The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you think kids will be required to wear masks in school for the rest of the year?
Talk about it….
Of course, what else would happen? Common sense and actual science leading hypocritical politicians to make informed positions? Please.
🤣 Good one!
I just read that the national president of one of the teacher unions already answered this question. She expects students to wear masks till kingdom come, literally forever.
Until the parents decide to file lawsuits, attend meetings, make phone calls and or remove their children from these “schools”.
As has already been stated, ANY school which has taken any kind of pandemic funding will have to comply with mask socialism.
Or like, alternatively they could make sure they and their children are vaccinated. It’s a fairly simple path for anyone who prefers actual solutions to drama and histrionics.
They shouldn’t have to be vaccinated to attend school & you know it. This is absurd and the union bosses & supers need to go. I am glad you are ok with compliance to this big lie.
I guess chuq missed the part that the Magick Vaxx doesn’t Stop transmission or infection……oh, “and you’ll have a less painful death, so be glad that you were vaxxed”.
Respectfully, when Biden and Garland referred to concerned parents as domestic terrorists, drama and histrionics reached an historic high.
Chuq did not miss the part … he just does not care. He lives in a world where everyone is forced to take a drug, eat the same food, and everyone passes with a participation trophy.
Kids should not be forced to be vaccinated with a drug that has no long term testing completed.
@Chuq you don’t know what you are talking about.
My grandkids aren’t vaccinated against anything. I love doing home school and we did have a smallpox scare but thanks to Ivermectin and Dr. Joe Rogan and Dr. Drew, I know we will survive this.
Bdml, is it possible you are unfamiliar with vaccination requirements for attending schools? Because there are vaccination requirements for attending schools.
The “magic vaxx” doesn’t do as much to prevent transmission of Omicron as it did with Delta. It does make it the cases.
Parent, I think everyone should be taking the same drug to prevent COVID in the same way they had to take the same drug to prevent the measles.
What food you eat doesn’t concern me. It seems the people who want a participation trophy are the ones who think safety precautions should go away just because they are fed up with them. (Fun fact: In the early 1980s, 65% of Americans opposed the enforcement of seat belt laws).
Why should we let you decide when a drug has received enough testing rather than the CDC? I understand that you have been duped by the media you consume, but your opinions about an approved are not a good reason to harm children.
Harm children? Sorry, your vaccine is proven to harm more children than Covid has. Please look at the adverse reaction reports and compare it CDC reports showing how many kids have been injured/died with Covid.
If the CDC was fully confident in the drug, it would not be under EUA for children … and we would not have to wait a couple of decades for all the reports.
Seatbelts in the 80’s, poor analogy, but I will work with it at your level. If I don’t have a seatbelt on, I am not prevented from entering a store, getting food or even treated like an outsider. Many school buses still do not require a seatbelt. Public transportation does not require a seatbelt to be used … and you are not PENALIZED for not wearing one on a bus, train or other forms of public transportation.
Fun fact, I wish you could provide sources and facts for your outlandish statements but I deal with hand in front of me.
Speaking of lawsuits … There is one now underway in Poland … Led by Reiner Fuellmich (California/Germany) lawyer … I expect after they win there … California will have to drop all the CV BS … his legal brief on the case is epic for those curious.
It may come as news to Chuq, but nobody actually tied mask mandates to vaccination rates in kids: CA and its teachers’ union bosses have never promised that mask mandates in schools will go away with sufficient vaccination. Just look at what most colleges are doing: vaccines required, boosters required (even when there is zero evidence that teens benefit from boosters enough to outweigh the risk of side effects), and you *still* get to wear a mask at all times.
Moreover, vaxxed people can and do transmit the virus, and there is more of that over time: the protection against infection wanes rapidly.
Moreover, kids, even if unvaxxed, are less at risk than vaccinated adults. So it makes no sense to put more restrictions on them than adults.
Moreover, there is only the crummiest level of data to support mask mandates for children: most studies show no significant effect at all. In Spain masking in schools was not done at all up to a certain age, required after that age. If masks in schools work, there would be a bump in the graph at that age division: there wasn’t. Studies in the US have found the same thing: no effect or no clearly discernible effect. So this is an intervention, lasting 2+ years, with almost not data to support it. Just on those grounds alone it is suspect. When you take into account how damaging this might be to kids’ development in the long term, it’s not even close. This is going to get memory-holed and everyone will say they were against masking kids. That’s how obviously wrong this is going to appear with the benefit of just a little distance from the moment.
