Home » Minor Injuries Reported After Rollover Vehicle Collision In Pleasant Hill

Minor Injuries Reported After Rollover Vehicle Collision In Pleasant Hill


A person suffered only minor injuries in a rollover vehicle collision in the area of Concord Ave. and Contra Costa Blvd. this afternoon.

The vehicle did start on fire after the collision, but the blaze was quickly extinguished by firefighters.

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A one-car collision.

Someone wasn’t paying attention or driving too fast.

Glad the driver is OK and more glad that no one else was injured.

‘Could have been a mechanical failure.
.. just sayin’.

That looks like the embankment across from In-N-Out/Target.
Good job Contra Costa Fire! We appreciate your service.

You could be right Cellophane….
Young drivers tend to do both those things.

Talk about jumping to conclusions! Nowhere does it specify the age of the driver, why they crashed, etc. Wait til there is a report or follow up. Maybe THEN, but actually unless you were the driver, you would be in no position to comment.

I hope the driver is ok.

Of course they mentioned the age of the driver. Did you not read the part about “minor” injuries?

Minor injuries. Probably wearing a seatbelt. Only smart thing he or she did.

Oh, yeah. The minor injuries were probably blown out eardrums and partial hearing loss from when the airbags deployed.

If that was an EV they would have to let the fire burn itself out and the car would be ashes.

Give the driver an “I do my own stunts” tee shirt along with a ticket.

I was turning the corner and wonder why the cloud of dust. Had the car kept rolling I would have been hit. It seems driver got out, but the car was igniting, could have been much worse. For certain unsafe driving/speed was the cause.

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We all have been driving on the 4 or the 24 when a car passes us at 100 MPH. It is actually quite common. And the rollover nature of this accident suggests it is a car losing control while driving at a high rate of speed.

I’m so glad that one one was seriously injured. It is likely that they were wearing their seatbelt.

Scary. This is the real reason to bother buying a newer car, the crash worthiness.



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