Home » The Water Cooler – Should The U.S. Get Involved In The Conflict Between Russia & Ukraine?

The Water Cooler – Should The U.S. Get Involved In The Conflict Between Russia & Ukraine?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


Today, the U.S. put 8,500 troops on “higher-alert” as tensions increase between Russia and Ukraine.

QUESTION: Should the U.S. get involved in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, or should we stay out of it?

Talk about it….

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Maybe the question should be: Should Russia be allowed to just take over the smaller countries around it?

How to stop that without a war I have no idea. Seems like nobody believes in diplomacy anymore so that apparently isn’t going to work even through there is a show of “trying” it.

America has taken over smaller countries for the past 100 years. Maybe we should bring Democracy to Australia 1st and stay out of poking the Russian bear.

Maybe the question should be: Why does joe biden and the deep state care more about the Ukrainian border then the US border?

Or: Why are they distracting from the COVID HOAX being exposed as a global genocide?

Or: Do the people of Ukraine have an opinion if they want to be Russian or part of the EU?

Or: Is this the beginning of WW3 giving china’s positioning and our current weak president?

Or: Is this a big wag the dog to distract from the stolen election?

Or is it all of the above?

So many actual questions and you talk about Russia taking back a country that speaks Russian and was way better off when they were part of the union. It should be up to the people of Ukraine not joe biden and this illegitimate government.

No. And this buffoon of a President is going to get more US soldiers killed because he doesn’t understand the words coming out of his own mouth.

Congress is the one who needs to authorize war, which I think a lot of people have forgotten, but the executive branch has gotten far too powerful and seems to be dictating what the rest of the government should do, and what do we call people with vast amounts of power at the head of government that dictate to people?

It’s obviously called a dictator which is what our executive branch has evolved into and it’s time the executive branch gets reminded it is part of a system of CHECKS and BALANCES and does not control the direction of the country alone.

The fact that who the President is and dictating so much that determines our quality of life is a massive problem

Could be a good distraction to keep the voters occupied. Since WW2 we’ve constantly been in a conflict or war. Big money is involved so the politicians line up at the trough.

It’s a never ending cycle. Nothing to do with Geo-politics. It’s all about the $.

Plus the government needs a distraction from Covid.

Who cares about Ukraine? Let NATO and Europe handle it. We’re not the world police. Let China deal with it, at least they’re on the same continent.

All wars are bankers wars.

“let NATO handle it”?

You do know that we are part of NATO so saying let NATO handle it means let the US and the other member of NATO handle it.

Yes we’re a part of NATO. So are 29 other countries. If NATO agrees to participate it’s vastly different than USA going wild cowboy over there.

We are already got involved by sending military aid to Ukraine. So far the total price tag is 650m. what will we get in return? I don’t know. Just hope that the us won’t commit sending troops.

….yes, and China is watching closely as they are eyeing Taiwan and the South China Sea, as Iran is continuing to stir up trouble – that would intensify and probably go after Israel …. we’ve had weak leadership – now is the time to stand up to the Soviet / Sino expansion.

This is a likely possibility, and the future may very well be determined
by our actions here. Showing some force as well as increased sanctions are the only real acts we can take-I don’t think the nation is ready for another war. Looks like it’ll be a game of chicken to me.

We should have already imposed significant economic sanctions on Russia. However, the President is viewed (correctly) as being weak and incompetent and is in way over his head with Putin. Blinken is also in way over his head. There is also the issue of the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum_on_Security_Assurances
I know there is some question as to whether it is a treaty or binding. However, it seems to me that the U.S. gave Ukraine it’s word that we would support them and it seems that to not do so will damage us in future situations. Of course if Trump (or Reagan) were President, I firmly believe that Putin wouldn’t even consider taking action. Not doing much will also give the green light for China to take over Taiwan, especially if while we’re dealing with Russia in the Ukraine at the same time.

Peace through strength works every time, weakness doesn’t.

We are already “involved”….
The UN should be the front line deterrence.
But what is YOUR definition of “involved”?

Biden should do quite well handling this with his, and his son Hunter’s, “experience” dealing with Ukraine.

yep and all the baggage China has on Hunter that would be exposed if they try to stop China invasion of Taiwan. Not wot mention Swawell”s involvement with a Chinese spy.

Well Gittyup you really think the problem is dealing with Ukraine, not with Russia? Maybe you should get some information from other sources.

Tell me again what is the problem with have with Ukraine that needs to be dealt with?

Russia, China, North Korea and Iran are all saying…Lets Go Brandon…

Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration has reportedly indicated that it will not be able to evacuate U.S. citizens from Ukraine amid rapidly deteriorating conditions as Russia appears likely to invade at any moment.

Just like Clinton and Benghazi…. Only worse.

Effing democrats- abandoning our people.

Abandoning our people in favor of ILLEGAL ALIENS?

As others have said here, we are already involved. This smells of ‘ Wag the Dog’ distraction from this failing administration…

Oh, hell no. A war with Russia will not be a small conflict, but an all out war that we cannot win. Trump was on the right track when he was wanted to become friends with Putin. The US and Russia should not be adversaries, and we can accomplish this by keeping our nose out of their business when it doesn’t affect our national interest. Unlike the weak leadership we have in Washington, Putin is a strong leader. Ronald Reagan convinced Mikhail Gorbachev to sign the arms control agreement, bringing an end to the arms race, and tearing down the Berlin Wall, which resulted in the end of the Cold War.
For as long as I can remember, the media has portrayed Russia as our enemy. But are they really our enemy? Russia and the US have political differences, but it’s always the US that makes a big deal out of those differences, we just can’t seem to leave other countries alone when their policies conflict with ours. Our politicians are always saying we do not want to be the world’s police force, but we continue to meddle in foreign affairs and try to push our values onto other countries anyway.
It’s freezing cold in that region of the world, the Russians are used to it, and we are not. Our troops will suffer tremendously in that climate.
Let’s not forget, we haven’t won a war since WWII, and even then, there’s some question as to who really won the war. We may have won in the Pacific, but it was the Soviet Army that that captured Berlin, defeated the Nazi’s and brought an end to the war in Europe.

