Home » Gasoline Prices Pierce Record With No Ceiling In Sight

Gasoline Prices Pierce Record With No Ceiling In Sight


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No end in sight.

Not until the current regime is out of office.

If the people want change, they need to speak loudly and forcefully.

Joe did that!

Poor old Joe probably can’t tie his own shoes anymore.

Whomever is ruining everything in Joe’s name is calling the shots.

Someday we may learn who is the President.

Biden’s anti-energy policies have further emboldened Putin and Russia.

Putin has only shown aggression when Democrats were in the White House. Russia invaded Crimea under Obama’s watch and is threatening Ukraine under Biden. When Trump was president, Putin was kept at bay.

From ‘Real Clear Energy’: https://bit.ly/3Gzz6Hs

I hope people are happy for what they voted it for. This state is a sinking ship.

Rich get richer
They stay home and work remotely with a Tesla in the driveway in case they need to get wine and beer
Poor get poorer
They drive to crap job and spend half their paychecks on gas

Yup. Don’t forget that the rich people had the value of their owned home go up 25% or more during the pandemic. Inflation is great for the rich, their assets go up in value, and they can buy up more assets.

Why are people so ugly towards successful people? If you jealous make you’re own money.

@grip, you seem to be naive about the uber rich. A lot of the big companies got there through mergers and acquisitions which was a fad in industry among the money junkies. I recall a “FOX conservative” claiming the rich create jobs. They don’t especially with mergers and acquisitions. Those destroy jobs because when you acquire a company you get rid of duplicated divisions such as you may not need two accounting departments.

Besides we’re not talking about the millionaire down the block that has a successful business. We’re talking about billionaires who seem to have a mental illness. Those make the public’s lives miserable.

Have you made your first billion yet, grip? 😄

@Captain Beep
Then who creates jobs???
I will give you a hint it not the poor or the government

The bizarre judgment here of worthiness in interesting. Seems like if you are poor, then you must be lazy and lack initiative and have all sorts of other bad traits, but if you are middle class then you are the backbone of the country and a source of pride, while when you move farther up the ladder to rich then you are selfish, greedy, and have all sorts of other bad traits. Who makes this stuff up? Is this from some late night movie I missed or something?

@To do list
Your summary is very accurate, too funny.

One of the great things about this country is if you are born poor you can change that in your lifetime. All the resources are there, from trade schools to legitimate college majors (not a liberal arts degree).

All that is needed is a little effort. However, with all the free handouts and the government making welfare a career option people lose motivation.

Buy some stock in the oil companies – earn some dividends and price appreciation…

Concur. Long ago I squawking about gasoline prices and figured I might as well profit from its cyclicality..
As such I’m a long time holder of ExxonMobil (XOM) and Halliburton (HAL).

Agreed, wait until summer and it will be at 7 dollars plus. God help us from the mouth breathers…

You can partly blame Biden for shutting down our pipeline and causing us to buy more oil from Russia #Let’sGoBrandon

Thanks Joe, you Jackass.

..no surprise – another broken Newsom promise… his campaign promise was that he would get underneath the gas price gouging particularly in the Bay Area and hold the oil companies accountable in getting prices down relative to the rest of the country…. yeah right…. another French Laundry and masking at Sofi promise there too? There is no trust in Cali state leadership…. very sad…

Thoughts here Sir Randy – The French Laundry is really the French Toilet. YukYuk. Heavily driving the price of gas in CA is all the CA as taxes the state has imposed. Supposed to be for the poor roads. Ya sure!

Thanks to Joe Biden!

Classic Democrat move create the problem blame everyone else and then pretend you’re the only one that knows how to fix it while enriching yourself and your family at the same time genius! And sadly they continue to get away with it I hope America wakes up

“Under my plan energy prices will necessarily skyrocket.”


These gas prices are completely unacceptable! I’m in NYC for the weekend and gas is only $3.59/gallon. I’m sure it’s even cheaper in the suburbs. I blame Biden, Newsom, and the idiotic “California” blend for these sky high prices in the Bay Area.

For years some politician or others vows to “get to the bottom of the high gas prices” but never hear anything about it. My once loved California has become a pathetic joke.

We’ve seen by example when Gavin Newsom vows to get to the bottom of something, he generally has something else in mind.

When Newsom vows to get to the bottom of it, chances are he’s already at the bottom of it.

Sometimes he gets a little confused as to whose bottom he is trying to get to. This seems to upset the first partner.

Thanks to the “good folks” that voted for Brandon. Idiots.

