What a load of crap. The had ZERO leisure time and every waking hour was dedicated to survival.
If you consider barley gruel with stinging nettles a “better diet” than we have today, I don’t know what to say.
Sounds you were top of the class in Socialism 101.
People wouldn’t have to slave away if we didn’t have such high taxes. If everyone who worked actually worked, we would be paying FEWER taxes to support their lazy-generational welfare butts.
Worked fewer hours? Sure they did(or didn’t). They didn’t need to. The Kings and Queens of medieval times doled out generous welfare cash payments, free medical care, no charge free housing, food, clothing….
But yes, their diets were probably better. Back then there was no corporate industrial garbage food like Mc Ds, KFC, Taco Hell, Buger King, Pizza Gut, TV dinners….
@Anon, It’s pretty funny that you think that medievel peasants, who were serfs (slaves) doing master’s bidding for a meager portion of food and supplies, had it better than we do. They lived their entire lives at subsistence level. They had absolutely no opportunity to better themselves or their children.
I wish I had a time machine so I could transport you back to serfdom 1400. I have a feeling you really wouldn’t like it.
Archeological evidence indicates that Anglo-Saxons back in the Early Middle Ages (400 to 1000 A.D.) lived short lives. Field workers unearthed 65 burials (400 to 1000 A.D.) from Anglo-Saxon cemeteries in England and found none who lived past 45.
Add in the death rates for women giving birth and children under 5, and life as a Medieval peasant or royal for that matter was rather unappealing if you ask me.
@Anon Actually, anon, what is pretty funny is how factually incorrect your post is. Serfs worked sunup until sundown, six days-a week. They owned very little and gave the majority of their crop to the landowner. Hunger and malnutrition were the norm and infant mortality was very high. People in the prime of their lives died from simple infections due to malnutrition. It’s almost unbelievable what killed people back then.
If you were just being an edgy Zoomer, you’re forgiven.
lazy k
January 29, 2022 - 4:20 PM 4:20 PM
I would like to see the schools to follow.
I wonder what studies would show for those schools that have already moved to four days a week.
I really thought that during covid we would have seen this a lot sooner.
Well, CA is already pretty low in education. I guess your thinking will make a dead last. Way to support kids. Jeesh. You must be a public school teacher since you don’t think kids should be educated.
Thanks for putting this lazy a## in their place. Stupidity must be kept in check.
January 29, 2022 - 4:43 PM 4:43 PM
Goal must be to bankrupt every employer out there. California is governed by absolute morons. Start a petition to make the legislators part timer, they already think only part of the time.
Those whom the gods would destroy, they first drive mad. Not sure if this applies to California elected officials, or the people who voted for them. In any case this slippery slope is covered with excrement.
lazy K
January 29, 2022 - 4:43 PM 4:43 PM
Will schools follow?
Some schools have already been using shorten weeks.
How about 4 10’s as an option?
January 29, 2022 - 4:51 PM 4:51 PM
Business Owner:
Hi Employee A.
I can afford the $17 per hour I pay you for 40 hours a week. I know at that rate and amount of hours, you struggle to get by. I am sorry I can’t afford to give you a raise. I am truly sorry though, but I have to cut your worktime back to 32 hours a week at the same hourly pay rate. Some elected official got a law passed; he says in your best interest, that I have to pay time and a half for hours over 32. It takes 40 hours of work to get the job done. I can’t afford 6 additional hours at $25.50 and hour.
I’d like you to meet Employee B who will cover the 6 hours for us at $17 per.
I know you’ll welcome B with open arms. Please don’t forget to send your elected politicians a Thank you note.
If that means marching on Sacramento by the millions, so be it.
Look at what’s happening in other countries.
The American people should be leaders for freedoms, not followers.
January 29, 2022 - 6:05 PM 6:05 PM
This is what’s wrong with the government today.
There should be no government intervention into how companies decided to run their businesses.
The government can’t even run itself. They have no clue as to how business works.
When will people decide to put a stop to all of this nonsense?
Personally, think a four-day workweek would be a great idea for many companies. For many other companies, it simply wouldn’t work at all.
That’s why the government should never get involved. They have only one idea for everything which never works for anything.
All workers should get a four-day week. And a pony.
January 29, 2022 - 7:29 PM 7:29 PM
Only for Government bureaucracy
January 29, 2022 - 8:25 PM 8:25 PM
It would be good for congress to work four days. The less time they have at work the better off we are. Why mess with everyone else.
