Agreed! I hate when a movie begins with several minutes of naming actors, directors, and producers. I haven’t even seen the movie yet, why would I care?! Save it for the end. If the movie is any good, maybe I’ll care.
January 28, 2022 - 12:09 PM 12:09 PM
Gary Sinese for all his work and support for Veterans off the screen.
Thank you Gary! Semper Fi!
January 28, 2022 - 12:18 PM 12:18 PM
John Wayne
Ancient Mariner
January 28, 2022 - 12:18 PM 12:18 PM
Hard to pick just one, but if Sean Connery was in something you know it was going to be good (usually). Same for Meryl Streep.
It’s strange how memory works. I can’t remember what I had for breakfast, but when you mentioned that, my mind snapped back to when my children would watch Sesame Street with Monsterpiece Theater and Meryl Sheep.
Yertle the Turtle
January 28, 2022 - 12:20 PM 12:20 PM
Mel Gibson
January 28, 2022 - 12:23 PM 12:23 PM
Tough one…
Steve McQueen or Christopher Walken
Although, Felix the Cat was pretty good………………
January 28, 2022 - 12:30 PM 12:30 PM
Dame Dench and … mmmmm…. Dustin Hoffman?…. no, Morgan Freeman.
January 28, 2022 - 12:30 PM 12:30 PM
Sarah Catharine Paulson and Denzel Washington
January 28, 2022 - 1:02 PM 1:02 PM
I don’t really have a favorite, but for looks, I think Sharon Stone is one of the most beautiful. For talent, I have to go with Jeff Bridges, and Kurt Russel. Diane Keaton is one of the very few in Hollywood that has aged gracefully without any cosmetic surgery. And for directors, I’d go with Martin Scorsese, and the late John Hughes. John Hughes made fun, enjoyable movies.
For actors that weren’t great at acting, but are fun to watch, I’d go with John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Burt Reynolds, Jimmy Stewart, and Charles Bronson.
And last, but not least, the multitalented, unpretentious, Dean Martin. He could do comedy, he could do drama, he could be a nice guy, and he could be a nasty scoundrel. Dean Martin also had the most class.
Dawg, I liked Dean Martin, did you ever see him in “The Young Lions”, with Montgomery Clift and Marlon Brando? He was really good in that movie. Brando was, as always Brando, he played a German Soldier, Maximillian Schell was also in it, he too was a great actor. The movie was great, but the book by Irwin Shaw even better, I have read it more than once.
As for class my favorite is Paul Newman.
Love Goldie…always had a crush. I still tease my wife.LOL
Jeff (the other one)
January 28, 2022 - 2:42 PM 2:42 PM
Favorite actor would probably be Clint Eastwood. (I have to also add I agree with @BWIZZLE about Gary Sinese). Favorite actress would probably be Al Sharpton’s fave, Sig-uh-noy Weaver (mainly because of Galaxy Quest, copy cat and the first 2 Alien films)
Marlon Brando.
I’d read Higham’s “Brando: An Unauthorized Biography” right before Brando turned 70 in 1994. The book had his address on Mulholland Drive and so I sent him a birthday card. A full year later, I received an 8′ X 10″ autographed photo from him. Still have it.
Mama, you named two of my top three…Eastwood & Hackman. And I’d like to add Gene Wilder.
Bad Nombre
January 28, 2022 - 3:57 PM 3:57 PM
Peter Sellers
January 28, 2022 - 4:10 PM 4:10 PM
For me it’s a toss-up between Andy Divine and Capt. Kangaroo for actors. Can’t forget Miss Frances, the schoolmarm on Dong Dong School for actresses. All these folks were instrumental to my childhood upbringing.
Gee…. I didn’t really think about my childhood favorites….
Dawn Wells, Tina Louise, Barbara Eden & Barbara Feldon….
They were an enormous influence bringing me up… so to speak.
