Home » Concord Man Arrested For Armed Robbery In Pleasant Hill

Concord Man Arrested For Armed Robbery In Pleasant Hill


A 30-year-old Concord man was arrested for armed robbery in Pleasant Hill.

The following information is from the Pleasant Hill Police Dept.:

Last night at around 6:15p.m., officers responded to a report of an armed robbery at a business in the 2100 block of Contra Costa Boulevard.


Employees reported the suspect had brandished a taser while stealing approximately $800 worth of merchandise. The suspect fled the area before police arrival. Officers on-scene developed a suspect vehicle lead and ultimately located the vehicle and the suspect at a gas station in Martinez.

The suspect, 30 year-old Brett Abril of Concord, was taken into custody.

A taser and stolen property were recovered.

Abril was booked into county jail for robbery and possession of stolen property. No injuries were sustained by any party during this investigation. This case involved great teamwork between the investigating officers and the employees of this business who recognized the suspect from a prior theft and called us immediately.


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All he had to do was walk quietly out the door, and he’d be home free.


How many minutes before Becton has him back on the streets doing this again?


From his FB page, looks like the guy has made some bad choices throughout his life. 4 kids will continue to suffer without their dad around, even if he wasn’t focused on them during periods of his life.

Lost an unborn child, twin brother passed away, 12 year relationship broke up, has a history of theft and addiction issues.

MAYBE this will help him get straight. Glad nobody was physically hurt.

The DA won’t do anything not over a thousand dollars.He will say he was on drugs didn’t know what he was doing.Back on the streets soon.

+1 …..and another chance to do it again.. he won’t learn anything from it

There is no property value associated with the crime of robbery.

CA Penal Code § 211
Robbery is the felonious taking of personal property in the possession of another, from his person or immediate presence, and against his will, accomplished by means of force or fear.
(Enacted 1872.)

This guy is a child abuser! The police have arrested and released his methed out @ss multiply times. Something needs to stick for his kids safety and likely for his own safety. The system has let this guy get away with child abuse, drug abuse and much more. I worry the only way it will end is when he kills someone. Please prosecute him.

Brett Abril was a wonderful man and father for many years. Two years ago his twin passed away of an overdose, he lost his job as a French chef due to covid, and his step daughter that he raised since she was 4 months old started disrespecting him almost daily and had on multiple occasions punched him in the face for him simply doing what he has always done be her father. We would literally catch her in the act of sneaking out at 3 am and she’d yell and hit him saying you can’t tell me what to do your not my real dad. Catch her sexually chatting guys in their twenty’s on likee and Snapchat and take her phone and shed kick him. We have been getting her help for her anger issues for the last three years but she has bi polar disorder and major depressive disorder and often refuses help. Once he relapsed on drugs he wasn’t able to take HER anger anymore and did something he should have never done he hit her back. I called the police that night and he was arrested but they never pressed charges because there wasn’t enough evidence of a crime and that was with my video cameras catching the incident live. Due to his drug use and the fighting between Adrianna and him escalating he moved out. He doesn’t beat his children. At most he takes their tablets and electronics away in fact the kids adore him and are more traumatized that they lost their dad than witnessing the big fight between their sister and him. Even with Brett out of the home one would think things have calmed down but Adrianna has basically just turned her anger to me and has now started hitting me when she gets upset and yelling at me all the time. Things no longer escalate because I walk away until she’s calm again. I know better not to react poorly to her mood swings and am doing my part as her mother to get her the help she needs with therapy and wrap around program for teens. My husband and I got sober together in 2012. We are still married but I have told him we are separating because he won’t get clean again and I’m tired of waiting on him to change. Even so nothing excuses his actions and I’m in complete agreement he needs to be put away so he stops committing crimes. That doesnt take away from the fact He needs a drug treatment program and therapy. Without drug involvement he is a completely different person. The type of guy that brought groceries to our elderly neighbor during the pandemic and when he noticed the kids egged her house walked them over to apologize in person and then climed her roof and scrubbed it clean even though she said he didn’t have too. For years he took her trash cans out every week. He would take the kids and wash cars for twenty dollars and when they had earned 100 each he took them to target and let them buy whatever they wanted. He reads bedtime stories and makes smores over candles in the kitchen. Has scary movie marathons while eating kids choice junk food. Cooks dinner for his family after working a 12 hour shift exhausted because he knew even as a stay at home mom I needed a break too and kept me sane when my son died in my belly right before Christmas. When his twin died leaving three children and a heartbroken widow who couldn’t get out of bed he asked me if we could bring his niece and nephew to live with us for almost a year. He bought them clothes and backpacks for school and took the added expense of two more children on less than 4k a month and didn’t ask his sister in law for a dime of help. He was introduced to methamphetamines at the age of 11 and has always turned to them when his world got to painful. No one should be just judged for the worst things they’ve ever done. Brett is many things but filth and abuser is not one of them. I want his victims to be compensated for the trauma his actions have caused but I also want him to get the help he needs so he can return to the man I know he can be.

