Home » Contra Costa County Lifts Order Requiring Proof Of Vaccination To Enter Restaurants, Gyms

Contra Costa County Lifts Order Requiring Proof Of Vaccination To Enter Restaurants, Gyms


With 80% of all county residents now fully vaccinated, Contra Costa Health Services (CCHS) today lifted its health order requiring certain businesses, including restaurants and gyms, to verify the vaccination status or recent negative test results of customers.

Testing data show COVID-19 transmission, fueled by the highly contagious omicron variant, remains high in Contra Costa, but that the average daily number of new cases have likely peaked, and countywide hospitalizations due to COVID-19 have also begun to decline.

The verification order, which took effect last September, applied to businesses where people remove face coverings to eat or drink indoors, such as restaurants, bars and entertainment venues, and to gyms and other indoor fitness facilities, including yoga and dance studios, where patrons breathe more heavily due to exercise.

The order required these businesses to verify that indoor customers were fully vaccinated, or had tested negative for COVID-19 within the past three days. It also included a requirement for workers in indoor areas of these businesses to show proof of full vaccination or test weekly.


Other state and countywide health orders remain in effect, including workplace vaccine verification requirements for healthcare workers, first responders and congregate care workers, and a requirement for most people to wear face coverings in most indoor public spaces.

Current state health orders still require proof of vaccination or a recent, negative test result in certain situations, including when visiting hospitals or long-term care facilities, or attending indoor “mega events” of 500 or more people.

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Sad >Karen

Not good. Now I will have no excuse for not visiting the gym.

Lol… me too

Looks like the tyrants have backed down a bit! Power to the people!!


Now I can go to In and Out and have a great Double Double and eat inside. Finally!!!

This won’t sit well with dictator Mitchoff. I’m sure she will have the person fired that approved this. She is about 100% control 100% of the time. She vowed to “bring the hammer down” her exact words, on small businesses throughout our county.

What about all the Gov’t oppression, repressed freedoms, control, New World Order, etc.? I thought it was only supposed to get worse, not better.

People: 1 Government: 0. It was bound to happen. Next up the tribunals for the overreach. 😉

You would have to be living under a rock to not know about the convoy.


Like all tyrants do, they over played their hand. Do you really think there’s not a million ways to sunday they attack our rights constantly? 2nd amendment up next. This should get fun. To bad the people remembered how to assert their god giving right to live free. We will be winning on every issue from here forward. Tribunals coming.

Seems like that was predicted by the same geniuses who claimed COVID would disappear the day after the election.

What ever became sooth sayers?

Mega events of 500 or more just need to not exhale like that lunatic Garcetti and Grewsome as well as London
Actually just had out copies of those photos screw the mask mandates at ANY event do as our so called “elites” do and disregard any and all “orders”
It ends when we STOP complying and pick up our freedom

Actually, Mandates and Laws hold the same weight. There is a difference in how they are achieved but no difference in how they are upheld. A police officer can arrest you (or fine you) for not following a mandate just the same as if you are breaking the law. Unfortunately, especially for small business owners who can’t afford to pay a fine if people refuse to wear a mask in their business, this false information you are spreading has caused a lot of problems. Weather or not the business owner agrees with the mandate is their own personal opinion but choosing not to enforce it isn’t really an option for most small business owners. They can’t afford the fines and they can’t afford to be shut down so they enforce the rules. Customers that come in and make a fuss are only hurting the small business they claim to support. Most small businesses understand that you aren’t happy you have to wear a mask so they offer alternative solutions, like curbside pick up. Please if you are choosing to go out and support a small business understand that the owners, and employees are doing their best. Wear your mask or get curbside pickup. Don’t make it harder for people who are just trying to do their best in the current situations.

So true.

A police officer can not fine you,if they could even cite you.A fine is determined by the courts usually a clerk,after they have proccesed the citaion.A cop can NEVER fine you.Not in California.Some states say the fine on the cite,but not here.And even then,the cop is not fining you.And Ive never heard of anyone getting arrested in Calif for any mandate.Show any proof.