Humphrey Bogart
Jimmy Stewart
Marlon Brando
Spencer Tracy
Barbara Stanwyck
Katherine Hepburn
Olivia de Havilland
Alfred Hitchcock is my favorite director (even though that wasn’t part of the question)
January 28, 2022 - 7:12 PM 7:12 PM
Dr Jellyfinger
January 28, 2022 - 7:31 PM 7:31 PM
Audie Murphy
Robyn Hilton
Hanne Jeppesen
January 28, 2022 - 8:52 PM 8:52 PM
I agree it is hard, if not impossible to pick just one. For female actress my top 2 have to be Ingrid Bergman and Audrey Hepburn, both looked beautiful without tons of make-up. Just watch Bergman in Casablanca, or Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, although very glamours didn’t wear a lot of make-up. Others Elizabeth Taylor, Donna Reed, Deborah Kerr, Joanne Woodward and Diane Keato, and have to include Katherine Hepburn.. Male actors top Paul Newman, not only for his memorable roles, but also for his blue eyes and good looks. Montgomery Clift, especially in “From here to eternity”. Gregory Peck, he always projected and air of calm and reassurance even when he was in war movies. Others Dustin Hoffman, great actor, George Peppard, again his blue eyes, use to like Tom Cruise in his earlier movies, Top Gun, Born on the 4th of July, however kind of lost interest in him over the years. I rarely consider or care about an actor’s political persuasion, I care about their acting, the movies they are in. Doesn’t mean I can’t admire someone for what activism they are engaged in or disapprove of same. Jon Voight has turned very right wing, but he was in some great movies, and I no problem watching them again, or watch one of his movies I have not seen.
January 28, 2022 - 11:45 PM 11:45 PM
Tom and Jerry. Cartoons were sweet and magical back then. The depictions were somewhat lifelike, but even more charming than lifelike. The cartoons today are bizarre looking. The children have small bodies, but big, distorted heads. Animals are strange looking fabrications. Everything is made to look bizarre and ugly. Tom and Jerry looked like a mouse and a cat, but even cuter. Dora the Explorer looks like she has a swelled head and a shrunken body. I feel sorry for kids today that their cartoon figures have become something out of a nightmare.
Dewey Oxburger : “My name’s Dewey Oxburger. My friends call me Ox. You might have noticed that, uh, I’ve got a slight weight problem. …” ~ John Candy: Stripes
Buck Russell : “Take this quarter, go downtown, and have a rat gnaw that thing off your face! Good day to you, madam.”
~ John Candy: Uncle Buck
John Candy gave a great performance in Planes, Trains and Automobiles…one of my favorite movies to watch during Thanksgiving!
January 29, 2022 - 7:26 AM 7:26 AM
Clint Eastwood and Goldie Hawn
January 29, 2022 - 8:20 AM 8:20 AM
Jeff Chandler, Clint Walker, Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman, Robert Duvall.
Well Folks
January 29, 2022 - 9:07 AM 9:07 AM
Actress is easy….Dame Maggie Smith, the great silent/talkie star Anna May Wong, Lauren Bacall and the forgoten Joan Blondell
Actor is a bit harder I have to narrow it down to Paul Newman, James Shigeta, Sean Connery and George Clooney
January 29, 2022 - 12:35 PM 12:35 PM
Acting is easy. Getting roles is the tough part.
Remember the Dionne Warwick song – “Do you know the way to San Jose?”
January 29, 2022 - 1:04 PM 1:04 PM
A three-way tie for actor – Moe and Curley Howard and Larry Fine.
January 29, 2022 - 6:38 PM 6:38 PM
Pauly Shore. What?
But seriously now, Tom Hanks is doing pretty good at getting my vote. But before that it was Steve McQueen.
I had to stop somewhere, but McQueen was the king of cool, especially in Bullitt and the Great Escape. Never forget his anguished look, when he failed to jump the second barrier to get to Switzerland, you can feel his pain.
January 29, 2022 - 8:31 PM 8:31 PM
I’m too busy running a business to watch grown ups play pretend.
Deb Shay
January 30, 2022 - 7:09 AM 7:09 AM
Cary Grant. Just love him.
January 30, 2022 - 2:41 PM 2:41 PM
@janon kill joy, could have just kept quiet. no one wants that kind of additude here.
January 30, 2022 - 4:37 PM 4:37 PM
Walter Matthau, He could act funny or a sob at will or something in between.
Thought he was brilliant as an actor. Jack Lemmon same thing. Funny or extremely serious. If you’ve never watched Days of Wines and Roses, you should. Tom Hanks also makes the list, but overexposed a bit.
