The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: If you could pick one (besides Disneyland), what would you say is California’s best tourist attraction?
Talk about it….
Could be Mt Diablo if they put a great cable car system to the top with a cool restaurant up there.
I think that was formally proposed at one time.
The border between CA and a free state like AZ or NV! It’s a popular destination for many CA residents.
Yosemite. People come from all over the world to visit one of nature’s most beautiful creations.
My personal favorite is Death Valley in mid-December, it’s so peaceful and quiet.
+1 for Yosemite
Definitely, Yosemite!
Not just Californias, but the worlds greatest natural wonder!
Used to be San Francisco until all the auto burglaries and before it became number one for people 💩 in the streets.
I found Larsen Volcanic National Park to be really impressive. Before we visited it, I knew nothing about it. Beautiful scenery, primordial boiling mud pots, amazing hiking, beautiful lakes and streams. Hidden treasure!
San Diego zoo and seaworld!
Muir Woods
The Santa Cruz Mystery Spot or The Winchester Mystery House.
Or maybe Yosemite…
I LOVE the Santa Cruz Beach Board Walk. First of all, they have that ride fireball which is like an adult tire swing at the park but way better because once you hit the peak either left or right and when it comes down you hit 2-3 G’z and once you swing to the side at the top before it swings the other way , that feeling you get is called 0Zero gravity, because the ride is to get you to the point where like most roller coasters you hit that negative G which is basically falling for a few milliseconds but when the tire swing goes up and just right before it goes don in another direction that few seconds is what is feels like to be in space, absolute zero gravity , its the most laziest thing, the greatest feeling ever and if you can fit on that ride SCBBW Fireball and maybe drink a little it will be incredibly fun, that is if you can hold your stomach from barfing on on another, I love amusement park rides, OMG and hey in the summer the Santa Cruz beach Board Walk on Fridays has free bands on the beach, so weather you buy a burger there which i sufggest you do they are delicious or bring your own family picknick , just enjoy the free show. Last time I was in Santa Cruz at the Boardwalk was several years ago but they had sting and the police, not Local cops for you un educated music listeners, and INX, that move “THE LOST BOYS” was filmed there, if you want to under stand what goes one there as far as good times watch that movie for at least 30 minutes, but just know that place has changed ALOT since the big quake, VERY FAMILY FRIENDLY, todler rides ect. Its a place where family memories are born so to speak. I would love to work there but i kinda live in concord/Walnutcreek
The “Thanks for visiting!” sign on the other side of the Nevada border.
San Quentin Prison
California Coastline — Monterey and Carmel. So beautiful.
There are so many beautiful places in California, l love Tahoe, Monterey/Carmel, the wine country. However, Yosemite is my favorite, have been there dozen or more times. Hiked to the top of Yosemite falls and half way to Half Dome often with my daughter. When l have friends and family visiting from Europe l always take them to Yosemite. I want my ashes scattered there, then l will be happy forever.
Texas is my snarky answer. I have not seen much that California has to offer, but I was awestruck by Lake Tahoe, blown away by the drive to Hetch-Hetchy, the drive down Hwy 1. The PCH drive is less a tourist attraction, I would think, and Hetch-Hetchy is remarkable, all the places you pass on the way, but Tahoe would, for now, is my choice.
Jeff – I’m so blessed to see Lake Tahoe on a pretty regular basis as I live 20 minutes from it’s beautiful shore.
And currently with snow covered peaks surrounding it Tahoe is even more spectacular
Nice…I have seen it once, for a period, got to get out there more, but time has been a challenge. Looked at buying property for a while, and now I can finally afford Tahoe prices, from the early 2000’s, which means I cannot afford in 2022 prices. Such a beautiful lake, cannot imagine it’s equal. I was able to stay in an area in Switzerland that overlooked Lake Neuchatel, which was incredible, but not compared to Tahoe. That kind of view that often has to put you in a good mood. Color me as green as possible, Well Done!
I meant Well Folks, wine and distracting requests from the wife, f’d that one up.
If you are looking for a vacay home condos are still pretty cheap on the north shore NV areas. If you are looking for a permanent move the Carson Valley (Carson City, Gardnerville & Minden) are still quite affordable compared to CA. And in NV there is no state income tax. But…..You do have to shovel snow in the winter and having a 4WD or AWD vehicle with all weather/terrain tires is a plus.
of course it’s Yosemite- barely a rival for its emotional affects in the country, let alone the state.
Yosemite. Second best: Laguna Seca Raceway.
The Sapphire of the Sierra – Lake Tahoe. And I’m so blessed I lived 20 minutes from it’s beautiful shore. Nothing more wonderful than coming around the bend from Spooner pass as seeing the beautiful lake. And nothing more breath taking than seeing it when you start down 50 from Echo Summit.
I would say Muir Woods, Lake Tahoe and Napa Valley. Each of them for different reasons, but I find being out in nature, especially in autumn, so peaceful and beautiful.
Speaking for most of my friends and family coming to visit:
They fly into SFO, and the first-timers are so revel up by the view from the airplane on approach that they want to “DO all of San Francisco, including Walking over the Golden Gate Bridge and eating crab down on the wharf”….. right that minute! Other nearby places they want to explore are the wine country, John Muir Woods, and Mendocino Village. Just depending on the number of days they have and on their physical condition, we’ll try for either Nevada City or Truckee and then on to Lake Tahoe.
But the crowning glory for most visitors is Yosemite!
Funny incident: as DAWG-tired Grandma and Brünhilda were driving three teenaged grandchildren home from having camped in Yosemite Valley, one grandson exclaimed, “LOOKIT”! On the map it says it’s just almost straight across this big valley and we’ll be in Carmel!” Nope-nope-nope!
California is so large and blessed that the Bucket List destinations go on and on.
Disneyland?! Gimme a break. Plastic toys and crowds, no thanks.
Yosemite, Tahoe, Sequoia, redwood groves, Big Sur/Carmel coast, Monterey Bay, Getty Museum, Alcatraz, Catalina Island, Joshua Tree, La Jolla Cove, Coronado, SD gaslight district, Old Town Pasadena, Mission San Juan Capistrano, Carmel Mission, Pt Reyes, Mammoth, Santa Barbara’s State Street, Malibu… the list goes on and on.
Yosemite and Tahoe probably up at the top of the list. A cruise of SF Bay isn’t bad either!
I didn’t even mention the wine districts!
Back in the 40s, 50s and 60s my extended family from Oklahoma would come out every 3 or 4 years on vacation. We took them to most of the SF Bay Area tourist attractions…..Fisherman’s Wharf, Golden Gate park, Fleishhacker Zoo, the Sutro Baths and Yosemite. In the late 60s when they came out all they wanted to see were the Hippies at Haight/Ashbury. One relative told his kids to make sure to lock the car doors before we left Concord in our three car caravan. Everyone that lived here had a good laugh, that was the highlight of their vacation to California in ’68 or ’69.
Starbucks in Firebaugh……
It’s definitely the World’s Tallest Thermometer in Baker. People flock here from all over the world to see that.
Stockton, Modesto, Fesno and Bakerfield all great place to visit because nobody wants to visit those town in central valley so boring hahahahahah
top 5 things to do in central valley
enjoy the 110 degree during summer
fast food restaurants
go for a walk and see nothing
garage sales
enjoy the libary