Cautiously Informed
January 29, 2022 - 8:51 PM 8:51 PM
It’s the path leading to liberal democrat government controlled bliss; and the shallow minded dolts that believe in them: No one has to work. The government provides everything. The big corporations pay for it all.
Original G
January 29, 2022 - 9:38 PM 9:38 PM
S, … makes a valid argument.
Well gosh, . . . . must be another election year, when liberal politician’s primary interest turns to getting reelected.
Years past DEMs dangled minimum wage carrot to help get out 18 – 29 year old vote. Never mentioning the down side.
To see how that minimum wage carrot panned out, for workers
Search using words, Seattle minimum wage failure
Effect of 32 hour work week will likely be different than fantasy progressives envision.
If liberal politicians truly cared, indoctrination their primary focus would be on increasing the skill set of our children enabling them to perform living wage jobs.
When election is over, liberal interest in 4 day work week . . . .
Well, . . . you’ll probably need a magnifying glass to find it.
Brought to you by the same government that gave prisoners unemployment.
January 30, 2022 - 1:34 AM 1:34 AM
Perfect timing: when supply chain and staffing disruption issues are huge and contributing to the inflation that is is eating away at everyone’s wealth, what should we do? I know! Let’s disrupt stuff some more! Brilliant.
Kauai Mike
January 30, 2022 - 6:12 AM 6:12 AM
It’s none of the government’s business how many hours any of us work. Or play.
All government is theft.
chuckie the troll
January 30, 2022 - 6:50 AM 6:50 AM
As with many people who have already posted, I think it is a horrible idea for government to dictate work hours. Every business has its own needs and limitations. One size does not fit all.
Having said that, government could relax labor laws and allow hourly workers to work a 4-10, 9-80, etc schedule without the employer having to pay overtime. But the key point is that this should be something that both business and employees agree to and not something dictated by the idiots ruining Kleptofornica over in Sacramento.
January 30, 2022 - 7:34 AM 7:34 AM
.. the other side of the coin from an employers perspective…. schedule employees 32 hrs only – results in a cut in pay to the employee… if needed hire another or part time person to fill in… oh – and being as though they are only working 32 hrs the employer can cut benefits significantly… not such a good picture to the hourly employee huh?
Yes, and to add to cut benefits, like health care plans.
If not working a 40-hour week, to get coverage would mess up a lot of people and families.
The Fearless Spectator
January 30, 2022 - 7:57 AM 7:57 AM
Another Trojan Horse stepping stone aimed at “Guaranteed Income For All”.
Imagine if you will, a state full of rotting couch potatoes. Imagine the complete and total lake of creativity, innovation, and commerce from a population with no incentive to do anything. Newsom’s vision……..
… as long as Newsom stays in charge he doesn’t care… he’s got to feed his ego
January 30, 2022 - 8:08 AM 8:08 AM
Nothing will change for service industry workers like me. The restaurant business is already struggling.
January 30, 2022 - 8:44 AM 8:44 AM
Ok – cut their basic workweek by 20 percent? Then cut their pay by 20 percent.
Stupid politicians who have never had to work.
Captain Bebops
January 30, 2022 - 9:21 AM 9:21 AM
Work is not the purpose of life.
The best jobs are the ones you like to do not the ones you have to do.
Just like you can’t put a square peg in a round hole you can’t put a person in a job they aren’t a fit for. They will just fail.
Where is the leisure society we were promised years ago?
I work in the tech field and have had positions where I employed people. There are about as many truly talented people in tech as there are truly talented musicians, everyone else is just a hack. If you go into the tech field for the money you may well wind up miserable.
Jobs shouldn’t be created for the sake of having jobs. If everything that needs to be done is being done then there is no need for more jobs.
Kinda of like all charties,they exist just so people can have jobs.%0 to %3 of all moneys collected for a charitiy acually go to it.If charitiies were truly charities,everyone there would be a volunteer.Charities are high paying corporations,that don’t pay any taxes but pay $300,000 salaries
When you hear a charity has collected “millions” this year,it means all they have dobe is pay their employess millions of dollars,but when that charitie has hundreds of offices around the country givining in thatt %1 or %2 collectively,it looks like alot,when its what just 2 offices would collect if it was all volunteer.In other words the money from 97 to 100 out of 100 offices,is spent on themselves.America is largely a fraud when it comes to anything charitable and the govt knows this,but it’s good for public image to have charities..Imagine a country with no “charities”.
