Home » Concord City Council To Vote On Placing Marijuana Store In Park & Shop

Concord City Council To Vote On Placing Marijuana Store In Park & Shop


The Concord City Council will decide tonight whether to allow a cannabis storefront retail operation to move into the Park & Shop strip mall.

Santa Barbara-based Coastal Retail wants to occupy 1847 Willow Pass Road, becoming the third retail cannabis storefront operation in Concord. The city adopted an ordinance in 2020 to allow three such adult-use only establishments in the city, along with manufacturers, non-storefront retail,
distributors and microbusinesses.

The city received 21 proposals for their limited storefront permits. Coastal was one of three chosen, along with Authentic Concord and Culture Club Corporate Enterprise.

The planning commission officially recommended the project in December, forwarding it to the council for final approval.


The Concord City Council meets at 6:30 p.m. and the session can be streamed on the city’s website.

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Oh Yeah! What could possibly go wrong with that?

its no different than a bar

What do you think will happen? A weed store is no more of an attractive nuisance for thefts or trouble than a liquor store, cell phone or designer handbag store. It’s legal. Welcome to the 21st century.

Like we need more stoners…
We are circling the drain.

A perfect place, not too far from Ellis Lake

I’m curious if the Concord situation mirrors the Martinez one, in which the winning proposals are the ones that put in writing that they will give a certain percentage of their income to various police slush funds. I’m generally pro- police, and I’m generally pro-marijuana, but I am generally anti-hypocrisy. There are still people rotting in jail for selling weed, and yet in Martinez the police protect, and profit from, selling weed. Perhaps the wrong people are in jail.

No one is rotting in jail anymore for sell marijuana.

@Darwin you are completely wrong. It’s still illegal federally and in many other states.

If this goes through and is opened, I give it 90 days maximum before it is robbed and or broken into at night.

… betcha 60 or less…

Have you checked how often the other stores in the center are broken into or robbed? Especially the cell phone stores?

Like we need more stoners…
We are circling around the drain.

Alcohol deaths in the USA per year: 95,000

Tobacco deaths in the USA per year: over 500,000

Cannabis deaths in the USA per year: 0

Ponder that for a moment.


People are so weird about weed. Alcohol literally ruins lives (including my own via close family members). My alcoholic ex-husband asked me if I preferred if he was an alcoholic or a stoner, and I enthusiastically answered stoner.

No stoner has EVER ruined my life.

Wow, what are you smoking?
Fast Facts
Marijuana is the most commonly used federally illegal drug in the United States; 48.2 million people, or about 18% of Americans, used it at least once in 2019.1
Recent research estimated that approximately 3 in 10 people who use marijuana have marijuana use disorder.2 For people who begin using marijuana before age 18, the risk of developing marijuana use disorder is even greater.3
Marijuana use directly affects the brain, specifically the parts of the brain responsible for memory, learning, attention, decision-making, coordination, emotion, and reaction time. Infants, children, and teens (who still have developing brains) are especially susceptible to the adverse effects of marijuana.4,5
Long-term or frequent marijuana use has been linked to increased risk of psychosis or schizophrenia in some users.6,7
Using marijuana during pregnancy may increase the person’s risk for pregnancy complications. Pregnant and breastfeeding persons should avoid marijuana.8

Park & Spark.

No, it’s Park & Shoot.

Park & Toke

Park n’ Rob

Marijuana store placed near a bunch of restaurants equals more sales tax revenue.

Good one!🤣🤣🤣🤣

Council: we will vote on a marijuana store in Park N Shop.

Concord citizens: Park N Shop isn’t already a marijuana store?

As if that shopping center isn’t bad enough already.

The City only sees Revenue

Wouldn’t you like to be the business stuck next to that!

Unbelievably assine and stupid!!!

I have yet to see that the commercial sales benefits the elderly and/or the people that need pain management. All I have heard and read is the burglarizing and robbery of these establishments!

Park’N’Shop: fantastic siting!!

We have plenty of liquor stores – we seem to be doing just fine.

The Concord city motto of “Where Families Come First” is being replaced by “I love the smell of burning grass in the morning.”

@ WC Resident – so we should ban alcohol as well. Alcohol is worse that pot.

Banning alcohol again will require another Constitutional Amendment to overturn the Constitutional Amendment that overturned the first Constitutional Amendment that banned alcohol. You’d have to be incredibly stoned to think that will ever happen.

there really needs to be a sarcasm font…

That is a perfect spot! With all the restaurants in the area, there is no need to go far when the pot heads get a munchies!