Until the current generation of harpies is no longer teaching or in control of the unions, in some states like California, Oregon and Washington kids will probably be wearing them forever. They’ll be easily identifiable when they’re older too. They’ll have a noticeable lack of soft skills, which will depress their future earning potential and overall life success. Brought to you by democrats (and Pfizer).
Abolish all teacher unions.
The Social Democrats have proven most diabolical. Brute force, enprisonment, censorship, military style arms. Right up the with Hitlers’ beginning before WWII. He was also a Social Democrat.
The whole thing is a scam. We have had more cases than states with no mask mandate. Take these face coverings off a kids and let them get back to seeing their teacher and classmates faces. We are messing them up more than we know. Our state is a damn joke!!!
As long as the Dems are in control, they will have control over your kids. Unfortunately, most liberal voters lack critical thinking skills, and they are believing everything the so-called experts and the media is telling them. I do not place any credence in polls, but according to the polls, most liberal parents are OK with the mask mandate for their children. They really believe keeping a distance of six feet and wearing a cheap mask is helping them. It boggles my mind how seemingly intelligent people can be so blindly stupid, by following directions without question. They are so caught up in the lies that they actually hate anybody who questions the mandates.
The Left has done a marvelous job at dividing the country, and it’s not just here in the US, look at what’s happening in Canada. Justin Trudeau, who’s supposed to treat all Canadian citizens equally, has called the truckers the “fringe minority,” He has even ordered the police to confiscate their diesel fuel, where temperatures have dropped below freezing, A lot of the truckers sleep in their cab, and they need the fuel to keep warm.
Some parents are fed up with the mandates, and are speaking up about it, but when they do, our very own President Joe Biden calls them domestic terrorists. I don’t see any difference between Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau when it comes to hating and punishing their countrymen for having a different opinion.
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
I will add that when this does end watch those liberals brains explode as the NPC programming glitch will have them stumbling all over their words. It will be a spectacle to see
Don’t ever let these people forget how they just complied with no questions then talked down and attacked those critical thinkers asking questions.
Over educated with no common sense; the motto of the basic Bay Area liberal
2- Scenarios:
1. With republicans in rule, masks would be off now.
2. With Democrats in rule, the masks may never come off! They like the control.
The Professor Just google cccdashboard.
Since last August one child under 11 in CCC has died of covid. From 11 to 19 no child has died of covid. In the last sixty days no one under 41 has died of covid. In the over 80 group more vaccinated people than unvaccinated people have died of covid. The dashboard says more White people have died of covid but if you look at the statistic for each city in the county it doesn’t look that way. It is possible but unlikely.
Take the masks off of the kids.
Where did you find the stats? Please post the link.
Thanks in advance.
This is certainly a misleading statement:
“In the over 80 group more vaccinated people than unvaccinated people have died of covid. ”
The vax rate of those over 65+ is over 80% in CA. I would estimate it’s >90% for those 80+ in CC county. So, even with a huge reduction of risk of hospitalization/death with the vaccine, the absolute number of 80+ who die of Covid will still likely be higher in the vax group vs the unvax group. It doesn’t mean the vax isn’t helping prevent deaths or actually making it worse than being unvaxxed s as that statement would suggest.
Of course, this has nothing to do with whether children should stop masking at school I guess except for the risk of bringing Covid home to elderly family members.
Personally, my daughter’s private school requires masks for everyone. I’m fine with it but also fine if they want to go to personal choice based on risk and of course mask if/when there is a confirmed close contact of positive test.
Jasaka Go to cccdashboard and read the charts yourself. A sizable number of older vaccinated people have died of covid. One or two more than the unvaccinated. I didn’t enter the odds.
One question that no school administrator can answer for me and that is: When students are required to wear masks, why are they not wearing the N95 masks since the cloth and surgical ones are mostly useless? Hey, I’m just trying to follow science.
Sure, sounds good. Let’s raise funds to provide students with N95 masks so they can wear those instead of the inferior ones.
Masks don’t do any good.
“Do you think kids will be required to wear masks in school for the rest of the year?”
The masking will continue until the Teacher’s Union says otherwise.