And please tell what the “false information that has caused alot of problems”is.
What are you talking about?

@Pill–are you advocating to continue with status quo? I’m reading in your commentary that we must continue with these mandates even when the current situation has changed…

@(Not so) hard pill to swallow
The mandate to show your vax card or negative test being discussed here is unconstitutional, according to constitutional scholars, and should have never been put in place. Besides that, it was just so stupid.

F-I-N-A-L-L-Y!! Many business owners had a significant decline in customers due to these restrictions and led many to close for good. I recent study says that lockdowns reduced Covid spread minimally. We have all been affected by how bad the economy is doing due to all these never ending mandates. Now the muzzle up mandate ought to be lifted. The focus should be on incentivizing people to get to work rather than rewarding them for bad behavior that in turn affects local economy.

Farnitano gone!

Vaccine passports gone!

Karen Mitchoff next?

Here is a video of her blaming kids for spreading covid to older folks, and completely dismissing this mother’s plea to stop forcing children to bear the burden of covid restrictions.


Never has someone’s face and hairstyle so stereotypically and PERFECTLY personified them. That “woman” is a wretched human being, to call her a vile see you next Tuesday is a gross understatement.

FINALLY! But we will never forget that these power hungry “officials” pulled this off, demanding such a tyrannical mandate! It was a disgusting display of ignorance at best, evil at worst.

Based on the past two years of the carrot and stick approach, I’ll refrain from becoming overly optimistic.


They’ve already established they can do this to us any time “the science” says to, like a witch doctor reading chicken bones. There is nothing stopping them from reinstating the rules tomorrow when the omegatron variant is identified.

Until people vote for representation that will prohibit this from happening again, it’s just a hiatus. Next up, drought/global warming lockdowns.

Next up: Mask mandate revoked…the State is going to do it on February 15 and this county has no justification to continue; their website even has a picture analysis of efficacy of types of masks with cloth masks being classified ‘better than not wearing anything at all’—the jig is up!

LimeRidge Larry described our Supervisor to the T…thank goodness she is not running for re-election. She is very crass…even told a concerned parent who called into the 2/01 meeting about children bearing the burden of elderly and suffering with mental problems while Newsom parading around with no mask that “we are taking care of all members of our society no matter what age, and unfortunately, children are the ones that can transmit to older population…we are taking care of all members of our society, not one over another.”

It is obvious Mitchoff sees children as second-class citizens, expendable in our society…

You mean that ***** is elected, as in fellow human people actually VOTED for her? Who ARE you idiots? Just know you’re the ilk who ruined California.

Three..two…one…New variant on the loose! Jab up, mask up, and shut up all over again!!!

With the virus and omicron variant being spread by the unvaccinated and unmasked, our county public health officials have been prudent in their efforts to control this insidious virus by imposing these very necessary mandates. I’m glad that the mandates can now be lifted given the threshold vaccination rate now having been met in the county.

All the people I know that were sick and tested positive over the last month were vaxxed – especially in my youngest kid’s class. All the jabbed kids got sick my unjabbed kid did not- and he is never masked except at school and church

The China virus, and all of its variants, can be caught or spread by both the unvaccinated and the vaccinated as well as the masked and unmasked.

You make your bias clear. Read some more. And I don’t mean CNBC. Read about other nations with almost 100% vax rates experiencing the same effects from omicron. Also, read about other places that have incredibly low vaccination rates experiencing the same thing… high transmission rates and low mortality. Think about that logically.

I really think the “left” has a hard time dealing with not having an answer for life. For so long “science” has been their religion, but it doesn’t have the answer as evidenced by so many contradictory opinions about how to best handle the pandemic. It shows in how they have panicked in this adversity and how much effort they put into controlling other people’s lives. Life is not certain, but death is. Take care of yourself, take care of your family and be kind to others. Get a vaccine if you want. Wear a mask if you want. But please, move to China or Russia if you want to live in a communist paradise.