I’d like to invite the lemmings who voted for Biden to buy my gasoline for me.

National average for gas $3.45., and many States are below that average California average $4.65. And you are blaming Biden?

Yes, we’re blaming Biden! When Biden took office, gas was under $2 gallon in some parts of the country. As soon as Biden took office, he started his attack on America’s oil and gas industry and turned the US from an exporter to having to beg OPEC for more fuel. He is directly responsible for the increase in the price of gas across the nation.

The price of gas is determined by four major factors: taxes, the cost of marketing and distribution, refining, and the cost of crude oil. Biden’s enacted policies have not currently had a significant effect on any of these four factors.
Also, in 2018 when who was if again that was Presidend? the average price of gasoline was only 11 cents lower than now.

Gas is just above $3 here in my Free State, and we don’t even have a refinery. However, it was under $2 in September of 2020. So folks here are not happy, and many would like to play ‘Pin the tail on the Brandon’.

In California, you can blame the corrupt Democrat Super-Majority ruining, I mean running the state for the extra $1.50 per gallon cost. Taxes and regulations add up.

Woah, someone with a brain. People automatically blaming Biden because prices started changing after he took office. These people are morons.

As the economies bounce back, there has been an increase in demand for oil. Production via OPEC and the US has not increased production to keep up with that demand.

There are also supply chain issues which are affecting every industry. These aren’t helping. Speculators also drive the price of gasoline up.

Combine this with California’s gas taxes, and you have the current situation. Y’all really need to actually research topics instead of blaming a president.

ANon. I agree. Biden is not to blame. It is his handlers who have appointed rogue radicals as heads of the various federal agencies. And they are all very busy creating a socialist utopia.

Take for example, Biden’s Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg. He plans to deploy “speed safety cameras” across the nation. He is taking his cues from the former New York City Mayor de Blasio, who created a huge hidden tax windfall for the Democrats. The speed cameras have produced $215 million a year in fines for the city of New York.

Do you drive a car? Coming soon: even higher gas prices, speed cameras, and mandatory electric cars. Thank you Democrats.


Oil isn’t even at $100 per barrel yet.
$7.00 a gallon gas will look good to you in the summer.
Votes count. Especially stolen votes.

I mean no one could have predicted this right?

First new fracking contracts were cancelled by executive order.

Second during SIP they closed the biggest gas refinery snd everyone cheered as that was a big success.

I bought Energy ETF’s on both of those announcements.

People on this thread are not being ugly towards the wealthy, they just understand all the policies end up helping the rich at the expense of the poor.

If so, then people need to change their “poor” mindset and start thinking like the wealthy. Let no “crisis” go to waste!

Back during the Great Recession, banks were deemed “too big to fail” and therefore supported by government action. The wealthy bought bank stocks at dirt cheap prices and have reaped rewards/profits. I remember when Chase Bank was like $43 per share and Bank of America was at $5. Chase is now at $180 and BofA is mid $40s. So, if ya consistently bought shares since then, today’s prices reflect a nice profit margin.

Instead of whining about gasoline prices, people should think forward and participate in wealth building.

Grip what world do live in.You must be independently wealthy.Get a grip on reality.

Brandon Building Better at its best. High inflation, heating oil shortages, empty store shelves… it’s like we’re back in the USSR, except we don’t have the Beatles to lull us into complacency.

BBB never passed, so that’s not it.

On the positive side, electric car technology has come a long way and there’s some exciting models coming out, the range has vastly improved. Now if only we could upgrade the grid to handle the additional load and get energy from clean sources.

THANK YOU BIDEN A.K.A. BRANDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess when you already have all the money in the world you don’t care about the people.

$6 by May 31, 2022.

But Gas is a finite resource, and burning it pollutes the planet and causes global warming.
It makes sense to encourage people to conserve it and to pay the true cost of fixing the damage it causes to the environment.
People do not need to drive huge, gas guzzling cars.
There are cheaper, better alternatives.
People should be less selfish, and think of future generations to come

The problem is that politicians will continue to tax the people and essentially none of the money collected will go to “fixing the damage to the environment.”

This has been discussed time and time again. Look at the entire life of electric vehicles – from mining of metals for batteries through recycling etc…. Then look at the lack of infrastructure for charging.

Solar and wind doesn’t cut it…. No matter how much you say it “will.”

Lastly, don’t tell anyone what they “need.” That’s not your call.

What people really don’t need is lectures from Karens like Clive.

When oil was $160- a barrel gas was never this high. Today it’s around $91-/barrel. Look to the gas company profits. Exxon just announced a big rise in profits.



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