Emma Thompson, Joanne Woodward, Katherine Hepburn all great in varying rolls. Meryl Streep I like, but again overexposed. Not every thing she has been in turned out well. Case in point Mama Mia…yikes.
None……..I like movies where I have never seen the actors before and I never see ’em again. That doesn’t happen very often. Sometimes with old movies.
Agreed! I hate when a movie begins with several minutes of naming actors, directors, and producers. I haven’t even seen the movie yet, why would I care?! Save it for the end. If the movie is any good, maybe I’ll care.
Gary Sinese for all his work and support for Veterans off the screen.
Thank you Gary! Semper Fi!
John Wayne
Hard to pick just one, but if Sean Connery was in something you know it was going to be good (usually). Same for Meryl Streep.
It’s strange how memory works. I can’t remember what I had for breakfast, but when you mentioned that, my mind snapped back to when my children would watch Sesame Street with Monsterpiece Theater and Meryl Sheep.
Mel Gibson
Tough one…
Steve McQueen or Christopher Walken
Although, Felix the Cat was pretty good………………
Dame Dench and … mmmmm…. Dustin Hoffman?…. no, Morgan Freeman.
Sarah Catharine Paulson and Denzel Washington
I don’t really have a favorite, but for looks, I think Sharon Stone is one of the most beautiful. For talent, I have to go with Jeff Bridges, and Kurt Russel. Diane Keaton is one of the very few in Hollywood that has aged gracefully without any cosmetic surgery. And for directors, I’d go with Martin Scorsese, and the late John Hughes. John Hughes made fun, enjoyable movies.
For actors that weren’t great at acting, but are fun to watch, I’d go with John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Burt Reynolds, Jimmy Stewart, and Charles Bronson.
And last, but not least, the multitalented, unpretentious, Dean Martin. He could do comedy, he could do drama, he could be a nice guy, and he could be a nasty scoundrel. Dean Martin also had the most class.
Dawg, I liked Dean Martin, did you ever see him in “The Young Lions”, with Montgomery Clift and Marlon Brando? He was really good in that movie. Brando was, as always Brando, he played a German Soldier, Maximillian Schell was also in it, he too was a great actor. The movie was great, but the book by Irwin Shaw even better, I have read it more than once.
As for class my favorite is Paul Newman.
Male: Richard Burton
Femme: Susan Hayward
Henry Fonda
Lauren Bacall
I gotta admit to not caring for Henry Fonda until…
Once Upon a Time in the West …
Sam Elliott
Sean Penn
Meryl Streep
Merly Streep has no moral compass. She gave Roman Polanski a standing ovation.
Robert Duvall.
Great as a lead actor and one of the best supporting actors of all time.
+100 for Robert Duvall ….. Lonsome Dove, and so many more!!
Kurt Russell and Goldie hawn
Love Goldie…always had a crush. I still tease my wife.LOL
Favorite actor would probably be Clint Eastwood. (I have to also add I agree with @BWIZZLE about Gary Sinese). Favorite actress would probably be Al Sharpton’s fave, Sig-uh-noy Weaver (mainly because of Galaxy Quest, copy cat and the first 2 Alien films)
Robin Williams
Liz Taylor and Natalie Wood
Marlon Brando.
I’d read Higham’s “Brando: An Unauthorized Biography” right before Brando turned 70 in 1994. The book had his address on Mulholland Drive and so I sent him a birthday card. A full year later, I received an 8′ X 10″ autographed photo from him. Still have it.
ps: Jack Nicholson bought Brando’s house and tore it down.
Gregory Peck for acting, John Wayne for fun. Lucy Ball for brains as well as funny.
Robert Duvall, Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Tommy Lee Jones…I like watching these actors in both good ol’ cowboy and cop flicks.
Cate Blanchett…I liked her in Elizabeth, Elizabeth: The Golden Age, and Robin Hood.
Mama, you named two of my top three…Eastwood & Hackman. And I’d like to add Gene Wilder.
Peter Sellers
For me it’s a toss-up between Andy Divine and Capt. Kangaroo for actors. Can’t forget Miss Frances, the schoolmarm on Dong Dong School for actresses. All these folks were instrumental to my childhood upbringing.
Gee…. I didn’t really think about my childhood favorites….
Dawn Wells, Tina Louise, Barbara Eden & Barbara Feldon….
They were an enormous influence bringing me up… so to speak.