Concord Guy is gaslighting, so I’ll willingly take the bait. Interesting that the current research shows that the vaccine has a negative efficacy rate after 90 days, meaning you’re more likely to get and spread the ‘vid than an unvaxxed person. In reality you are more likely to get sick from a jabbed person than an unjabbed. All jabbed people need to stay either at home or at least six feet apart from unvaxxed as they are the super spreaders here. They are the ones who need to show negative tests. Kind of ironic.

To “hmmmm,”

Spot on. There is a sort of terror of the abyss in the people who are crying for more restrictions for protection. Our lives are so comfortable and relatively risk free, people have come to think of it as their birthright, and that death is some thing off in the distance. And the people that do get close to death, we shuffle them off to old age homes so we don’t have to be reminded of our own mortality. Relatively poor immigrant caretakers take care of them, while we keep telling ourselves we are invincible and enlightened. We don’t need that old religious superstition, science has made us like gods.

Covid shattered that illusion and it totally broke some people. They were willing to give power to anyone who promised to reestablish that illusion.

All.death is certain. There are costs in life that are not worth paying just in order to delay it. Some of us still need to learn this.

They were never trying to “control” the virus. The county public health officials were trying to gain more power by exerting control over a FREE populous. Shame on our government and teachers union.

Your elected leaders that you obviously vote for are running around maskless and partying in violation of the mandates they have imposed. Two years later it’s to slow the curve and you think it worked with record number of infections and deaths by “Covid” or patients admitted for something else “with Covid.” You are a completely brainwashed fool.

The word “amend” comes to mind.Don’t trust this for one minure,which is about as long as it will lasdt.They drown you almost,let ypu up fpor air,then back under water again.Pure torture.

Never did understand proof of vax. I showed my card but could still be carrying the virus. The only reason to have that mandate is if having a vax means you never carry the virus and that’s not true. I believe it was a rule to punish people that didn’t get the vax.

Proof of vaccination is very easy to understand. It’s meant to punish people who don’t vaccinate by making them have to go get tested and wait for results to go visit a gym, eat in a restaurant, or have fun with your friends and family. It’s called coercion like threatening you with your job for not doing something you are uncomfortable with. The same as for places like Kaiser who forces unvaccinated workers to get swabs shoved up their nose twice a week for not being vaccinated even though the science shows “vaccinated still spread Wuhan-19. Does it make sense now?

Hard for CoCoCo to keep any restrictions in place when numerous states in the US as well as countries around the world are ending any and all Plandemic restrictions.

Cue Covid-22 in 3, 2, 1…..

Any changes for schools? Too many jurisdictions making too many mandates to be able to keep track of what still applies where!

Ok, now stop the mask requirement.

They cant ever,because,outta sight outta mind,and they can’t have anyone forgetting to be afraid.It was a psycholgical illness.Covid will eventually go down as a condition in the history books,not a sickness or virus.It is medical BS.

Sign up and keep the pressure on or they’ll regress.


Wow! I’m actually a little shocked. I think this is good, but still shocked.

Drop the mask requirement immediately! No masks in schools!! My kids and I don’t wear masks 99% of the time, even in stores etc. But I can’t help them at school, besides buying them thin one layer breathable masks

Anon, I am under the rock, please explain the convoy in single syllable words so that I can understand

grape. The protests began in Ottawa on January 23. The Daily Mail has details at https://bit.ly/3gp8caU

Truckers have hung signs and banners showing their support, with some bearing flags reading: ‘F**k Trudeau’ and ‘Vaxx pass up your a**!’

Meanwhile, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is selling flip-flops that feature the phrase “Freedom Over Faucism” on the straps. The soles create an imprint that reads, “Fauci Can Pound Sand.”

Nine states, as well as Washington, DC, still have mask mandates. Florida never had a statewide mask mandate. It continues to be what DeSantis has described as “America’s liberty outpost.”


