Home » State To End Indoor Mask Mandate For People Vaccinated Against COVID-19 On Feb.15

State To End Indoor Mask Mandate For People Vaccinated Against COVID-19 On Feb.15


On February 15, California’s statewide indoor mask requirement will expire.

Unvaccinated people must still wear masks in indoor public settings, according to California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Children must also continue to wear masks at school regardless of vaccination status, the state said.

After February 15, everyone is required to wear masks in:


  • Public transit
  • Healthcare settings (including long term care facilities)
  • Adult and senior care facilities
  • Indoors in K-12 schools, childcare, and other youth settings
  • State and local correctional facilities and detention centers
  • Homeless shelters, emergency shelters, and cooling centers
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Businesses will not check vax status for masking, they barely checked for in door dining & other businesses didn’t check at all. People are tired of the lies and want this to end. No amount of booster/vaccination, masking or social distance makes a difference, that is obvious after 2 plus years. We all know the masks don’t protect from squat…

And they should NOT have to check. It’s cray. Boy, the Karens had a field day reporting normal people.

California might be backing down a little, but not Joe Biden.

Detroit’s Ambassador Bridge — Canada’s busiest border crossing, was reopened Tuesday after truckers closed it down for hours on Monday. The truckers are protesting because 30% to 50% of them are no longer eligible to cross the border due to mandates that started in January.

The Michigan Agri-Business Association said both the Canadian and U.S. governments need to exercise some common sense and let the truckers get back to work.

From the Detroit News https://bit.ly/3ssQ5q3

Rules for thee, not for me. -Gavin Newsom

How are they gonna know who is vaxxed and who isn’t?!
Are they gonna check?
This won’t last long so everyone enjoy it while you can.
It’s gonna go back and forth.
They’ll re-implement it again next month when there’s a “surge”.

This makes zero sense. Guess they are still trying to sell the lie that the unvaccinated are the threat (despite actual scientific facts) and punishing our kids in the process. The only real threat Californians should be afraid of is the selfish, dishonest, power-hungry hypocrites we have running this state.


I do Not talk about politics or religion.
And I do NOT disclose my Private medical information.

You don’t even disclose a make believe name!
Dang! You are super secret mega secure…. I’m surprised you risked posting an opinion!

Unvaxed, unmasked should be allowed in businesses as long as they hold their breath.


We still have a county mask mandate that does not end Feb 15th!!!!!!!!

@garbear We do? I’m not even aware of that.
It says California’s mask mandate “ends” Feb. 15th.
It should include CCC and all other counties.
Where did you get that info. from?

get out more.. outside the Bay Area it’s like COVID doesn’t exist.

No mask signs, no vax requirements. Go to Fairfield. You’ll see.

@MikeyV Of course outside the bay area nobody cares.
CCC is the most liberal county in the state.
But we’re not close enough to Fairfield to do our grocery shopping.
It’s not worth all that gas money.
Stores out here like Safeway don’t care so I stick with them.

So we all know at this point VACCINATED PEOPLE SPREAD COVID. Talk about being a science denier. But this isn’t about science or truth it’s about control.

I called it months ago. Democrats are slowly trying to unboil the frog leading up to the midterms, but all this tells us is democrats do whatever they want to do, and only stop doing it once there’s an election coming up. They are dictators in between election cycles.

Now imagine what they would do if they never had to worry about elections ever again? They imagine it too, and they’re actively working toward that goal.

It’ll be reinstated next Fall, bank on it.

@Bob You’re very optimistic.
It’ll definitely be reinstated before that.
I’m giving it 2 weeks since that was how long it lasted the previous time.
They’ll say there was a surge.
But it’ll definently happen again before the midterms.
Count on it!

Commrade Mitchoff will not be pleased. I predict a foul language rant at the next Supervisors meeting.

Who does anything “according to Gavin Newsom” these days?


“Unvaccinated people must still wear masks in indoor public settings“

Yeah, right. Up yours Gavin and Commie Costa. I don’t wear them now.

About two years ago I stated here on Claycord that once the government gets control over the people it will be almost impossible to take that control back.

We have all lost so much freedom.

The Government is out of control.

The people need to take it back.

I fully support the Truckers in Canada.

I hope the pending Truckers for America event will be successful.

I don’t believe that the Jan 6 incident was an insurection.

I do believe that an insurrection is exactly what is needed now.

All mandates need to stop now, not in two weeks, but now.

ALL politicians and bureaucrats need to find other means of work.

I really wonder if any higher ups in the Department of Public Health bothered to read The John’s Hopkins study of the useless use of masking, social distancing, and lockdowns? Those who’ve imposed these draconian measures should be held accountable for their actions, but we all know they will most likely be promoted or retire early with a Golden Parachute.

Yeah, but doesn’t mean CCC is lifting its mask mandate. Just at the state-wide level. Most of the Bay Area will continue to impose mask mandates.

Personally, I don’t much care anymore what these boozoo’s tell us to do.

I am done with masks.

Let Bitc…er Ms. Mitchoff urinate up and on weaved hemp.

The State trumps County.

I encourage noncompliance.

What utter idiocy. Vaxx’d people can both catch and spread Covid, mask or no mask. End all mask mandates, yesterday. It’s time to move on from this Plandemic farce.

If you want the county to lift our local mandate with the state mandate, PLEASE sign the petition to make it happen:


There is a BOS meeting tomorrow, and encourage is encouraged to call in and restate the need for the mask mandate to go away locally, as soon as it is lifted by the state.

Here is the zoom link, prepare to call in the late morning to early afternoon.


Time for this to end, no more back-stepping, no more Simon Says,

I’m taking the name and employee number of anyone asking me for anything, then doing whatever I was doing. Or just ignoring them completely until they put hands on me, then it’s on.

I had a Karen working at CVS telling me to put on a mask recently.
Then a Karen customer was telling me to put one on and I just ignored them both.
They eventually stopped yelling at me and I left the store after 2 minutes cause their shelves were half empty.

What we need is a public mask burning party!
Everybody bring some lighter fluid & matches…. I’ll supply some music!


They will never unmask kids in public schools. There’s a special place in hell for those who ruin kid’s childhoods to score political points or appease the unions or maintain the illusion of control.

Masking young kids doesn’t do anything except damage their social and language development.

mask mandate ends….
yet…. COVID sick leave is extended through September?

nothing makes sense, I tell you

The World is going to witness hypocrisy at it’s finest when seeing the Unmasked crowd at the Superbowl.

And as for the schools………if Any of them received any type of “pandemic” money = they Have to comply with Communist Rule.

Welcome to California, ruled by the great reset / Klaus Schwab world economic forum stooge Gavin Newsom.

Honor code is dumb. Most people who are vaccinated, who actually take the virus seriously, will probably keep wearing their masks cuz they know better than to trust other people following the rules. And those who aren’t vaccinated, who hate the mask mandate with all their being, will not wear a mask from now on.

Virtue Signalling is dumb. The mask won’t keep you from catching the China Virus or passing it to others.

Huh……I ended it about a year and 9 months ago……….go figure.

Of course their going to end the mask mandate, it’s an election year!



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