January 30, 2022 - 9:25 AM 9:25 AM
They lost me at forcing the employer to pay overtime part.
The employee is benefitting by having 3 days off. It also helps the economy……..just look when you go out on a Sunday evening of a three day weekend – places are packed.
January 30, 2022 - 10:52 AM 10:52 AM
I would have to get a second a job if I lost two full days of work a paycheck. So I would probably end up working like 50 hours a week and two jobs.
January 30, 2022 - 11:46 AM 11:46 AM
It seems most people complain about who’s running the government, maybe some of you should run.
Wow, I sure would not run. California voters are crazy fanatics and bought into all of the progressive propaganda. In Gavin’s recall they already knew about his hypocrisy on masks, state killing legislation like giving criminals preference, and that he oversaw the EDD fraud which cost every man, woman and child in California $500 each. He still overwhelmingly won. It is pointless to run against such stupidity of the California voters, and that is not even mentioning the character attack methods they use.
Unfortunately, the gerrymandering done in California has all but locked out any challengers.
You have to be independently wealthy AND discover criminal activities on the incumbents…. And you’ll still be defeated!
January 30, 2022 - 1:29 PM 1:29 PM
Nice raise for government workers. Police, Fire, and of course Bart.
January 30, 2022 - 6:03 PM 6:03 PM
As far as I am concerned, the job of California congressmen should be a part-time job … without all of the perks they are getting now. Every time you turn around, there is another hare-brained idea that someone with too much time on their hands has cooked up to regulate the population a little bit more. Good grief! Enough is enough!
Lars Anderson
January 31, 2022 - 1:06 PM 1:06 PM
This proposal would be a drag on the GNP. America is a superpower because the US economy is so productive. High productivity allows us to have a robust middle and upper classes, and it also helps is to take care of our senior citizens, and it also helps us to maintain a decent safety net for the poor.
Additionally, to remain a economic superpower we have to compete with the Chinese, policies like this would allow China to surpass us a a world economic power. That would not be a good thing.
These progressive who promote stuff like a 4 day work week, like Pocan, are well meaning. but I don’t think they are to up to speed on simple economics. Nor do they understand the problems that overspending can cause, like this inflation you are seeing. The deficit is 30 trillion yet these progressive want to ramp up spending!
Medieval peasants worked fewer hours and had better diets than middle-class Americans today. It’s pretty funny.
What a load of crap. The had ZERO leisure time and every waking hour was dedicated to survival.
If you consider barley gruel with stinging nettles a “better diet” than we have today, I don’t know what to say.
Sounds you were top of the class in Socialism 101.
Let’s go back to the carefree times of our ancestors! Lol.
People wouldn’t have to slave away if we didn’t have such high taxes. If everyone who worked actually worked, we would be paying FEWER taxes to support their lazy-generational welfare butts.
Worked fewer hours? Sure they did(or didn’t). They didn’t need to. The Kings and Queens of medieval times doled out generous welfare cash payments, free medical care, no charge free housing, food, clothing….
But yes, their diets were probably better. Back then there was no corporate industrial garbage food like Mc Ds, KFC, Taco Hell, Buger King, Pizza Gut, TV dinners….
@Anon, It’s pretty funny that you think that medievel peasants, who were serfs (slaves) doing master’s bidding for a meager portion of food and supplies, had it better than we do. They lived their entire lives at subsistence level. They had absolutely no opportunity to better themselves or their children.
I wish I had a time machine so I could transport you back to serfdom 1400. I have a feeling you really wouldn’t like it.
anon- Facts Still Matter
Archeological evidence indicates that Anglo-Saxons back in the Early Middle Ages (400 to 1000 A.D.) lived short lives. Field workers unearthed 65 burials (400 to 1000 A.D.) from Anglo-Saxon cemeteries in England and found none who lived past 45.
Add in the death rates for women giving birth and children under 5, and life as a Medieval peasant or royal for that matter was rather unappealing if you ask me.
@Anon Actually, anon, what is pretty funny is how factually incorrect your post is. Serfs worked sunup until sundown, six days-a week. They owned very little and gave the majority of their crop to the landowner. Hunger and malnutrition were the norm and infant mortality was very high. People in the prime of their lives died from simple infections due to malnutrition. It’s almost unbelievable what killed people back then.