It’s about time.

Have you noticed that all these ‘Nazis’..
have been Democrat politicians and officials?
I used to be a Democrat, but the party has gone to something completely different. Like a socialist dictatorship. Instead of fighting for rights and freedom of speech they hold the opposite view now of no freedom and no free speech.

Farnitano managed to slither away but there are still two reptiles to go.
Mitchoff and Roth will be remembered as Marxist co-conspirators with the national insurrection when the midterm election ends “their democracy”

Speaking of bureaucrats,

Nice first step.

Now drop the rest of the restrictions CCHS.


+1 +1 +1

Kind of like 6 feet keeps you safe, then magically it went to 3 feet for the schools to reopen. The upper class is finished making record profits and redistributing wealth to themselves at the expensive of what is left of the middle and lower classes.. Time to raise those interest rates!

Great news! Now to stop SB 871 which removes personal belief exemptions for for children to attend in-person school.

In my previous comment I forgot to add the part about mandated vaccines for children age 12 and up. But once the vaccine is approved for younger and younger children, it won’t be long before they are included in this ridiculous mandate.

No science and data here.
This happened for one reason only: They sensed the public getting restless.



I wonder why Nigeria has one of the lowest vaxx rates at about 4% and yet has also one of the lowest rates of death anywhere in the world.

One of the largest factors will likely turn out to be the average age in Nigeria and nearby nations. If you look, the majority of deaths in the world have heavily impacted “older” people and those with other comorbitities.

Nigeria #1 and the whole world knows it.

Nigeria also doesn’t have as many over weight, fat pig supervisor types telling them what is good for their health. They don’t have the luxury of over eating and sitting around watching over paid athletes play kid games and telling us whitey is racist while they get paid league minimums that pay them more in one year than a Walmart worker makes in 20 years full time working.

Kudos to MITCH FREE and his petition to RESTORE NORMALCY IN CCC! Every effort for freedom helps.

I used a piece of paper – “Pfizer vaccine rewards” – that I found online. Didn’t even have my name on it . . . Stil, I’ll keep it for a while.

Anew, thanks for the explanation, appreciate it

I guess the arrest warrant that was issued on the Mayor and Governor at the Superbowl play off game shown, going with out their masks while the little people were forced to wear them….might have turned the tide.

Yes, we can point fingers at Farnitano, Mitchoff, Anderson, Roth and others, but please do NOT forget Kim McCarl who was hired in early 2020 and spearheaded vaccine passports. Remember this: most of these people do no have a medical background and bioethically it is a violation to recommend a vaccine under EUA status. These people will be held accountable, if not in this lifetime, but when they come face-to-face with their Judge.
Repent before it is too late, God is not mocked. You should be more fearful of this more than any political backlash you will ever experience.
Let’s put an end to masks and students wearing them. It is disgusting and not only is it physically unhealthy, but pyschologically and cognitively detrimental to them. Unfortunately, the school districts and teachers’ union are to blame and they are receiving funds to enforce these unnecessary covid measures. #followthemoney #dontfollowthepoliticalscience

All of you people naming names, no, it was YOU who allowed the vaccine mandate. It was YOU who used a fake card thereby enabling what you stood against. It was YOU who didn’t stand up for the rights of others. It was YOU who didn’t protest. The power was in YOU, and YOU failed. Blame anyone you want, but blame yourself first. Because the greatest lesson here is that NONE of your neighbors cared about you at all.

PR: I don’t know who you are addressing, but I attended BOS meetings every time they were held and spoke at those meetings. I wrote letters. I never used a fake vaccine card because even the idea of someone asking for my papers to eat repulsed me. I have not eaten at any restaurant since September and I did my best to stay away from those restaurants and businesses that enforced this garbage. I collected signatures for recalling Newsom. I left messages on our BOS’ voice-mails. I educated myself on government and local laws and researched early intervention that other countries used to fight covid and I invested in those medications. The problem is, when you have tyrants who do not play by the rules or any rules for that matter, then it’s hard to effectively fight.

