Home » Walnut Creek Police Detain Man Who Witnesses Say Was Running With Gun In Shadelands

Walnut Creek Police Detain Man Who Witnesses Say Was Running With Gun In Shadelands


Walnut Creek Police have detained one person after multiple citizens called 911 at about 10:15am reporting a man was holding a handgun and running through the area of Shadelands Drive and Mitchell Drive.

Although several businesses were locked down, those lockdowns have been lifted and there is no further threat to the community.

The incident is currently under investigation.

UPDATE: Walnut Creek Police Arrest Oakland Man On Gun, Narcotics Charges


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Probably passed at medical offices over there.

…glad you got him WCPD 🙂

Jeez. That’s an easy way to get shot (and maybe justifiably killed) by law enforcement.
The perp is either stupid, crazy, or suicidal.

It was right by daughters school. Crazy to drive by and see all the police, glad no one was hurt. Thanks WCPD

As I was driving to Costco this afternoon I was thinking I hope there are no shooters there. A few years ago the thought would have never entered my mind. As it turns out there was a possible not that far away.

I believe “running in public with a gun” is more dangerous than “running with scissors”. Somewhere along the line he missed that childhood lesson.

You can thank your Governor for the surge in crime. Now, the criminals are in your neighborhoods. Be careful out there ..Cali has turned back into the Wild, Wild West. How’s that Build Back Better Plan working for the citizens?



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