As long as dumb-o-crats hold office!
Rest of the year, no. Rest of this school year, probably.
Until they don’t have to.
Masks are vary bad for young kids mental health. Our leaders should be jailed for mandating them in the first place.
Absolutely not.
This farce needs to stop now.
All of it.
I hope soon. I work in a Special Ed class and these students do not like the masks. It’s a battle to have them keep them on. It’s sad because they scream and kick; it’s torture to them. And seeing the kids play at recess and lunch with their masks on is nonsense. So many kids get yelled at for not wearing their mask. Shoot it’s hot outside.
There is a special place in hell for those who impose a mask mandate on special ed kids.
First I will say I have been vaccinated. I do believe there have been advantages to its use. Second I will say I am not in favor of forcing people to get it in our country. I sit on a school board in another state and we have not required masks (optional) or been online during the whole COVID life. I have seen the data of our students excelling while seeing regulated states drop like a rock. Not to mention the social and mental deficits they have suffered. The repercussion of this will be evident in years to come. Life should, and will go on. The time has come for our kids and parents to come to reality and start living their lives again. I pray for the kids that we are depriving an education and the social portion of their life they are losing every day. If the politicians worried about crime, drug abuse, mental health the world would be a better place.
Solve this question first: How long will our politicians and school boards be ignorant of the real facts of covid?
I work at a school and the majority of students have no problem wearing masks. None. They seem to understand the difference between science and politics. Do you really want more children to have type 1 diabetes? You might not believe it but covid has activated this is too many children.
Covid has real consequences for some. But I guess if it doesn’t happen to you, you don’t care.
There are other issues to address in our education. Like teachers working harder than ever with no contract or cost of living adjustment for over 5 years. It’s no surprise many will probably leave this district.
You really think school kids can make an independent judgment about a disputed area of science that is politically controversial? Right, ok.
Yes, kids have largely gotten used to this because they’ve been forced to. That doesn’t tell us anything about whether it is justified or not, harmful or not. They are also showing alarming increases in mental health problems and obesity. But I guess if they seem okay to you then that’s fine.
I have family members who were hospitalized; I know people who have died. Covid is real but masking kids provides almost zero benefit with very substantial harms. If someone gave chemo to a bunch of kids just because there’s some chance one of them has an undetected cancer, that would be wrong. And it would be wrong even though cancer is real, and bad. Because you are doing more harm than good. Same here.
That diabetes “study” was pure, unadulterated fearmongering. Vinay Prasad (a doctor, MPH, prof of epidemiology at UCSF) broke it down:
“First, the whole analysis hinges on the idea that age-sex matched kids without covid should be comparable to the kids who got covid in terms of risk of diabetes. The only difference between the kids should be that some, unfortunately, had covid. But COVID may be more likely to affect kids of lower socioeconomic status, of certain races, and kids who were already overweight or suffering from medical problems.
Does the CDC attempt to correct for any of these confounders? Not at all. They surely have height and weight, and could adjust for BMI, but do not. I am truly puzzled as to why.
Second, they don’t have the true denominator. This is only kids who present and have a COVID19 diagnosis. Seroprevalence is needed to find the real denominator of kids with COVID19. This will lower the absolute risks. COVID19 may be downgraded from a whole bag of skittles to a single, red skittle.
Does the CDC adjust for this? Nope
Third, kids who seek medical care for COVID19 may get more blood tests than those without COVID19, and perhaps more than those with other respiratory viruses in yesteryear. This too may capture more diabetes.
Does the CDC correct for ascertainment? Not at all
Finally, the HealthVerity database is particularly odd, as the kids who get tested but test negative might be very dissimilar from those with COVID19. It may include some who are planning a trip to Maui (Hawaii used to require testing to visit), and compare them to kids who come in feeling very sick.
Does the CDC correct for this? No”
Kids will wear masks until it’s been reliably determined that hell has frozen over, or Gavin Newsom is voted out of office. Whichever comes first.
I expect it will be a photo finish.
Chuq is gavins blow dealer guys. All of you that are ok with torturing children with ridiculous masks after two years of this bs are insane. Ppl are not dying in the streets from this and the homeless population aka the human canaries seem to be thriving so I’ma call BS on this pandemic and call for investigations on all of these so called doctors and politicians. What’s treason get you these days