If you were just being an edgy Zoomer, you’re forgiven.
I would like to see the schools to follow.
I wonder what studies would show for those schools that have already moved to four days a week.
I really thought that during covid we would have seen this a lot sooner.
Well, CA is already pretty low in education. I guess your thinking will make a dead last. Way to support kids. Jeesh. You must be a public school teacher since you don’t think kids should be educated.
oh please +1 …. name of lazy K sums it up
Thanks for putting this lazy a## in their place. Stupidity must be kept in check.
Goal must be to bankrupt every employer out there. California is governed by absolute morons. Start a petition to make the legislators part timer, they already think only part of the time.
That is but one of the goals….
Those whom the gods would destroy, they first drive mad. Not sure if this applies to California elected officials, or the people who voted for them. In any case this slippery slope is covered with excrement.
Will schools follow?
Some schools have already been using shorten weeks.
How about 4 10’s as an option?
Business Owner:
Hi Employee A.
I can afford the $17 per hour I pay you for 40 hours a week. I know at that rate and amount of hours, you struggle to get by. I am sorry I can’t afford to give you a raise. I am truly sorry though, but I have to cut your worktime back to 32 hours a week at the same hourly pay rate. Some elected official got a law passed; he says in your best interest, that I have to pay time and a half for hours over 32. It takes 40 hours of work to get the job done. I can’t afford 6 additional hours at $25.50 and hour.
I’d like you to meet Employee B who will cover the 6 hours for us at $17 per.
I know you’ll welcome B with open arms. Please don’t forget to send your elected politicians a Thank you note.
opps…. 8, not 6..
So much for using my phone…..
Oh well… Have fun with it anyway…………..
Hmmmmm…..math is hard…smh
Four? Why not make it three? I personally could go for two.
Yes, I would rather only work one. Let’s vote for a congressman that will support that!
Yet more idiocy from Sacramento. The truckers need to pay a visit.
We the people need to stand up and be heard.
If that means marching on Sacramento by the millions, so be it.
Look at what’s happening in other countries.
The American people should be leaders for freedoms, not followers.
This is what’s wrong with the government today.
There should be no government intervention into how companies decided to run their businesses.
The government can’t even run itself. They have no clue as to how business works.
When will people decide to put a stop to all of this nonsense?
Personally, think a four-day workweek would be a great idea for many companies. For many other companies, it simply wouldn’t work at all.
That’s why the government should never get involved. They have only one idea for everything which never works for anything.
All workers should get a four-day week. And a pony.
Only for Government bureaucracy
It would be good for congress to work four days. The less time they have at work the better off we are. Why mess with everyone else.
It’s the path leading to liberal democrat government controlled bliss; and the shallow minded dolts that believe in them: No one has to work. The government provides everything. The big corporations pay for it all.
S, … makes a valid argument.
Well gosh, . . . . must be another election year, when liberal politician’s primary interest turns to getting reelected.
Years past DEMs dangled minimum wage carrot to help get out 18 – 29 year old vote. Never mentioning the down side.
To see how that minimum wage carrot panned out, for workers
Search using words, Seattle minimum wage failure
Cost of automating a task or process continues to decrease giving businesses ability to reduce costs of their employee ‘liability’.
Romaine Lettuce harvester https://tinyurl.com/2p8z975u
10 robots automating restaurants https://tinyurl.com/3vvhxey6
cnbc https://tinyurl.com/yesuhmn8
Effect of 32 hour work week will likely be different than fantasy progressives envision.
If liberal politicians truly cared,
indoctrinationtheir primary focus would be on increasing the skill set of our children enabling them to perform living wage jobs.When election is over, liberal interest in 4 day work week . . . .
Well, . . . you’ll probably need a magnifying glass to find it.
Brought to you by the same government that gave prisoners unemployment.
Perfect timing: when supply chain and staffing disruption issues are huge and contributing to the inflation that is is eating away at everyone’s wealth, what should we do? I know! Let’s disrupt stuff some more! Brilliant.
It’s none of the government’s business how many hours any of us work. Or play.
All government is theft.
As with many people who have already posted, I think it is a horrible idea for government to dictate work hours. Every business has its own needs and limitations. One size does not fit all.
