Home » UC Davis Treating COVID-19 Patients With New Pfizer Anti-Viral Pill

UC Davis Treating COVID-19 Patients With New Pfizer Anti-Viral Pill



Ricardoh January 28, 2022 - 12:25 PM - 12:25 PM

About time they start treating people. I hope the pill works.

Martinezmike January 28, 2022 - 4:32 PM - 4:32 PM

One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small.

Deb Shay January 30, 2022 - 7:09 AM - 7:09 AM

Good one!

Baloo January 28, 2022 - 2:17 PM - 2:17 PM

Keep up the good work.

Bruh January 28, 2022 - 3:00 PM - 3:00 PM

@disappointed you should head to China. They require masks, and lock down cities of millions, like literally people can’t leave the city. You’d fit in quite well there as your values seem aligned with communist China and I’m sure they would welcome you with open arms.

Even better if you’re a woman, they have 17 million young men that will never be able to marry. What are you waiting for?

MikeyV January 28, 2022 - 3:02 PM - 3:02 PM

Man, Pfizer is really cashing in on this thing..

Anon January 28, 2022 - 3:11 PM - 3:11 PM

AKA Ivermectin rebranded.

Worried January 28, 2022 - 5:33 PM - 5:33 PM

We should be doing things that other countries are doing like widely distributing ivermectin. India put an end to their problem immediately we should be doing the same thing these experimental shots are definitely not the answer and obviously masks do absolutely no good a lot of countries are doing much better than ours and a lot of those antiviral drugs are readily available

chuckie the troll January 29, 2022 - 7:06 AM - 7:06 AM

Dare I ask what the latest Pfizer product costs? Asking for taxpayers.

chuckie the troll January 29, 2022 - 7:12 AM - 7:12 AM

Answer: $529 per course of treatment. U.S. government agreed to purchase 10,000,000 for a total cost of $5,290,000,000. I sure am glad they got the bulk discount (snark).

Bill Cutting January 29, 2022 - 9:39 AM - 9:39 AM

Worried you’re right what’s going on with this country right now is organized irresponsibility from both parties. They ’re all bought and paid for it goes down to even a local level things are not gonna change with the vote that’s for sure.

Chris January 29, 2022 - 11:46 AM - 11:46 AM

I’m for all different forms of trials, medications, holistic approaches ie: exercise, weight loss, and proper nutrition, and combination of drug therapies. What I’m against are the insults from those who have differing opinions. If something doesn’t work, move onto another possible treatment. When those in power and control the opposition, you have to wonder why? I have a good idea, but some will say I’m wearing a tinfoil hat.

Deb Shay January 30, 2022 - 7:11 AM - 7:11 AM

Totally agree. Nothing from Phony Pfizer will ever go near my body.

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