Who is you? You sound like a disillusioned crazy person. Yes the mandates are crap. Anyone with a brain and can think knows this. Sadly to many people want the government to tell them what to do and what to think. But every society has them. But the point you are trying to make, at least I hope your trying to make a point becomes inane and turns into a mindless rant when you start saying you in every sentence. And absolutely no one will take you serious.
And by the way free thinkers already know this is a power grab.

YES!!!!!!! Underrated comment.

Too late. Commie Costa has burned its bridges with us. We are getting out of this hellhole with its rising crime, rampant homeless, and power-hungry despots spewing endless mandates, and taking our tax dollars with us.

The next so -called variant will have the vax passports return with a vengeance, along with mandatory k or n masks along with it. And the children? They will never be free from masks and endless boosters.

We escaped from Kleptofornica last year. Traveled quite a bit in 2020 and early 2021, chose a new state, sold our house and bought one here. And yes, took our tax dollars with us. We are enjoying friendly people and four seasons. Oh, and did I mention no mask mandates?

Here’s an example: CA registration for our car last year was going to be $248. I smog checked our car, registered and got new plates, and got a driver’s license good for 8 years, all for under $100.

Do your research and good luck wherever you end up.

Good for you! I hope your move goes well. Drop us a line and let us know how great it is! That would be most encouraging.

CC County really has taken a major dump. Our elected officials have given themselves the same mental nose job as other “Wokers”. Their chief tenet is they know what’s best, so screw the will of the people. The criminals are now the victims, and blight is embraced.
It’s the bizarro world.

@chuckie the troll, Congratulations on your escape. May I ask what state you ended up settling in? I too am looking to break free from this rat hole.

I agree. So grateful to move out of that commie cesspool.

Here’s the problem, the people didn’t win! The article give the victory to the county. It clearly says the mandate was lift not because there policies were clearly wrong and ineffective. It says it’s because 80% of the population got the jab in the county.
So it is nice that the mandate is over, yes it is.
It’s just not win.
@pill- please don’t post propaganda like that.

Can you point me to where the county said the vaccine passport would be lifted at 80% vaccination?

You would have thought they would have mentioned it 3 days before at the BOS meeting if we were so close to meeting it.

Sounds like they are making stuff up as they go along to justify their actions, same thing they have been doing for 2 years, they just got it right this time.

This has never been real. It is an attack on your mind.

Unfortunately without your masks I can’t tell who is friend of foe. Unless of course you don’t know what bathroom to use or have an amazon truck at your house regularly.

Every public servant and 95% of the public went along with this. I won’t ever forget. Some of the most gullible people on the planet live right here in the bay area. Yelling at people about masks and killing grandmas while causing permanent damage to their children and ruining relationships. Don’t even get me started on all the foreigner owned commie restaurant owners. I will never spend money in downtown Concord again. I’m praying for the downfall of many of my old go to spots.


+ 1,000,000!

If saving lives was really the goal … Refined sugar products would be banned.

Don’t forget to support those businesses who honored your right to choose if the V is right for you. I will not spend a dime in CC County at any place that required V passports.

They could all resign right now and they would never be off the hook for what they’ve done to further their political agenda. It may take years or decades as the wheels of justice tend to turn slowly, but they are heavy and when justice finally catches up with these commies they are going to feel it whether it is in this life or the next.

Anyone on the BOS that stood by and followed orders or did what their colleagues were doing were all accessory to crimes against humanity and violations of the constitution. “I was just following orders” or “everyone was doing it” is NOT an excuse or justification for the draconian, traumatic, and damaging lockdowns and restrictions.

Justice is coming and the people won’t be satisfied until all these people are locked up for what they’ve done.

Mandating experimental drug is against human rights. Nuremberg Trials should catch up to Dr Farnitano and all 5 board of supervisors and the list is long



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