Surprisingly this joint joint isn’t going where Fry’s used to be! They could have placed a marijuana dispensary, a shooting range, a rehab facility, and a strip club at the former Fry’s location. This is Concord’s opportunity to be emulated by other cities since it is becoming, more and more, a progressive city where families come first.

i can’t tell from the map what it would be replacing.. is it the businesses across from starbucks? it does seem weird that they wouldn’t be attempting to take the fry’s space

I haven’t been to Park & Shoot since the pandemic started but it seems to me, from the address given, that they will be taking the space where McDonald’s used to be or where that Mediterranean restaurant is or was.

We will be seeing more of this in Concord, the progressive city where families (safety) comes first.

You mean to tell me that there hasn’t been one impaired driver from marijuana that has died in an auto accident?The city sure doesn’t need that type of business.This city is going to hell along with the politicians.

Are you advocating for the banning of alcohol in the county? Because we have had drunk driving accidents.

Usually they try to locate them closer to schools. It’s a progressive thing.

Yeah, that’s a lie.

If it passes then there needs to be some kind of benchmark or trial period rules when opened on safety and crime. … something like 120 days opened and if it brings in many complaints or gets many police service calls etc then it closes.

You people just seem to be dead set against weed.
You do realize 80% of the population either smokes it or eats pot edibles, especially senior citizens.
I do agree however why would anybody go to a store to buy that kind of stuff which you can get better stuff for half the price from a local dealers right out of their houses in nice neighborhoods not some run down piece of crap shopping center in the worst part of town.

It blows my mind how people are so against weed ANY time things like this come up. Go and protest outside of liquor stores.

As I posted above, none of the stoners I know have ever messed with me, and plenty are successful people in stable, well-paying jobs. All the drinkers I know are just cluster-effs who leave chaos in their wake.

Statistics on alcoholism, alcohol-related violence, and drunk drivers will back that up.

. How dare you cite overwhelming evidence? This forum is for reinforcing untested belief systems. Objective analysis is frowned upon.

If you filled a room with people, all drinking, you know fights will start. Fill that same room with people smoking weed and they’ll all be one big happy family within an hour. Thats the room I’ll be in.

@Rolaids nailed it.

The City Council will approve this.

It’s all about the money.

It always is.

Why shouldn’t the city coffers benefit from the cannabis taxes they could be making? My cannabis taxes are going to Martinez, Berkeley and Antioch. A lot could be done with it. Get on board or get out of the way.

The sick liberals want to bring drug addiction and homelessness to destroy your suburbs. You stupid democrats voting for liberal policies. It will end. Either you can vote them out and stop the madness, or they will destroy your communities.

@joey – What “suburb” are you talking about here? Suburbia end in Walnut Creek and Pleasant Hill.

Concord (particularly the Willow Pass / Clayton Road corridors between 680 / 242 and downtown) is ALREADY a dystopian wasteland.

Junkies and bums leach off everyone else with impunity, and the working suckers struggling to get by are to hapless to too lazy to run them out of town. The few productive people who still live out there do so because they feel insecure among decent people, so they move to the crossings to act high and might.

Concord’s public apathy has done far more damage than any cluster of political views.Y’all made your own bed; lie in it without blaming political phantoms in far away capitals.

So, is this new pot dispensary the new place of employment for the drug mules illegally crossing the southern border on the daily?

As Laura Ingraham said….keep them numb and dumb. Only dumb people numb their brains.

Are you a consumer of alcohol?

You need to be numb and dumb to vote dem.

I thought the entire legal industry was on the verge of collapse?

Rossmoor is keeping alot of the pot edibles suppliers in business. Best clientele out there in the east bay.
Pot isn’t going away, anyone who thinks it so is out of touch with reality.

Neighbors around me have grown it for years.

The weed stores off Port Chicago are nice stores. It is not just weed they sell. They sell oils and all kinds of cool merchandise. I don’t smoke but my dogs like the CBD oils. They sell t shirts, wind chimes etc. Concord has done worse.

Brings nothing but Blight & Low lifes.
Be around the dispenseries at Sunrise or Alhambra Ave in Martinez when the Losers show up to get their fix.
How does that work that they all show up at once?

These are bottom feeders. You want to be “respectable”? GROW YOUR OWN, or is your brain too destroyed to do that???

As someone who smokes a little weed and takes edibles, I am offended by your comment. I have a good paying job of many years, own my own home, drive a nice car and have very little debt. Yet, you refer to me and my friends as lowlifes and bottom feeders. While I haven’t been to the dispensary on Alhambra, I do shop at Velvet on Sunrise. The staff are friendly and knowledgeable. The other customers appear to come from all walks of life and not one looks to be a lowlife.

Folks, get a life. This must be what people sounded like before prohibition was repealed. A bunch of uptight folks, who could benefit from getting a little stoned.



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