Home » Water Cooler – Do You Listen To Podcasts?

Water Cooler – Do You Listen To Podcasts?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Do you listen to podcasts? If so, which one is your favorite?

Talk about it….

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I love podcasts! The main ones I listen to as of late are
The Huberman Lab Podcast (Neuroscience and Wellbeing)
Modern Wisdom
Lifespan (about aging)

Yes, I listen to several. Everything from history to comedy to true crime and some current events.
My current favorite is: Honestly by Bari Weiss. Really smart reporting on current events. No partisan craziness, just very interesting, well researched, truthful common sense. I encourage everyone to give it a listen.

Yes, and have since they first appeared around 2004.

Curry & Dvorak’s No Agenda is the best podcast available if you’re a news junky.

… only one – some guy on the weekends talking about cars and taking questions from listeners

I listen to podcasts when I’m out walking. Some favorites are The Editors (National Review editors), Dan Bongino, Danger Close with Jack Carr, and Joe Rogan. Those are all political current events. I also listen to Bourbon Pursuit because I like bourbon.

Now and then: Revisionist History with Malcom Gladwell.

Fade to Black with jimmy church at Jimmychurchradio.com and Sasquatch Chronicles Podcast

Jesse Kelly
Watch “Coffee With Scott Adams” and the content on Bill Whittle.com



Joe Rogan
Adam Corolla
Dr. Drew
Ted Nugent
Alex Jones

America is Awesome!!!!

Don’t forget Michael Savage!!

Before retiring, I listened to talk radio all day. Now, I just don’t care anymore. In the car, if the announcer/DJ is talking for over 12 seconds, I change the channel.

Absolutely, Sagar and Ball, PDB ( Patrick David Bey ), Huberman, Rogan, and George Lopez.
I also stream their broadcast when I can. There are others I listen and watch, but the ones up above are my go to ones for news wealth, health and laughs.

No. Who has time for that stuff?

No, it would be wasted time. I don’t care what celebrities think.

Not until the loser woke crowd began throwing a tantrum over Rogan. That drove me right to Spotify to sign up!

Yes. I disconnected from cable years ago. https://www.youtube.com/user/ preppernurse1 is a favorite.

Very rarely, in part because I have not taken the time to look for any, and in part, I don’t have time to look for any. If anybody knows any investing related (kind of like Ramsey, but a bit more advanced), I would appreciate any suggestions. I saw Corolla listed by , might have to look for him, as Adam is a funny guy.

listen to what?

Ben Shapiro
Joe Rogan
Tom Sullivan
All are interesting…..good mix

Tom Sullivan can be heard live from noon to 3 p.m. on Sacramento 1530, I listen at times, although more conservative than me, I like him and he seems fair, and does not rant and rave. I don’t go back an listen to his podcast. I do at times listen to John Rothmann’s podcast if I miss a show where I really like the subject he is discussing.

At work I’m a hard-core user of some of the most sophisticated technology available in my field.
In my private life I don’t use anything more high-tech than a shoe-horn if I can help it.
I actually read books (you know, the paper kind). I use a phone for calls and texts grudgingly, if I have to, but nothing more. Sorry, no podcasts,

Paul Harvey and The Rest of The Story. This was before we had the Internet.

Yeah, Part of the Problem and also some episodes from The Joe Rogan Experience.

I have come to appreciate podcasts while walking (seven miles daily) – that, and seventies music. They come through my hearing aids from my cell phone – weird.

Yes, I listen to them. My brothers used to tune into them as I was growing up and now I just enjoy them.

#1 Joe Rogan Experience … #2 Lex Friedman … #3 Kill Tony … #4 Jimmy Dore … #5 Lifttheveil411



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