Home » Chick-fil-A Dumps Plans For Willow Pass Rd. Restaurant, Now Eyeing Old Claim Jumper Location On Diamond Blvd. In Concord

Chick-fil-A Dumps Plans For Willow Pass Rd. Restaurant, Now Eyeing Old Claim Jumper Location On Diamond Blvd. In Concord


Chick-fil-A has fled the coop on plans to construct a restaurant on Willow Pass Rd., across from Waterworld Parkway, and is now showing interest in the old Claim Jumper location in the Willows Shopping Center on Diamond Blvd.

They’ve already submitted plans to the City of Concord.


The project proposes demolishing the existing former Claim Jumper restaurant and constructing a 4,974 square foot Chick-fil-A quick service restaurant with seating for 90 customers, an outdoor dining patio, and a drive-through with two lanes.

We’ll keep you updated on any further developments.

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That would be an excellent location.
I support privately owned American companies and you should too.



I support American companies, but that location is not good. The traffic flow into that section of the Willows is terrible already. Add a drive thru line and it becomes a nightmare. Keep looking Chick.

Where did they suddenly produce all that extra parking area out front? It simply does not exist! Drive to the Willows and see for yourselves!

….. not to mention the direct business undertow aimed at Fuddruckers….

Put me down for a NO.

Ditto for me. I’m not seeing it. And I could be wrong, but isn’t that an enormous amount of restaurant space for a Chick-fil-A? Though it could be a bonus for Fuddruckers. Mmmm, Fuddruckers…🤤

They get the space it looks like from tearing down the old building and building there own style of building with a smaller footprint than what’s there

Still holding out for an Olive Garden in Concord.

Yes! Olive Garden!

Once you taste Fiore you can never go to Olive Garden aka Italian McD’s again

You should try actual Italian food sometime and you’ll see that the trash garden ain’t it.
(I’m Italian so I know good Italian food).

@CountryGal….. That’s probably true, but Olive Garden has the best “all you can eat Claycord corn snake”!….You may be missing the sarcasm regarding the Olive Garden responses. BTW…Everybody knows Taco Bell is the best Mexican food around.

lol who knows anymore.
There are actually people who enjoy the crap garden.
You’d be surprised!

I’m sure the city will give them a hard time and make them jump through hoops.Once the pockets are lined Chick-fil -A will go in.

Sounds like a good location for a great business.

I doubt that the Concord City Council will approve. It appears the loser city council folks prefer vacant and blighted buildings rather than support new businesses in Concord. Just drive down Clayton Rd to see first hand what the council has done in the last decade to add more businesses. Rather I should say their lack of involvement. Let’s face it. If the City Council members don’t get an engraved brick at the new location they’ll turn it down.

See, all Seeno needed to do was to promise the clowns an engraved brick at the CNWS. Boom. Bidding is over, nothing to see here.

Seriously Concord Clowns. Do some work already.

Let’s see if the new Mayor is as dumb as the rest or if he actually has a brain and…you know. Brass.

Much better plan from what I see The outdoor seating is a great idea with the way CCC is with their “rules” anymore.

I am still saddened to see Claim Jumper closed. Really awesome desserts with friendly service.

That building is slowly becoming an eyesore. The “labelscar” from the old Claim Jumper logo really is not a great look for the Willows. Would be awesome to see any business open up here and take over this empty building.

I think the Chick-fil-A folks would do better looking at Pleasant Hill or even Pacheco properties.

Concord’s too much of a pain to deal with.

As a contractor, I have experienced working with 8 cities in the bay area. They are ALL a pain in the A** to deal with.

I like that idea!

Go to their Walnut Creek location during lunch or dinner and you will see why this is a bad idea. They should go to Clayton rd.

Chick-fil-A and In-and Out and perhaps another taking over the vacant K-Mart location on Clayton Rd. Just a thought.


Judging by the volume at the new Pittsburg store, they’re going to want to wrap that drive thru around the building a couple more times. That’s my only concern. Otherwise, Concord this is yours to lose.

