Home » Contra Costa Health Officials Give Update On COVID-19 Situation

Contra Costa Health Officials Give Update On COVID-19 Situation


Contra Costa County’s COVID-19 case numbers continue to plunge as the county gets closer to removing masking orders in most public places, health officials told the Board of Supervisors Tuesday.

“Our average cases per day is 683 — this is 47 percent down from last week,” said Anna Roth, the county’s health services director. “We’ve also seen a 15 percent reduction in hospitalizations, so we’re now at 201.”

“Hospitalizations will come down slower than the case rate — that’s to be expected, because the hospitalizations lag behind the rate rise,” Roth said. “We are seeing what we expect to see. Our data is moving in the right direction, enough so that we actually lifted one of the county health orders last Friday.”

Roth referred to the order requiring gyms and restaurants to verify patrons were fully vaccinated before entering.


“Our county also reached the important milestone of 80 percent of the total population becoming fully vaccinated against COVID-19,” Roth said. “This is a major achievement and I want to acknowledge the community for really stepping forward. It really speaks to the community spirit in Contra Costa County.”

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The 80% goal is straight up TRASH. The vaccine does not prevent spread or infection therefore it is useless. People can choose to receive the vaccine but these numbers that have nothing to do with science is just a pure power grab for Mitchoff, Farnitarno & Roth. These people are scum and could care less about the people they are appointed/elected to serve. These people deserve to be reminded of this where ever they are all day all week all month…these idiots deserve no respect because they have none.

Absolutely & those nurses who were so “over worked”…..yet they had time to make all of those tik tok videos.

I’m sure the self appointed fact checker ‘chuq’ will be here to promote the mainstream NARRATIVE.

They sold their souls to Pfizer.

I sold my soul to Moderna. 🙂

My soul is not for sale

How is a vaccine that still largely protects against hospitalization and death, despite many variants, “useless”? After witnessing person after person struggling to breathe, and begging to make it easier, I’m sure grateful for that shot.

And , nurses are still ridiculously overworked. Why go after people that are trying to help?

“Our data is moving in the right direction”

Of course it is, it’s the only politically expedient thing to do. Science works when the numbers are manipulated.

Such an unusual coincidence that cases drop by 47% just before the tar and feather brigade gets going.

This message doesn’t say anything about following the state guidelines.

Masks smell horrible when burned.

For the sake of people that will never leave contra costa please get a professional statistician to comb through all their figures in an audit in the coming years. Not once have I seen doctors get help from professional statisticians in collecting, analyzing, and reporting their data. I seriously doubt doctors can moonlight as professional statisticians.

Dear CC Restaurants. If I walk into your restaurant without a silly mask on, and you ask me if I’m vaccinated, you just lost a sale. It’s me and my wife and we usually tip very generously. If you want to lose that, just ask.

I just drive to Cordelia, Fairfield, Vallejo or Benicia to spend money at restaurants. It’s been working well for me.

I could show them my card but I wont.

I hope restauranteurs and other small business owners remember what they did to them – when it comes time to vote.

Shut up! just shut up

If you’re speaking to CC health officials, you should have capped it all.

@ Adult

If you are not speaking to the CC Health Officials but to the rest of us

then sure, you first.

“Contra Costa and 10 other Bay Area counties and the City of Berkeley will lift universal mask requirements for vaccinated people in most indoor public settings beginning Wednesday, February 16. The move comes as cases and hospitalizations have begun to rapidly drop around the state and region.”

Santa Clara County said they won’t lift the order. I hope the peasants are unhappy and spend their money elsewhere.

That’s great news! If you look at the County dashboard for cases in unvaccinated, we peaked on 1/9 with rate of 395.8 per 100k residents..this data is only for lab tests, not at home tests which were not captured and expected to be 3-4X…for this reason Dr. Tzvieli said we now have high rate of natural immunity coupled with 80% full vaccination; therefore, lifting the vaccine verification last week.

If you don’t want to be asked about vaccination status don’t go to places that require it!

Why should vaccination status even matter? You can still get and spread the virus even if you are vaxxed and boosted. It’s a waste of everyone’s time and energy asking for status. It makes about as much sense to ask for colonoscopy status if you are ordering from the Senior menu.

Has anyone confirmed this is ok with Commrade Mitchoff?

Just like how if people don’t want to be asked for ID, they shouldn’t vote, right?




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