@Larena – Thank you for sharing that heartbreaking story. Providing candid context with vivid candor takes a great deal of courage, especially before these angry virtual villagers wielding digital torches and iPhone pitchforks.

Your ex-husband is a sick man with a sympathetic hard luck story. Behind most horrendous deeds is a tragic story steeped in raw humanity. Alas, the enmeshed, intergenerational pathology you describe is a common thread among convicts’ families. Notwithstanding his industrious disposition, history of benevolent undertakings and horrendous misfortune, the defendant’s alleged behavior militates severe, drastic intervention to protect the community from what sounds like a spiral of impulsive recklessness that’s been quickly escalating to depraved predation.

Though the California justice system is an ineffective quagmire, there is are some institutional mental health resources, including addiction treatment programs for inmates who seek them out. Fortunately, he got pinched for (per your narrative) his first major felony without inflicting any serious injuries. As the victim of — a much scarier, less comical — armed robbery, my sympathies overwhelmingly tilt to the innocent merchants and customers he allegedly traumatized.

It sounds like he has something to live for and marketable culinary skills. For the sake of your children and the rest of your family, I sincerely hope some time in county and the very real prospect of a 2-9 year stretch on a Level III or IV yard upstate jolts him awake like a quid of pure crystal meth during a booze bender. May god bless you and your kids on the unenviable road ahead. I pray that you can break this cycle.

Why don’t you post everyone’s mug shot like this? Especially all those doing the smash and grabs that have been caught

You know why. We ALL know why.

yea, we all know why…it doesnt fit the narrative. Also the catch and release program is based on income.

Great job by all of the Police involved.

The police are the best.

So you only let people comment when it’s talking bad about the person?

I’m sorry you had to go through all this.

Dear Larena I am praying for you and Bret. He hears and has compassion . Seek Him Please check out t East Bay Fathers house on Church Lane right off of Olivera road. There is help for you there. I know. Nothing is too impossible for Him

Your story was very detailed and troubling. It reinforces the fact that some situations are multilayered. Sounds like he does need help and support, and I hope he gets it. I regret my earlier comment. He does need to be held accountable for his crime, but clearly needs help as well. Unfortunately public services in California are sadly lacking. I hope it all works out in the end, and with his troubled daughter as well.

Larena Abril, Thank you for posting, although you really shouldn’t have to respond to the smug, judgmental comments that grow like radioactive mold on this site. I don’t know Brett or his family. I would like to think that he could find a path to return to his former life. If he needs help to do so, I trust that all the people that posted would be happier if he did.

Dear Larena, The minute I saw your husbands picture I prayed for him. whe you shared about him.. I then knew why. God hasa great love for you both. Please contact The Fathers House for prison ministry. Seek Him and He will be found. I am praying for all of you . In His love. Mayflower

The wife’s comments explain a lot regarding this fellow.

Life has been cruel for him and then got worse.

There is room for considering compassion in dealing with this man.

Yes, he should pay for his crime but maybe someone can help this individual make better choices going forward. I hope so for all involved.

Typical Crankster gangster.

Doesn’t do it for his gang or his set or clique, but for the dope itself.

Screw his addictions, struggles, excuses and degenerate tendencies.

Watch him be back out on the streets this weekend, mething things up again..

Yes, he needs a bit of jail time and help with drug and family issues, but never an excuse to rob and threaten others.

Good luck Larena!!!! And, there are likely programs to assist your family in the current situation, please seek them out.


Sorry to say, life is not easy and everyone of us goes through hard times. My life story would tear your heart out but it is no excuse for crime.

I am absolutely sick and tired of people who sympathize with scum like this. Spend some time in places like India, the Congo, or Moldovia where people nothing. They don’t steal, rob, or feel sorry for themselves.



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