I appreciate Chik-fil-a, but do not personally enjoy their chicken, so I would not be a patron. That said, I think this area does not provide enough space for traffic, unless there are plans to level some of the other buildings in that area. Finding parking at Claim was usually easy, but still tight, but I do not see the flow being easily managed, as is. A different view, it does seem to be walking distance for the few dozen individuals seeking employment that hang around the Home Depot parking lot everyday.

Looks like you can fit about 30 cars in the pick-up line. Where are the other 50 or more cars going?

Jeff…. it isn’t just fried chicken or grilled chicken… they have lotsa choices.
Salads, wraps, breakfast items…. and those waffle fries are great too.
Parking could be a problem but most of the traffic is drive thru.
The new location in Antioch was very well planned for drive thru.

Thanks Doc, but to be honest, I am an admitted PITA. I am too frugal, some would say cheap, to buy something at a restaurant that I can make just as well at home. I cannot successfully fry chicken, but can make a helluva wrap. My wife loves their waffle fries, whereas I have never been a fan of any waffle fry (see, a real pain…). I do appreciate anytime someone, or some organization, try to start up a business, David, going against Goliath (government/regulators).

@ Dr Jellyfinger, apparently not well enough. There has been drama about the que being so long that it prevents the TOGOs and Carl’s Jr customers from reaching the cash registers. I’d be livid too if all of a sudden my lunch and dinner rushes were canceled by traffic jams.

There is such a thing as being too popular, but between In n’ Out and now Chic fil A there’s nobody at Carl’s Jr. anyway.

I’d love a Chick Fil’a in Concord, but that particular location just screams traffic blockage to get into the Willows would be a detriment to all the businesses curently there. Think of the lines at Chick Fil’a in WC and In and Out Burger in PH. They would need to make the drive through line come from the other direction

Nice. Make the dumpster enclosure the first thing you see while entering the willows. Classy!

That’s an even worse location for traffic. No thanks! Their chicken is good, but I’m not a fan of them as a company. I think they’d do better in Antioch or Brentwood. More their clientele.

Please provide a detailed description of their typical “clientele”.

Really? Chick-fil-a is great and I guarantee I have more education and more money than you.

@ Oh, please. That’s an odd flex, but since you GUARANTEE it, what IS your income and education? Specifics please, not generalities. The honor of the Chik-fil-A Nation hinges on your response.

Destroying that building is such a waste.
The interior always amazed me with all the natural stone and wood beams.

After loosing both Claim Jumper and Tahoe Joes, I’d like to see a non fast food restaurant back in that location and that building.


A perfect spot for Black Angus

With rampant inflation and sky high taxes how many people are going to open an expensive restaurant?
At the rate we’re going even fast food places are going to price themselves out of the market before too long.

Isn’t the ability to get in and out of a fast food joint pretty high on the list of important factors? Have you seen how long the line gets for the Krispy Kreme? This sounds like a pretty abysmal spot for it to be placed.

I went to Chick fil a once but didn’t exactly know what to order or about the condiments so the sandwich was OK but not great. However I see a line going into the Walnut Creek store so it must be better than I had. I want to know what is the best chicken sandwich and what to put on it. Forget cheese I don’t eat cheese.

I would like to see an Olive Garden or Red Lobster go into the old Railroad Station in WC.

If anyone thinks this is a good idea, please go visit the new Chick-fil-A in Antioch. What a disaster . The line will never be contained in that small claim jumper parking lot. The line is so long in Antioch, it’s about the equivalent to THIS proposed line stretching back over to Lazy Dog. Seriously.

thats cuz they all got free money and they all spend it really stupidly in that area.Must be a line of Suburbans with rims and bass boomin,and screaming kids.Doing anything in Antioch is an experience

Isn’t the answer obvious?
We just need 2 or 3 times as many Chic-fil-a’s & In ‘n Out locations as we currently have! It’s the only way to shorten the lines.
Supply & Demand
Let’s Go!

This is NOT a good location for a chick fil a.
Have thess idiots ever been to the willows shopping center?
There is NO room for an eatery that big.
The traffic going in and out of there is a mess and there’s not much parking to begin with.
I hope this doesn’t get approved.
Look for a bigger lot with more space!

@fuddruckers, LOL



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