employers are paying more to get workers, and many employers are adding extra benefits for their existing employee’s, such as extra vacation days, extra pay during extra busy times, such as the Holidays. These benefits will most likely stay, it is hard to take benefits away after people get use to it.
@ hanne jeppesen….
And all the prices of everything are skyrocketing!
My naggy wife was trying to talk to just this yesterday about this … and boy she really got hot under the griddle and was telling me I never listen to her or I never pay attention … cannot recall her exact words cause I was trying to watch the game
I will tell you what wont change. The world not suing the pants off of the communist Chinese. Like letting the corrupted Joe and Hunter off the hook the same for the communists. They will lie just lie the Biden’s. Don’t hold your breath waiting for justice or compensation.
Last week I had a minor medical complaint, but just serious enough to see a doctor for a prescription.
A few years ago this would have taken me at least 2.5 hours – getting ready, driving to the appointment, waiting, having my weight and temperature checked, explaining everything, getting the medical lecture, waiting for the prescription to be filled, and coming home, prescription in hand.
Because of Covid, I spent a couple of minutes booking a telephone appointment (Kaiser). The doctor called me, we spent about 8 -10 minutes talking, and I hung up. Done!
Drove to Kaiser and picked up the prescription, ran errands on the way back. Total time spent – about 1.25 hours.
I hope they keep the telephone appointments going!
Dramatic increase of arrogance, lunacy, lawlessness, and hypocrisy.
1) A grand disillusionment with government and big tech. Their corruption and collusion was made obvious to anyone paying attention.
2) A growing movement of vaccine skeptics. People who couldn’t care less about vaccines 3 years ago are starting to question every aspect of Big Pharma. Why are our kids required to have a long list of vaccines? And why does this requirement coincide with a sharp rise in autism and auto-immune diseases?
3) More people working from home. This allows people to move out of the cities.
4) “If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied during 1930s Germany, now you know.”
5) Let’s Go Brandon – The catchy jingle that even the President agrees with.
I think we will continue to see masks especially during the flu and criminal seasons, but not the mandates.
I think (and hope) that we are more aware off what all levels of Government are doing to us.
A good thing is how exposed and phony much of cable news (CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc..) is. It is out in the open, and should mostly be avoided.
I’m vaccinated and wouldn’t recommend not doing it, but to automatically think the medical community is always right during a very confusing period with a lot of unknowns. I don’t know how much masks help, but two years ago I felt they probably aren’t a bad idea.