Home » Contra Costa Community College District Places Chancellor Bryan Reece On Leave

Contra Costa Community College District Places Chancellor Bryan Reece On Leave


The Contra Costa Community College District’s governing board on Tuesday unanimously placed district chancellor Bryan Reece on administrative leave due to “personnel matters,” the district said in a statement.

It’s the second time the district has put Reece on leave since he started the job on Sept. 1, 2020. The district placed him on leave Sept. 14, 2021, and he was back in his post a few weeks later.

The district encompasses three community colleges — Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill, Contra Costa College in San Pablo, and Los Medanos College in Pittsburg.


Former CCC president Mojdeh Mehdizadeh — currently the district’s executive vice chancellor of education and technology — will take over for Reece as acting chancellor.

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I did some computer work for the CCCCD about 10 years ago at DVC. The infighting on the board is hilarious. Once I had to deal with the entire governing board at once in the same room and I could barely answer their questions due to persistent arguing amongst members. If you get a room full of college professors together it becomes immediately apparent there is a difference between book smarts and real world street smarts.

The Chancellor at the time was named Jeff iirc. He was a nice younger guy (in relation to the rest of the board)

He’s had the job for 17 months and this is the second time he’s on leave due to “personnel matters.” Not “personal matters” like health, family issues, etc. But “personnel matters.” Either someone is out to get him, or he’s not a good dude. Either way, I imagine he’s already lawyered up.

He sounds like our illustrious Governor, half a&&ing.the job .
Permanent leave next tme!

He was placed on leave by the district for the second time. This isn’t voluntary so something must be going on.

This is an excerpt from a 2021 article following his previous leave. I think we can all figure out what the real problem is.

“Contra Costa College is particularly diverse, with a student body that’s 46 percent Hispanic, 15 percent Black and 14 percent Asian.
Reece is “looking through a different lens as to how we break down this barrier of access and inclusion” in a district “now more Black and brown in terms of students than it is white,” said Willie Robinson, president of the Richmond California branch of the NAACP. Robinson served on the screening committee that selected Reece as one of the final candidates for chancellor.”



This is the same Bryan Reece that was fired by Norco College in 2019.

Did he do a Zucker?

That’s how the game is played. Once you’re in; you dance around with all the others, from college to college.

Simple search shows the college district was warned about this guy, but our elected official become a part of the game was well…

There is thought that all CA community colleges should be more like the State Colleges, and do away with local elected college boards. I don’t know if that would help, but there is already a California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office.

Here’s what happened:

The district’s complaint hotline received an allegation that an instructor paid students to enroll in his classes and then allowed them to drop the classes after census day when colleges take a formal count of enrollment numbers​. Chancellor Reece assured the employee in text messages that he would shut down the investigation. Also, Chancellor Reece put the chief human resources officer on administrative leave after he spoke up about the “unethical actions Chancellor Reece was proposing.”

…. thanks – not surprised

It’s not a stretch to figure it out. Look him up.

A five member board is inherently prone to dysfunction. In this case, three of the members voted to reinstate the chancellor even though they had been put on notice about his behavior. They are supported by the same constituents, share a similar political agenda, and therefore backed his reinstatement until the accusations against him were raised in a public court document that made it much less attractive to continue to remain tied to his anchor of an administration. We’re seeing this across governmental bodies and it’s discouraging that little of this type of corruption/dysfunction is actually reported on with any depth. The press used to investigate and report. Now it just repeats. Take a look at the DA’s office too.



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