Dems love war!

Depends on NATO support.
Obviously, invasions of countries would be prohibited.

First of all. This wouldn’t have happened if Trump, our rightful President had been in office. The first year of the Biden regime proved Biden (and his handlers) a bumbling idiot.

Why we even do business with Russia and China is beyond me we need to totally embargo those two Communist countries. Those two countries are run by dictators the big bullies on the block but they probably look at America and look at the idiot that’s running our country right now.
It’s a no-win situation for anybody but wars are going to go on till the end of time.

Russia is not a communist country. After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia became a democratic republic, governed by elected officials.

No – Dementia Joe needs to secure our borders before we start worrying about any other borders. Maybe just send Cackles over there to find the “root cause”….. and leave her there.

@SF oh…Send Cackles with Hillary over there…The Cackles and Cankles Show, sounds like an old vaudevillian act.

I would only send troops if the Ukrainians and Russians guaranteed that all the participants will be up to date on their vaccines and boosters.

We are all in this together war is no excuse to not get vaccinated.

Stay out, . . .
Keeping mind eight years of obama biden administration and their tough
no nonsense approach that deterred world’s bad actors.

https://tinyurl.com/b8zuw7ws tough of syria part 1
https://tinyurl.com/h6fsxady tough of syria part 2
https://tinyurl.com/3yrpznwy standing up to iran

World’s bad actors were this afraid of obama biden administration.

Adding together members of this administration makes
(444 Day) jimmy carter look like, The Terminator.


Should have been
Adding together executive branch members of this administration

No we should not be involved in the conflict in Ukraine. In fact, we should not be there at all. Back in 1990 in an effort to tear down the Berlin Wall and reunify Germany the U.S. (Reagan Administration) struck a verbal deal with Mikhail Gorbachev. The deal was basically – you let Germany reunify and the U.S./NATO will promise not to move 1inch eastward. Gorbachev held up his part and west did not, as NATO has definitely moved east and is continuing to move east into Ukraine. I have no love for Russia, but I think people fail to see it through Russian eyes. Imagine if the U.S. had a falling out with Mexico and Russia came in with financial aid to Mexico and all they asked in return is that Mexico allow them to put soldiers, missiles etc. on the border with the U.S. The U.S. would come unglued. We would probably even entertain the idea of invading Mexico. In my opinion, what the U.S. should do is make a promise to Russia that the Ukraine will not be allowed into NATO if they promise to not invade. Basically a you don’t touch we don’t touch deal.

I’m thinking that this problem with Russia is more of a distraction from the horrific problems facing the US today.

The current regime has already had three strikes and looking to go to bat again by starting a war.

A war would plunge the US into a deep depression.

Just what the Sorosits would like to see happen.

What did Patton say at the end of WW2?
“We‘ll have to fight the Russians sooner or later, let’s do it now while we have the Army here to do it with.”

Mike Huckabee said this today: “The four-year vacation from American involvement in new foreign wars under Trump was nice while it lasted, wasn’t it?”

Another costly, deadly foreign war could have been prevented by simply having a strong President. China, which has already cracked down on Hong Kong and is threatening Taiwan, will be watching the US response to Russian aggression against Ukraine with great interest.

Democrat “leadership” is proving to be a perfect storm of incompetence, weakness and wrongheaded policies. People around the world, from our own crime-plagued cities to Afghanistan, and possibly soon in Ukraine, are paying the price with the loss of their rights, freedom and lives. I hope you’ll pray for them.


Our enemies are watching us grow weaker and more divided under this dysfunctional administration and they get bolder every time Biden blunders…… but hey! No mean tweets!

I understand that NATO does not want anything to do with a corrupt regime in the Ukraine. Why are we getting our panties in a bunch over what is probably no more than a test to see how “Sleepy Joe” reacts?

Absolutely not. Protect our own borders.


As you all know by now, Joe lost his temper and cursed at a reporter on live TV. How in the heck can we allow him to talk to anyone of importance?
No disrespect to the TV reporter……..

If Trump ordered ground troops to protect a country who paid his family millions in illegal cash, I bet the media would be covering it differently.

The only senators and congresspersons allowed to vote for military action should be those who have served or have a sibling or child serving. In other words, it wouldn’t happen because most don’t have a dog in that fight and never will. Follow the money and you’ll see who funds and profits from other’s blood.

Ask your Google assistant when world war 3 starts and it will tell you all you need to know I was very surprised what the answer was.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says:

“Any competent team in the White House, any capable American President, would have responded to such threats with immediate and tangible costs to the Russians”.

“They would have responded to the massive military build-up on Ukraine’s border with preemptive, crushing economic sanctions and an ironclad guarantee to help Ukraine defend itself should Russia invade. President Biden should be rallying European allies to commit themselves to standing against Putin and his lawless, authoritarian actions. But deterrence was lost with Biden’s weakness”.

The Powers to Be cant even handle the Border Crisis with illegals and terrorists that come into our country. You really think Joe is capable of handling a war? He left soldiers and American Civilians in Afghanistan. What a joke and a disgrace that these idiots are in office. He is so weak and Putin couldn’t wait to make a move. If Joe had balls, we would not be in this pickle of our liberties being taken away, inflation, racial injustices, children not getting an education, police being Villainized and anyone with a voice censored.



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