I agree with all the doctor’s choices, but the first was Gloria Winters.
Difficult to settle on one.
Humphrey Bogart
Jimmy Stewart
Marlon Brando
Spencer Tracy
Barbara Stanwyck
Katherine Hepburn
Olivia de Havilland
Alfred Hitchcock is my favorite director (even though that wasn’t part of the question)
Audie Murphy
Robyn Hilton
I agree it is hard, if not impossible to pick just one. For female actress my top 2 have to be Ingrid Bergman and Audrey Hepburn, both looked beautiful without tons of make-up. Just watch Bergman in Casablanca, or Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, although very glamours didn’t wear a lot of make-up. Others Elizabeth Taylor, Donna Reed, Deborah Kerr, Joanne Woodward and Diane Keato, and have to include Katherine Hepburn.. Male actors top Paul Newman, not only for his memorable roles, but also for his blue eyes and good looks. Montgomery Clift, especially in “From here to eternity”. Gregory Peck, he always projected and air of calm and reassurance even when he was in war movies. Others Dustin Hoffman, great actor, George Peppard, again his blue eyes, use to like Tom Cruise in his earlier movies, Top Gun, Born on the 4th of July, however kind of lost interest in him over the years. I rarely consider or care about an actor’s political persuasion, I care about their acting, the movies they are in. Doesn’t mean I can’t admire someone for what activism they are engaged in or disapprove of same. Jon Voight has turned very right wing, but he was in some great movies, and I no problem watching them again, or watch one of his movies I have not seen.
Tom and Jerry. Cartoons were sweet and magical back then. The depictions were somewhat lifelike, but even more charming than lifelike. The cartoons today are bizarre looking. The children have small bodies, but big, distorted heads. Animals are strange looking fabrications. Everything is made to look bizarre and ugly. Tom and Jerry looked like a mouse and a cat, but even cuter. Dora the Explorer looks like she has a swelled head and a shrunken body. I feel sorry for kids today that their cartoon figures have become something out of a nightmare.
Don’t forget Stewie Griffin.
So many enjoyable films, and a good person off the movie set as well.
What’s your favorite scene/character that John Candy performed?
Example: The old ‘96er – The Great Outdoors
Only the Lonely was a good John Candy movie, so was Uncle Buck.
Dewey Oxburger : “My name’s Dewey Oxburger. My friends call me Ox. You might have noticed that, uh, I’ve got a slight weight problem. …” ~ John Candy: Stripes
Buck Russell : “Take this quarter, go downtown, and have a rat gnaw that thing off your face! Good day to you, madam.”
~ John Candy: Uncle Buck
John Candy gave a great performance in Planes, Trains and Automobiles…one of my favorite movies to watch during Thanksgiving!
Clint Eastwood and Goldie Hawn
Jeff Chandler, Clint Walker, Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman, Robert Duvall.
Actress is easy….Dame Maggie Smith, the great silent/talkie star Anna May Wong, Lauren Bacall and the forgoten Joan Blondell
Actor is a bit harder I have to narrow it down to Paul Newman, James Shigeta, Sean Connery and George Clooney
Acting is easy. Getting roles is the tough part.
Remember the Dionne Warwick song – “Do you know the way to San Jose?”
A three-way tie for actor – Moe and Curley Howard and Larry Fine.
Pauly Shore. What?
But seriously now, Tom Hanks is doing pretty good at getting my vote. But before that it was Steve McQueen.
I had to stop somewhere, but McQueen was the king of cool, especially in Bullitt and the Great Escape. Never forget his anguished look, when he failed to jump the second barrier to get to Switzerland, you can feel his pain.
I’m too busy running a business to watch grown ups play pretend.
Cary Grant. Just love him.
@janon kill joy, could have just kept quiet. no one wants that kind of additude here.
Walter Matthau, He could act funny or a sob at will or something in between.
Thought he was brilliant as an actor. Jack Lemmon same thing. Funny or extremely serious. If you’ve never watched Days of Wines and Roses, you should. Tom Hanks also makes the list, but overexposed a bit.
Emma Thompson, Joanne Woodward, Katherine Hepburn all great in varying rolls. Meryl Streep I like, but again overexposed. Not every thing she has been in turned out well. Case in point Mama Mia…yikes.