Having said that, government could relax labor laws and allow hourly workers to work a 4-10, 9-80, etc schedule without the employer having to pay overtime. But the key point is that this should be something that both business and employees agree to and not something dictated by the idiots ruining Kleptofornica over in Sacramento.
.. the other side of the coin from an employers perspective…. schedule employees 32 hrs only – results in a cut in pay to the employee… if needed hire another or part time person to fill in… oh – and being as though they are only working 32 hrs the employer can cut benefits significantly… not such a good picture to the hourly employee huh?
Yes, and to add to cut benefits, like health care plans.
If not working a 40-hour week, to get coverage would mess up a lot of people and families.
Another Trojan Horse stepping stone aimed at “Guaranteed Income For All”.
Imagine if you will, a state full of rotting couch potatoes. Imagine the complete and total lake of creativity, innovation, and commerce from a population with no incentive to do anything. Newsom’s vision……..
… as long as Newsom stays in charge he doesn’t care… he’s got to feed his ego
Nothing will change for service industry workers like me. The restaurant business is already struggling.
Ok – cut their basic workweek by 20 percent? Then cut their pay by 20 percent.
Stupid politicians who have never had to work.
Work is not the purpose of life.
The best jobs are the ones you like to do not the ones you have to do.
Just like you can’t put a square peg in a round hole you can’t put a person in a job they aren’t a fit for. They will just fail.
Where is the leisure society we were promised years ago?
I work in the tech field and have had positions where I employed people. There are about as many truly talented people in tech as there are truly talented musicians, everyone else is just a hack. If you go into the tech field for the money you may well wind up miserable.
Jobs shouldn’t be created for the sake of having jobs. If everything that needs to be done is being done then there is no need for more jobs.
Houston, we have a problem.
Kinda of like all charties,they exist just so people can have jobs.%0 to %3 of all moneys collected for a charitiy acually go to it.If charitiies were truly charities,everyone there would be a volunteer.Charities are high paying corporations,that don’t pay any taxes but pay $300,000 salaries
When you hear a charity has collected “millions” this year,it means all they have dobe is pay their employess millions of dollars,but when that charitie has hundreds of offices around the country givining in thatt %1 or %2 collectively,it looks like alot,when its what just 2 offices would collect if it was all volunteer.In other words the money from 97 to 100 out of 100 offices,is spent on themselves.America is largely a fraud when it comes to anything charitable and the govt knows this,but it’s good for public image to have charities..Imagine a country with no “charities”.
They lost me at forcing the employer to pay overtime part.
The employee is benefitting by having 3 days off. It also helps the economy……..just look when you go out on a Sunday evening of a three day weekend – places are packed.
I would have to get a second a job if I lost two full days of work a paycheck. So I would probably end up working like 50 hours a week and two jobs.
It seems most people complain about who’s running the government, maybe some of you should run.
Wow, I sure would not run. California voters are crazy fanatics and bought into all of the progressive propaganda. In Gavin’s recall they already knew about his hypocrisy on masks, state killing legislation like giving criminals preference, and that he oversaw the EDD fraud which cost every man, woman and child in California $500 each. He still overwhelmingly won. It is pointless to run against such stupidity of the California voters, and that is not even mentioning the character attack methods they use.
I wish / hope some of these good folks do! More common sense out of these few people than all of Washington DC & sacto
Unfortunately, the gerrymandering done in California has all but locked out any challengers.
You have to be independently wealthy AND discover criminal activities on the incumbents…. And you’ll still be defeated!
Nice raise for government workers. Police, Fire, and of course Bart.
As far as I am concerned, the job of California congressmen should be a part-time job … without all of the perks they are getting now. Every time you turn around, there is another hare-brained idea that someone with too much time on their hands has cooked up to regulate the population a little bit more. Good grief! Enough is enough!
This proposal would be a drag on the GNP. America is a superpower because the US economy is so productive. High productivity allows us to have a robust middle and upper classes, and it also helps is to take care of our senior citizens, and it also helps us to maintain a decent safety net for the poor.
Additionally, to remain a economic superpower we have to compete with the Chinese, policies like this would allow China to surpass us a a world economic power. That would not be a good thing.
These progressive who promote stuff like a 4 day work week, like Pocan, are well meaning. but I don’t think they are to up to speed on simple economics. Nor do they understand the problems that overspending can cause, like this inflation you are seeing. The deficit is 30 trillion yet these progressive want to ramp up spending!